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BSA Scorpion T10

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Anyone using a BSA Scorpion T10 and how do you rate them? I'm looking for a synthetic stocked multi-shot PCP that i'll be using for shooting inside buildings (feral pigeons etc). Already have CZ 22rimfire for the bunnies a Finnlite 6.5x55 for the bigger stuff so this will be purely for pest control inside or around buildings. As i'm in the Republic an Air Rifle requires the same lengthy wait for a Firearms Cert so i want to make a good choice first time round and not have to change the thing too soon!

Any advice appreciated,



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not used one personally but had a good look at one today, looked really good well made. almost tempted me to chop in my s410k. but have not go the funds at the moment to make up the extra. still looked like a really nice gun though


sorry i could not be any more help



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  • 9 months later...

Tried one in the midland game fair, was all over the place couldnt hit shit could see the pellet through the scope going one way and the next shot the other, i shot a daystate just before it and that was in a different league,


zebedee you would have to be insane to put your 410 k in for one of them

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