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What Bushing Dog


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On 21/02/2019 at 14:41, Attaboy said:

I'm considering a busher to work with my lurcher but not sure what to go for. I live on a boat with my young family and a cat so a dog that is easy to live with and doesn't get under your feet or bark all the time would be needed, the lurcher is great in this respect. With no access to a garden I need the dog to not vanish on a scent when allowed out to empty itself as we're mòored in a wooded valley. The lurcher is pretty good in this respect now that he's matured a bit.

I have no experience with this type of dog but I would love to be able to do some mooching with more success than at present. My main permission is a mixture of cattle pasture with Cornish hedges and broadleaved woodland and it's heaving with rabbits. There's also plenty of foxes, badgersand roe but im only after edible. I love lamping but want a bit of variety so what would you lads recommend? I know I'm asking a lot of a dog to fit all these requirements but that's why I'm asking you lads☺


On 21/02/2019 at 14:41, Attaboy said:

I'm considering a busher to work with my lurcher but not sure what to go for. I live on a boat with my young family and a cat so a dog that is easy to live with and doesn't get under your feet or bark all the time would be needed, the lurcher is great in this respect. With no access to a garden I need the dog to not vanish on a scent when allowed out to empty itself as we're mòored in a wooded valley. The lurcher is pretty good in this respect now that he's matured a bit.

I have no experience with this type of dog but I would love to be able to do some mooching with more success than at present. My main permission is a mixture of cattle pasture with Cornish hedges and broadleaved woodland and it's heaving with rabbits. There's also plenty of foxes, badgersand roe but im only after edible. I love lamping but want a bit of variety so what would you lads recommend? I know I'm asking a lot of a dog to fit all these requirements but that's why I'm asking you lads☺

I know what it's like pal,lived in a vardo for yrs and also narrow boat for several and there's only one choice in my opinion ,bedlington terrier "they make good all rounders maybe to big for small earths but your not wanting earth dog .

Iv had some fun along the cut .plenty of edibles running about and days looking for  Minky and ratty ,good days .

the days spent fishing from out the side hatch,

bedlingtons and bedy xs love water ,iv seen them work for hours in and out the cut .get a good one you be glad u did .

what boat you got.

i miss that life !!!!!!


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1 hour ago, Moocher71 said:


I know what it's like pal,lived in a vardo for yrs and also narrow boat for several and there's only one choice in my opinion ,bedlington terrier "they make good all rounders maybe to big for small earths but your not wanting earth dog .

Iv had some fun along the cut .plenty of edibles running about and days looking for  Minky and ratty ,good days .

the days spent fishing from out the side hatch,

bedlingtons and bedy xs love water ,iv seen them work for hours in and out the cut .get a good one you be glad u did .

what boat you got.

i miss that life !!!!!!


Would love to live on a boat,can't swim mind ?

What about a Plummer terrier, or terrier X beagle type

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6 hours ago, Moocher71 said:


I know what it's like pal,lived in a vardo for yrs and also narrow boat for several and there's only one choice in my opinion ,bedlington terrier "they make good all rounders maybe to big for small earths but your not wanting earth dog .

Iv had some fun along the cut .plenty of edibles running about and days looking for  Minky and ratty ,good days .

the days spent fishing from out the side hatch,

bedlingtons and bedy xs love water ,iv seen them work for hours in and out the cut .get a good one you be glad u did .

what boat you got.

i miss that life !!!!!!


Cheers moocher, I like the idea of a beddy. How do you find their temprament for living in a small space? 

I live on a 50'wooden wooden trawler in a creek in cornwall. I know a bloke who breeds beddy crosses, I'll give him a shout.

It's a good life but hard work with two young kids!

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On 21/02/2019 at 14:41, Attaboy said:

I'm considering a busher to work with my lurcher but not sure what to go for. I live on a boat with my young family and a cat so a dog that is easy to live with and doesn't get under your feet or bark all the time would be needed, the lurcher is great in this respect. With no access to a garden I need the dog to not vanish on a scent when allowed out to empty itself as we're mòored in a wooded valley. The lurcher is pretty good in this respect now that he's matured a bit.

I have no experience with this type of dog but I would love to be able to do some mooching with more success than at present. My main permission is a mixture of cattle pasture with Cornish hedges and broadleaved woodland and it's heaving with rabbits. There's also plenty of foxes, badgersand roe but im only after edible. I love lamping but want a bit of variety so what would you lads recommend? I know I'm asking a lot of a dog to fit all these requirements but that's why I'm asking you lads☺

I've had terriers and got a spaniel terrier at the minute and for hunting small bits of cover, hedges, ditches spaniel terrier is the way to go. If hunting largish forestry blocks where you need a dog to range away from you to find game beagle x would be the way to go. Atb

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On 21/02/2019 at 14:41, Attaboy said:

I'm considering a busher to work with my lurcher but not sure what to go for. I live on a boat with my young family and a cat so a dog that is easy to live with and doesn't get under your feet or bark all the time would be needed, the lurcher is great in this respect. With no access to a garden I need the dog to not vanish on a scent when allowed out to empty itself as we're mòored in a wooded valley. The lurcher is pretty good in this respect now that he's matured a bit.

I have no experience with this type of dog but I would love to be able to do some mooching with more success than at present. My main permission is a mixture of cattle pasture with Cornish hedges and broadleaved woodland and it's heaving with rabbits. There's also plenty of foxes, badgersand roe but im only after edible. I love lamping but want a bit of variety so what would you lads recommend? I know I'm asking a lot of a dog to fit all these requirements but that's why I'm asking you lads☺

Id source yourself a small hound cross,Beagle-Spaniel combo.It will suit more than a terrier.As you don,t have the experience to deal with a terrier dropping in id not contemplate one and a small houndy type will do all you want and will easily train to your requirements.

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