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Stone me,logging onto Thl while sitting in a 40k football stadium watching your team play is bad,but logging onto Thl while running away from a bomb scare is taking the piss.

I thought hard about the Frosties myself before I moved, it was toss up between them and getting stabbed living amongst 9 trillion wogs !.......it was a close call ! Lol lol 

I'm not guilty of our history i'm proud. As a country we forgave germany within 1 generation.why is what we done 1000s if years ago to blame for whats happened in the last 20.

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I cant seem to put a link up but i think alot of people on here when they got time need watch a few episodes of a documentary called europa the last battle and the greatest story never told now i dont blindly believe everything i see or hear but an awful lot seems to add up. Now am i proud of our colonial past ? Yeah we were facking goodbat it a tiny nation like ours did alot of good as well as bad, look at the countries these 3rd worlders flock to? Canada Australia new Zealand usa. All very similar and founded value and society wise by people from the british isles and if it wasnt us then it would be someone else. Also we stopped shit like the burning of female babies in india we stopped the slave trade and actively enforced it and people make out we went in to the bush hog tieing these afros lol all the while the native brits were working in hugely dangerous jobs as children even had a calorry diet nearly half the modern african average of today so it not as if every brit was home counting his slave numbers he was sending to his jamaican plantation lol all this most recent sped up immigration is for 1 thing its to create hatred by us towards people from the middle east so 1 country has got cannon fodder when it eventually decides time is right

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19 hours ago, NEWKID said:

I still don't know who on this thread has said they feel guilty for anything in our past??

It's really not the point...the past gives you the present...and here we are...being proud, guilty or not giving a flying f**k makes no difference lol

Society says it....infact it almost demands it !

I see white guilt no different to political correctness they go hand in hand as far as im concerned its all basic box ticking to show everyone how sorry we are for being a powerful nation who got things done.....society has changed we see it in our everyday lives everything is about charity and helping those less fortunate.....im all for charity but if everyone was charitable to their own kind and only their own kind then the strongest would survive and the weak would fall away.....and thats basic evolution since time begun but society is now trying to reverse nature and force the successful to feel guilty in order to accept weakness.

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1 hour ago, staffs riffraff said:

I cant seem to put a link up but i think alot of people on here when they got time need watch a few episodes of a documentary called europa the last battle and the greatest story never told now i dont blindly believe everything i see or hear but an awful lot seems to add up. Now am i proud of our colonial past ? Yeah we were facking goodbat it a tiny nation like ours did alot of good as well as bad, look at the countries these 3rd worlders flock to? Canada Australia new Zealand usa. All very similar and founded value and society wise by people from the british isles and if it wasnt us then it would be someone else. Also we stopped shit like the burning of female babies in india we stopped the slave trade and actively enforced it and people make out we went in to the bush hog tieing these afros lol all the while the native brits were working in hugely dangerous jobs as children even had a calorry diet nearly half the modern african average of today so it not as if every brit was home counting his slave numbers he was sending to his jamaican plantation lol all this most recent sped up immigration is for 1 thing its to create hatred by us towards people from the middle east so 1 country has got cannon fodder when it eventually decides time is right

That’s is all true mate, but come on you live in the same town as me so you know exactly what I mean lol Tony Blair probably did some good but he is certainly not remembered for any of it is he lol 

yes we did stop all that but at what cost today? My thoughts about the empire are more about the legal side of it now letting the Indians and Pakistanis stay here no matter what and get into government etc, build a mosque and then take over the whole area in every way possible while we can’t say or do anything cause they can just turn around and say “you did exactly the same to us”.

The worlds asylum seekers coming to Europe now are a different thing, that problem is just the same to us as it to Ireland/germany/Sweden/Norway etc etc.

The Indians and Pakistanis have a completely different set up over here now because of independence from the empire and all the stuff we gave to them after to help forget about what we did to them. That’s not me feeling guilty, it’s just the truth! They don’t “just” come to live here and claim the benefits, they are on a much higher level than that and are very much a part of it, they help run it, we even have indian/Pakistani judges in the high court, our queen was there queen and every year they will breed more and more “citizens” to replace them and keep the stories of hatred towards British rule and the “gora” passing down from generation to generation! You know as well as i do what this town will be like in 20 years mate, look at the difference in the last ten years!



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10 minutes ago, Stoney100 said:

They don’t “just” come to live here and claim the benefits, they are on a much higher level than that and are very much a part of it, they help run it,

Fly into Heathrow,watch who your immigration officer is when you have to show your passport,in your own country.Now,fly to Delhi,you will not see one,single white/western immigration officer or member of floor staff at DEL.

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