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a cracking night

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Me and viz hit the big perm tonight 6500 acres

we got there for 8.20ish and not long after that viz got his first in the bag

then his second not long after that

he was using his vulcan .25

now i have to say that this rifle is superb accuracy is unbelievable the pellet just go.s where you point it

this rifle combined with the thermal scope is a force to behold

it just blew me away (rez if you read this you would be a fool if you did not go for one of these )

the cocking leaver is near the middle of the rifle and not at the back with most bull pups so its not in your ear sort of thing

so you can reload your next shot with out taking your eye off the scope much like a hw100

Viz soon got his third rabbit in the bag .

I on the other hand had a good night out with my mate ,,,good crack ,,,good banter,,and a few laughs

I missed a few with the impact 177 even a few feral,s in the barns

Thought i was going to blank and i let the dreaded doubt set in and my confidence in the impact went out the window 

even more so when Viz turned to me and say,d IF THAT HAD BEEN YOUR 100D YOU WOULD OF GOT THEM ALL

some thing i was thinking all ready to be honest .

we loaded up the jeep and off we went to the top part of the perm (up on the hills ) 

where Viz using the thermal spotter saw 5 or 6 rabbits where he soon took out two of them one after another two quick shots

we drove into the field to pick them up out of the jeep i saw one run and i kept it in my scope view following it as it ran

if you stop your mine well it did just at the gate we drove through the instant it stopped i sent a jsb 177 heavy on its way

strait into the back of its head .

It just rolled over and lay there this boosted my confidence a little lol but iv a feeling this impact is not for me

it may be going dont get me wrong mind its a cracking rifle 21 shot mag ,,,,600 shots a fill

but its not a hw100 and apart from my raider single shot iv only jelled with one rifle and that was my hw100 carbine sporter

may be i should give it a bit more time iv only had it three months and only been out with it a few times .

any way back to the night we then drove along the farm road to the next field where i lit up a rabbit but told viz to take it out with the vulcan as it was twitchy and the lamp was making it that way so off with the lamp and the vulcan and thermal put another in the bag

for viz .

The next soon followed again  Viz was top dog again tonight

with one of the best bull pups iv ever set eyes on iv only had one shot of a vulcan and that was pavs one shot one kill

75yrds fac and all i could see was its eye in the nettles put it strait to sleep ,

as soon as i was lamping them tonight they would be off like they had jet engines fitted to them

so a night vision is next on my list .

finished with

Viz 6

me 1

but i did not blank lol

Rez dont be a fool mate get a vulcan

i know i am





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Sounds a great night mac, viz, 

I know your saying youv only shot your impact a few times mac but if you think your better with your hw100 thats what id be using, i think theyr one of the best pcp's around, iv had a few different ones and always got rid after a few weeks and gone back to the hw100,   Great shooting viz with the vulcan and thermal it sounds like a right combination mate, 

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Nice write up Jimmy. :good:

                Is Sean`s Vulcan F.A.C  ?

                I`ve owned a HW 100 KT and KS over 5 years now and never even thought about changing them, stick to where your confidence is at it`s best mate.


                Again, great write up and excellent shooting lads.


                                                   atb  Mark.

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There is no doubt the PCP market is incorporating design/technology advances and producing some top quality guns these days. :thumbs:

It has been the case for years though that a PCP commonly costs much more than a good .22LR, which in essence are simple compared to a PCP!

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Still a nice result mate , but if the doubts are starting to creep in and your comparing it to other rifles its time to let it go  in your eyes its never going to be as good as your 100 when as when your on form you can hit them and if you have a off day a machine gun wouldn't help 

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1 minute ago, The one said:

Still a nice result mate , but if the doubts are starting to creep in and your comparing it to other rifles its time to let it go  in your eyes its never going to be as good as your 100 when as when your on form you can hit them and if you have a off day a machine gun wouldn't help 

Just put it in the sales section

putting it on free ads as well later to day


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 A month or so ago an impact was the best thing since sliced bread .  Along comes a Vulcan and "blows" it away ?  Try keeping your next gun Mac  and "hunt" with it  rather than  shooting paper etc . Your never gonna bond with any gun if you keep changing  them .(Not  a pop at you Jimmy but if you carry on like this you will get disheartened)

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On 23/02/2019 at 11:37, ftm said:

 A month or so ago an impact was the best thing since sliced bread .  Along comes a Vulcan and "blows" it away ?  Try keeping your next gun Mac  and "hunt" with it  rather than  shooting paper etc . Your never gonna bond with any gun if you keep changing  them .(Not  a pop at you Jimmy but if you carry on like this you will get disheartened)

I can see where your coming from Billy

when i was out with Allan and using his it was out of this world fitted me right and i was confident with it

whacking rabbits one after the other even with standing shots

but with this one i had i just could not jell with it

Its like you replacing your beloved rapid with another rifle

bet it would not be long before you wished you had it back

The hw100 was like part of my arm i just pointed it and even before i squeezed the trigger i new it was in the bag

Im not saying this one will be but id like to think so .

and if not i promise ill give it time lol



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