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  On 05/04/2019 at 10:56, Stoney100 said:

With all due respect it is for you to say mate! There is nothing wrong in saying you want this country to be better than it is imo but don’t be blinded as to why it is what it is. We all say the country is f****d yet just carry on paying 20% of our wages towards it so I’d definitely say it’s for you/me/everyone to have our say tbh. 

I guess I’m trying to say being English, Welsh, Scottish or northern Irish is down to where your born, your heritage and your roots......being British is whole different cup of tea that you have a choice about being part of or want nothing to do with.......maybe I see it wrong but that’s just my take on it tbh


I class myself as Welsh.

I don't feel anything when I see the British flag.

Absolute zero connection to it to be honest.

The tax rate is 20% there's nowt I can do about that.

Flat out moaning won't get me anywhere in life either.

You have seen them fecking mps the last few months and the way they behave.

 I drive a bulldozer for a living.

I ain't really got a clue about politics or manifestos etc.

Like I said it is what it is.

Nothing I can do to change that.


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Stone me,logging onto Thl while sitting in a 40k football stadium watching your team play is bad,but logging onto Thl while running away from a bomb scare is taking the piss.

I thought hard about the Frosties myself before I moved, it was toss up between them and getting stabbed living amongst 9 trillion wogs !.......it was a close call ! Lol lol 

I'm not guilty of our history i'm proud. As a country we forgave germany within 1 generation.why is what we done 1000s if years ago to blame for whats happened in the last 20.

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  On 05/04/2019 at 12:51, king said:

I class myself as Welsh.

I don't feel anything when I see the British flag.

Absolute zero connection to it to be honest.

The tax rate is 20% there's nowt I can do about that.

Flat out moaning won't get me anywhere in life either.

You have seen them fecking mps the last few months and the way they behave.

 I drive a bulldozer for a living.

I ain't really got a clue about politics or manifestos etc.

Like I said it is what it is.

Nothing I can do to change that.



Again your right, but I’m sorry I can’t agree on that last line......you can change it for yourself but it means taking the risk abroad and that’s the chance a lot aren’t prepared to take so get thinking they can’t things and have to put up with it!

not a dig btw

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  On 05/04/2019 at 11:39, WILF said:

That Orban is a bit of a legend in my book mate, £27k starter loan at low interest for young Hungarian families, then written off on the birth of your 4th child and your family taken out of the tax system!

No imported shit required !

Thats how you build your own back up again.



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  On 05/04/2019 at 12:55, Stoney100 said:

Again your right, but I’m sorry I can’t agree on that last line......you can change it for yourself but it means taking the risk abroad and that’s the chance a lot aren’t prepared to take so get thinking they can’t things and have to put up with it!

not a dig btw


I've spent my entire life surrounded by white people.

I've never been around coloured people I grew up and only seen a few Chinese in the village who ran the local takeaway.

I've moved from Wales to England a few miles from the north Wales border.

Yet again pure white people everywhere.

I know Birmingham and other big city's are over run with different coloured people and have turned into shit holes.

But I can't see it or have anything to do with it.

There's nothing I can do about that.

I choose to live amongst white folk and will do so untill I die.

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  On 05/04/2019 at 13:06, king said:

I've spent my entire life surrounded by white people.

I've never been around coloured people I grew up and only seen a few Chinese in the village who ran the local takeaway.

I've moved from Wales to England a few miles from the north Wales border.

Yet again pure white people everywhere.

I know Birmingham and other big city's are over run with different coloured people and have turned into shit holes.

But I can't see it or have anything to do with it.

There's nothing I can do about that.

I choose to live amongst white folk and will do so untill I die.


Fair enough mate, like I said wasn’t a dig and your a lucky man not living round them I tell you that, atb

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  On 05/04/2019 at 13:11, Stoney100 said:

Fair enough mate, like I said wasn’t a dig and your a lucky man not living round them I tell you that, atb


I fecking hate them all as much as you.

Wiping there arses with there hands and having sex with there kid family members.

I detest them.

You have a choice.either live with them or not.

I choose not to.

Do your self a massive favour and get away from the dirty fexkers.

You only got 1 life.

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  On 05/04/2019 at 13:14, king said:

I fecking hate them all as much as you.

Wiping there arses with there hands and having sex with there kid family members.

I detest them.

You have a choice.either live with them or not.

I choose not to.

Do your self a massive favour and get away from the dirty fexkers.

You only got 1 life.


What And miss out on the delights on offer at the pak and Kashmir superstore lol8B4F69E2-9749-4713-8E04-4A70E30F6C06.jpeg.b304584f9bece79890febb3bb6fae71f.jpeg

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  On 05/04/2019 at 01:28, Stoney100 said:

What, as in the way that the British empire did exactly the same thing to there ancestors? 250 years ago ghandis great grandad could of been sat happily in his hut in India, 6 wife’s, as many goats as a man could want while his 30 kids work the rice fields and cattle, quiet content with his life until the British came along and took everything he owned, killed or raped his wives/children, forced him to live under the British raj (rule) and forcing unknown millions of his country folk to starve to death as all the crops they grew got took off them and exported round the empire! The British empire is responsible for 20 times the deaths of the nazis, we even had our own concentration camps in South Africa for boer POWs, look up the “Amritsar massacre” and see how British soldiers rounded up over 2000 peaceful Indians protesting against the British raj in some walled gardens and then the officers ordered the Gurkha soldiers to keep firing rifles into the crowds for ten minutes killing 1000 and injuring the rest and then the British public raised £26,000 as a thank you to the officer who ordered the killings and you wonder why people hate the British and want to come here to take advantage of what our ancestors did to their homelands? Our queen was the queen of Pakistan  ?? for a while and as part of the many back handers britain gave to Pakistan and all the other country’s we gave independence to they agreed that so many could have British passports to come to england to work, so 1000s did which soon became millions and we are left with what we all see in front of our eyes today! As I get older and slightly wiser, I’ve started to realise that Britain and being British is f**k all to be proud of, infact I cant say I even class myself as British anymore, im English and it’s just unlucky the British HQ is based in London so any of its citizens are welcome on these shores as much as we are welcome on there’s it’s just not many go the other way lol if ever you watch these “racist moment on bus/train” type videos on YouTube 9 times out of 10 it will be some drunk saying something along the lines of “you should all f**k off cause your not English” and then the Indian/pakistani/Nigerian/Chinese etc victim will simply reply “no I’m not, I’m British” and that is where the argument ends imo as they are spot on, whether you like it or not they do have the right to come over here, they do have the right to have use our welfare system, they do have the right to use the NHS etc etc because they are as British as Tommy Robinson, it’s more the fact it’s your choice as to whether you stay in england and accept it or move to pastures new and be nothing to do with it. The real truth is England and the English under British rule have been f****d over just as much as any other country that ever had the misfortune of being ruled by the British empire, all the big cities here are f****d, London’s mayor is Islamic and people think it will all change coming out of Europe when infact it was our own empire that created the wonderful mess of england 2019! 

This part wont go down well on here but please hear me out......

I believe islam is a religion of peace :shok: now at first glance that might sound crazy but I really do believe it! Going back to ghandis grandad quickly, before partition his fellow countryman further north in the Kashmir regions was a Muslim, a man who like ghandis grandad was content with sitting watching the sunset, saying a few prayers then spending the night with his 9 year old wife (it’s ok cause his prophet says so) and while he might conform to a backwards religion from the desert, he is content and peaceful with his lot until someone (ie the British empire) starts invading his land and commuting some of the worst human atrocities the world has ever seen! So what are they going to do? Well like any of us they are going to fight back and with history having a nasty habit of repeating themselves them coming to take over here is no worse than what the British forced on them! They were happy herding goats in stunning mountain scenery, they were happy f***ing their own sisters and marrying their own cousins, they were happy just doing whatever Muslims in 1800s India did and if Britain never went there and did what it did then there’s every chance they would still be happily doing it over there! 

You reap what you sow ?? ?



It’s refreshing to hear an English man speak the truth and say it as it actually is, was going to write something similar but without the details and a lot of swearing lol but it just would of been shouted down as anti British propaganda. 

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  On 05/04/2019 at 01:28, Stoney100 said:

What, as in the way that the British empire did exactly the same thing to there ancestors? 250 years ago ghandis great grandad could of been sat happily in his hut in India, 6 wife’s, as many goats as a man could want while his 30 kids work the rice fields and cattle, quiet content with his life until the British came along and took everything he owned, killed or raped his wives/children, forced him to live under the British raj (rule) and forcing unknown millions of his country folk to starve to death as all the crops they grew got took off them and exported round the empire! The British empire is responsible for 20 times the deaths of the nazis, we even had our own concentration camps in South Africa for boer POWs, look up the “Amritsar massacre” and see how British soldiers rounded up over 2000 peaceful Indians protesting against the British raj in some walled gardens and then the officers ordered the Gurkha soldiers to keep firing rifles into the crowds for ten minutes killing 1000 and injuring the rest and then the British public raised £26,000 as a thank you to the officer who ordered the killings and you wonder why people hate the British and want to come here to take advantage of what our ancestors did to their homelands? Our queen was the queen of Pakistan  ?? for a while and as part of the many back handers britain gave to Pakistan and all the other country’s we gave independence to they agreed that so many could have British passports to come to england to work, so 1000s did which soon became millions and we are left with what we all see in front of our eyes today! As I get older and slightly wiser, I’ve started to realise that Britain and being British is f**k all to be proud of, infact I cant say I even class myself as British anymore, im English and it’s just unlucky the British HQ is based in London so any of its citizens are welcome on these shores as much as we are welcome on there’s it’s just not many go the other way lol if ever you watch these “racist moment on bus/train” type videos on YouTube 9 times out of 10 it will be some drunk saying something along the lines of “you should all f**k off cause your not English” and then the Indian/pakistani/Nigerian/Chinese etc victim will simply reply “no I’m not, I’m British” and that is where the argument ends imo as they are spot on, whether you like it or not they do have the right to come over here, they do have the right to have use our welfare system, they do have the right to use the NHS etc etc because they are as British as Tommy Robinson, it’s more the fact it’s your choice as to whether you stay in england and accept it or move to pastures new and be nothing to do with it. The real truth is England and the English under British rule have been f****d over just as much as any other country that ever had the misfortune of being ruled by the British empire, all the big cities here are f****d, London’s mayor is Islamic and people think it will all change coming out of Europe when infact it was our own empire that created the wonderful mess of england 2019! 

This part wont go down well on here but please hear me out......

I believe islam is a religion of peace :shok: now at first glance that might sound crazy but I really do believe it! Going back to ghandis grandad quickly, before partition his fellow countryman further north in the Kashmir regions was a Muslim, a man who like ghandis grandad was content with sitting watching the sunset, saying a few prayers then spending the night with his 9 year old wife (it’s ok cause his prophet says so) and while he might conform to a backwards religion from the desert, he is content and peaceful with his lot until someone (ie the British empire) starts invading his land and commuting some of the worst human atrocities the world has ever seen! So what are they going to do? Well like any of us they are going to fight back and with history having a nasty habit of repeating themselves them coming to take over here is no worse than what the British forced on them! They were happy herding goats in stunning mountain scenery, they were happy f***ing their own sisters and marrying their own cousins, they were happy just doing whatever Muslims in 1800s India did and if Britain never went there and did what it did then there’s every chance they would still be happily doing it over there! 

You reap what you sow ?? ?



??? f**k me what have you been reading....havent just come out the shovel by any chance have you ?......the first part of their speech is an interesting story,white guilt and all that....but i take it you didnt get the second part ..." peaceful religion " ? ....it starts off telling you how its their right and duty to deceive no matter how violent or cruel as instructed in the Koran,advancement of the cause,Taqiya and all that shit....and ends up saying how you,ll be praised and rewarded as a good person for your violence and killing and how its only punishable in the West !...call to action,dont have to submit to man made laws so can own women and treat them like domestic animals as long as you feed and clothe them.......yeah its a lovely tranquil and placid religion with a bit of luck they might not kill us.

Edited by gnasher16
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  On 05/04/2019 at 07:11, WILF said:

Can’t really argue with much of that......it won’t be welcomed on here mind you because too much of it rings true.


Home truths, never going to be popular matey ;)

good post.


It wont be welcomed on here for the exact thing i like about this site and that is its not governed by political correctness !

There was a time when we could fly our flag and be proud of our accomplishments now we have to be ashamed.....theres nothing worse than a culture that hates winning and for some bizarre reason we have it,we just hate winners.....and if you win too much or for too long you have to be reigned back in....instead of pushing your chest out and dominating you have to bow down and share the spoils of hard earned victory to those you have beaten.

LIstening to white guilt is the most weak feeble sickly thing to listen to....look they didnt swindle the natives out of their homelands,they didnt pump them full of self loathing and racial self hatred they won a fair fight..........theres nothing to feel guilty over.

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  On 05/04/2019 at 14:13, gnasher16 said:

??? f**k me what have you been reading....havent just come out the shovel by any chance have you ?......the first part of their speech is an interesting story,white guilt and all that....but i take it you didnt get the second part ..." peaceful religion " ? ....it starts off telling you how its their right and duty to deceive no matter how violent or cruel as instructed in the Koran,advancement of the cause,Taqiya and all that shit....and ends up saying how you,ll be praised and rewarded as a good person for your violence and killing and how its only punishable in the West !...call to action,dont have to submit to man made laws so can own women and treat them like domestic animals as long as you feed and clothe them.......yeah its a lovely tranquil and placid religion with a bit of luck they might not kill us.


True but they can do what they want in their own country can’t they? Does the average Muslim want to behead you? Yes I agree they are scummy fuckers, but it’s only a problem cause they are here, and they are here because of them empire!

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