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it's an epidemic with every major city seeing an increase... It's a social problem, as much as it grips my shit we are where we are and the majority of knife crimes are committed by young black m

Parenting has gone to f**k, basic manners are non existent in a lot of cases... If you can't even get a hello, goodbye and please and Thank you it's a bad job... It may seem like little thin

It’s unreal, talking today on the radio about it and some woman emailed in saying she saw a gun shop and they had knives for sale, so she rang the police !! Only to be told they were totally legaly tr

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  On 06/03/2019 at 19:12, Meece said:

Anything  but cabbage. That's 10 x worse than beans.

If the GUBERMENT wanted  to do something  about this, they would do. Suddenly a white gal has gotten knifed and the sky has fallen in.  All the time that fellows of foreign origin were knifing each other it didn't amount to much.

what happens to those that emerge ?

wasn't there a tv program called "Bad lads army". Where are the parents of these wannabe gangsters when they are loaded with cash and riding round on mopeds at 14 yrs old. When there were some riots a couple of yrs ago the plod bloody soon rounded up the bods and the court's were working day and night and didn't some get 6 months for looting a bottle of water costing eighty p. Did it really change anything?


Every one who spent time in NSC changed , you either packed it in or got clever, what ever your choice you did not want to go back , 

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  On 06/03/2019 at 19:55, Saltmoon said:

Couldn't agree more with that have been told it cost us 30k a year to keep someone in prison so chop chop send them on there way 


think we would end up paying more in reality.....there would be all kinds of disabled benefits we would end up paying

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  On 06/03/2019 at 21:35, micky said:

Every one who spent time in NSC changed , you either packed it in or got clever, what ever your choice you did not want to go back , 


NSC ? = national swimming club?  = ? ?

Oh no, anything.!! Chop me hands off, But not cabbage at the national swimming club. 

Now for something more serious.  Is the home Secretary setting plod up for a fall? He has asked them for what they want to stop knife crime.  He must know that nothing a cash strapped gov can give to the plod will stop this gang /drug culture. Other than some of them disappearing from the scene.   Permanently! 

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  On 07/03/2019 at 09:27, Meece said:

NSC ? = national swimming club?  = ? ?

Oh no, anything.!! Chop me hands off, But not cabbage at the national swimming club. 

Now for something more serious.  Is the home Secretary setting plod up for a fall? He has asked them for what they want to stop knife crime.  He must know that nothing a cash strapped gov can give to the plod will stop this gang /drug culture. Other than some of them disappearing from the scene.   Permanently! 


he means ...north sea camp...its a borstal/prison

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  On 07/03/2019 at 09:46, TOMO said:

he means ...north sea camp...its a borstal/prison


Tghanks for that.  

Ps. Christ that place must be bad. This bloke escaped on a push bike and he had come from a high security prison. .....https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-46798022  

Edited by Meece
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  On 07/03/2019 at 10:00, Meece said:

Tghanks for that.  

Ps. Christ that place must be bad. This bloke escaped on a push bike and he had come from a high security prison. .....https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-46798022  


It is a half way house now for some Lifers who may be released there are some houses in the grounds were they are taught to live in the modern World , the last time I visited the place we were sat next to a bloke who was going out after 30 years inside , in the 60s most lads were sent there for 6 Months and you done 3 if you behaved and if you had a Mouth on you or was a Scrapper they loved you , it was a tough place to be in and I think there was a lot of them places  about in the 50/60s .

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So a young english girl was killed in an unprovoked attack in what they are speculating was a gang initiation killing and they are suggesting now that it's because schools are excluding students and giving them no futures lol. 

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  On 07/03/2019 at 17:50, tandors said:

So a young english girl was killed in an unprovoked attack in what they are speculating was a gang initiation killing and they are suggesting now that it's because schools are excluding students and giving them no futures lol. 


Blame everything else except the kunt that’s done it, for fear of upsetting the libtard snowflakes

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I can't rationalise any other reason it's happening other than the ethnicity of the perpetrators. They have proven themselves over the centuries in every part of the world they have inhabited to be incapable of living in civility.

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  On 07/03/2019 at 18:14, tandors said:

I can't rationalise any other reason it's happening other than the ethnicity of the perpetrators. They have proven themselves over the centuries in every part of the world they have inhabited to be incapable of living in civility.


your probebly correct  but we are not supposed to mention coulor /race ,  .. ffs the looneys are running the asylum 

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