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She's still young yet buddy maybe getting bored just do the odd one chuck a ball on a walk  try walking backwards calling her in or have a squeaky toy or something in your hand that will grad her attention and kneel down and talk in a silly excited voice make every thing fun and a game to her 

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Tie ur lure of whatever your using for retreave training to a length of string and get her to chase it, when she does catch it play a bit of tug of war with her and she will stop dropping her retreave short and bring it straight to you, then you heap praise on her, don't do this more than three times a day, always end your training session with her wanting more, you was looking for a collie/greyhound a while back, did you manage to get one, Atb

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  On 01/03/2019 at 01:06, Countryman62 said:

Tie ur lure of whatever your using for retreave training to a length of string and get her to chase it, when she does catch it play a bit of tug of war with her and she will stop dropping her retreave short and bring it straight to you, then you heap praise on her, don't do this more than three times a day, always end your training session with her wanting more, you was looking for a collie/greyhound a while back, did you manage to get one, Atb


yes mate thats what im training now a bitch 3/8 5/8 collie x grey she's picking things up and learning great for such a young bitch.

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Sounds like she probably bored , I no some people start retrieve training strait away but I think they can over do it . With mine it’s just one or two retrieves a day with a soft toy normally old socks and when the pup picks it up and running towards you I normally start jogging slowly encouraging the pup to come after you let it get up to you stop and prais the dog like a lunatic . My lurcher pup caught its first two rabbits it seen the other week and both were bought back to hand .

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  On 01/03/2019 at 20:30, Elchapo said:

Sounds like she probably bored , I no some people start retrieve training strait away but I think they can over do it . With mine it’s just one or two retrieves a day with a soft toy normally old socks and when the pup picks it up and running towards you I normally start jogging slowly encouraging the pup to come after you let it get up to you stop and prais the dog like a lunatic . My lurcher pup caught its first two rabbits it seen the other week and both were bought back to hand .


yes i prbably was overdoing it with her so im going to leave it totally for a week or so then start again, thanks elchapo.

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