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Old photo 1960

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Great uncle wearing suit and tie with me aunt and what looks like a collie greyhound 

My dad and square vardo hereford 1955 ,No better life .

That  dog could keep the family fed when things where tough I was told  . the dog was a proper thief with no respect for boundaries lol . One time so the story goes they stopped over night and the dog

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  On 22/03/2019 at 17:28, Gilbey said:

if its the one we watched it was, a very British history on bbc4, if it helps anyone


If you go on YouTube you find a old film from 50s called roving gypsys I think .

they ain't no sound but I've watched it loads as my dad in it and his family .

when you look at these pics from 50s it's a totally different world now from back then ,

of course life must have been hard but so much better ,



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  On 23/03/2019 at 08:11, marshman said:

Top pic is Marsh where I’m from  1941  doesn’t look like that now . 

Dont know the history of the bottom pic on 1951 




when I was a kid my gran and parents would sit by the fire making pegs,and the same flowers in the top pic ,they would dip them in die ,also made flower baskets out of willow ,hazel and pick wild dafs and other flowers to hawk around the doors.

i liked going with my grandad ,he had a grinding bike ,he could earn good money with it ,he always went pub at dinner and I'd get a shandy ,good times .

i still have his old peddler here in the shed ,I will get round to sorting it out and give it to gypsy museum.

marshman its same every were ,everything built on now ,all the old stopping places gone .

cracking pics mate 



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loving them pics moocher what lovely happy bunch they seem ...from what must have been a tuff life....

and its good they had the pics done ...how many would have thought back then ....they might be the last generation to live like that....

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there was a chap still doing the knife sharpening around Leicestershire ....he was often stoped just outside melton Mowbray .....local news did a piece on him about 10 year ago...we often used to see him when we were out coursing that way

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  On 23/03/2019 at 09:35, TOMO said:

loving them pics moocher what lovely happy bunch they seem ...from what must have been a tuff life....

and its good they had the pics done ...how many would have thought back then ....they might be the last generation to live like that....


1950s 60s things started to get worse for travelers in Britain .

its a shame as they really are the last nomadic people of our country.

my nan never lived in a house not for a day ,she had a square open lot .she always said she would die if she left her way of life .she was 97 when she passed away .



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how old are you moocher??...did you experience life like that .....bet there some cracking stories to tell....

grand old age for your nan.....it might have been hard life for her....but by Christ she did well on it

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  On 23/03/2019 at 09:42, TOMO said:

there was a chap still doing the knife sharpening around Leicestershire ....he was often stoped just outside melton Mowbray .....local news did a piece on him about 10 year ago...we often used to see him when we were out coursing that way


We stayed near melton few times ,used Togo to cattle market .it still on Tuesday morning I think but been a while since I've been.

lot of travelers had grinders ,good money earner ,


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  On 23/03/2019 at 09:50, TOMO said:

how old are you moocher??...did you experience life like that .....bet there some cracking stories to tell....

grand old age for your nan.....it might have been hard life for her....but by Christ she did well on it


I was born in open lot wagon in wales in 71 ,we lived in horse drawn vardo up to 85 and then us kids stayed in a vickers and I left home at 16 ,so all my childhood was spent on the rd .

iv had few yrs since we're I stayed in trailers but it's not the same ,

i met some good poachers over the yrs and some not so good .

i always found it wasn't the fella with the lurchers who took a lot ,

but the fella with a jacket full of nets ,wires and Caty.they was the ones to learn from .



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