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The one political party that's caused more strife for Muslims and is at fault  in working class communitys is the Labour party.

Simples. Stop following the warmongering US into wars that do not concern us:_Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria for starters. Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians have died in these wars. Thousands o

how long has tommy Robinson been speaking out and how far has it got him? Is Luton still a shit hole? What difference has he or others like him made?  Speaking only gets you so far before you hav

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9 hours ago, Stoney100 said:

They were here way before any of the members of this site were born and will be here long after we all die......they only choice you have is to accept them or move well away for them as they will never leave these shores, just breed like rats untill they are the majority......

If everybody on these shores moved away they would only follow, parasites need somebody to feed off 

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1 hour ago, Stoney100 said:

They were here way before any of the members of this site were born and will be here long after we all die......they only choice you have is to accept them or move well away for them as they will never leave these shores, just breed like rats untill they are the majority......

With that kind of attitude it will be sooner rather than later white flight I think it's called na feck that if there here they live by are rules and are way of life this country as been to soft for to long about time we fecked of all this political correctness and started saying things as they are 

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3 hours ago, Blackmag said:

With that kind of attitude it will be sooner rather than later white flight I think it's called na feck that if there here they live by are rules and are way of life this country as been to soft for to long about time we fecked of all this political correctness and started saying things as they are 

With all due respect mate I am saying things exactly as they are. They are not going anywhere, they won’t live by our rules and our way of life because they don’t need to, they are as British as the rest of us aslong as they have that passport they can pretty much do what they want here! 

Sometimes when I talk about this on here I forget that quite a lot don’t really have that many around them, maybe the odd mosque etc and a small area of the city/town but nothing major. My small town is f****d now and nothing like it was when I grew up. Some areas now are literally different countries! Generations of foreign and English kids have grown up together and now them areas are just like that and won’t ever go back to what it was. Nothing I can do will change that whatsoever, if I complain about it I’m racist! So what can we do? We all cling on to this dream that one day it will all change, that they will all go back to their own countries and we can go back to leaving our doors open while we go out to play croquet and dance round maypoles on the village lawn like the good old days! But I’m afraid it’s all just a dream, the reality of Britain is all around you, it’s everywhere you go if just look hard enough to see it. 

We’re fighting a losing battle and it’s every man for himself imo, if Newcastle doesn’t have so many Muslims then come down here for the day and I’ll take you round alum rock, sparkbrook, sparkhill, small heath and other areas of brum that will soon prove my point! It must be heart breaking for brummies to see what’s happened to their once proud city and it’s only a matter of time before the whole country is the same. 

its gone to far now, there’s no going back mate, not a chance! Nothing will ever change, it will only get worse every year as more and more come over and the ones here breed and multiply by the day.

Life is easier when you just see and take things for how they are and try to change your own circumstances instead of stuff you have no control over like mass immigration!

Just my opinion of course ?


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8 hours ago, riohog said:

those images ,are of very young girls .i doubt they are pregnant  , .but the fact is they do mary girls in there very early teens maybe younger  is just fkn  WRONG.

I think we can all agree on the sickness of it all , no need to make up lies to prove a point tho

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11 hours ago, mackem said:

Plod in the last 2 months have arrested 38 men in Rotherham for historic sex crimes,they had previously said they had 151 suspects and 275 others under investigation,when will it ever end,the figures are ridiculous.

Still no councillors police and others who turned a blind eye in failing the victims being brought to justice and theirs silly cnuts in authority and positions of power like Rotherham's 3 LABOUR MPS who reckon they had no knowledge of the scale of the abuse.

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10 hours ago, Blackmag said:

With that kind of attitude it will be sooner rather than later white flight I think it's called na feck that if there here they live by are rules and are way of life this country as been to soft for to long about time we fecked of all this political correctness and started saying things as they are 

Some of us were never worried about political correctness and how we treated these f***ing animals but we were (and are) rejected by our “fellow” Englishmen.

Some of us didn’t want to politely hide our feelings, some of us wanted to make it plain that these people wasn’t welcome.

All a bit too ugly for most people and we were soundly told off, called low, called scumbags, told we needed basic manners.

Well, most of my group of pals took their basic manners and f****d off to far away lands and left all the polite folks to enjoy where their silence and manners have got them.

These days when I’m over, to be honest, there’s a massive part of me just don’t give a f**k......there’s a part of me thinks “you wanted it, you got it....enjoy” 

There’s a culture of standing on other people’s shoulders in the UK......everyone wants someone else to fight their corner but they like to be able distance themselves if it all gets a bit dirty or embarrassing.

Nobody wants the tribes there but God forbid anyone thinks you may be a nasty racist......what would the neighbors say !!! 

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2 hours ago, foxdropper said:

And this is why your town is a shit hole mate ,grow a pair and speak out .

how long has tommy Robinson been speaking out and how far has it got him? Is Luton still a shit hole? What difference has he or others like him made? 

Speaking only gets you so far before you have to take action......that action for me is bleed as much money as I can out of this place then get out of here! I’m glad I have no kids or a mortgage tying me to here, and I can’t fault anyone for wanting out of here. We can’t hunt, our capitals ran by a paki, our soldiers get beheaded on our capital streets and our young girls are getting gang raped by groups of dirty pakis and you think speaking out will help solve it lol maybe I should just get the candles out and sing Christian hymns as that really seems to do the trick!

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7 hours ago, tatsblisters said:

Still no councillors police and others who turned a blind eye in failing the victims being brought to justice and theirs silly cnuts in authority and positions of power like Rotherham's 3 LABOUR MPS who reckon they had no knowledge of the scale of the abuse.

This is something that is still being overlooked even on here. The fact that civil servants are not only turning a blind eye but actively covering it up. Many threads ago there was a social worker that spoke out of the abuse in Rochdale and her local authority sacked her for it. Actually sacked her for doing what we pay her to do. What does that say about us as a society??

Even THL has a massive double standard when it comes to these crimes. Where's the angry threads every time a white bloke, or a christian, or a buddhist, or a woman, or one of Tommy Robinson's EDL cohorts, gets done for noncery? These despicable crimes transcend race, religion, gender, and nationality. They go on all over the world but forums like ours cherry pick the ones we want to talk about. Understandable on THL but it's hard to be taken seriously about it when we'll only ever focus one part of the puzzle.

7 hours ago, WILF said:

Well, most of my group of pals took their basic manners and f****d off to far away lands and left all the polite folks to enjoy where their silence and manners have got them.

Different reasons same problems. As above though we only focus on a part of the puzzle and we neglect the part of the puzzle that has spent decades squandering our contributions and dicking around with a system that wasn't broken to begin with. In yesterday's news it was revealed that since 2015 377 MP's have had their constituency issued credit cards suspended for a plethora of reasons around expenses. Amber Rudd was the most prolific offender and 9 MP's have their card suspended 10 times in that time period. Corbyn and Johnson are on that list too.

The point is. Why the f*ck would anyone want to hang around while these c*nts keep sticking their hands in your wallet for their 'fair share.'

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