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ITV  just called her a terrorist victim FFS!  so just for balance  a bit of Katie   

If you dont leave that full stop alone im going to come round there and rip the f****n button out with my teeth you irritating c**t 

Couldn't believe what I heard on the news, one of those 3 girls that went to Syria to join isis, wants to come back to our country. She's already lost two kids out there and is pregnant with a third.

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6 minutes ago, steve66 said:

She wants the baby to be born in Britain , bet she does so it has a right to a british passport , hopefully it will be born were she is now 

The fathers an IS fighter,the mother is a national traitor,but sadly the kid will be granted a brit passport as the mother is considered "british" they have just said on TV the brit government probably hope she never makes it back to the UK so they don't have to deal with the situation...…..Typical!And people are already making excuses saying she was only 15 when she went out there,still a child,blah,blah,blah…...She was married within three weeks of getting to Syria,this lady is poison.

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Her father is asking the UK government to bring her back and "re-educate" her BUT he isn't squeaky clean as he took her to a US flag burning outside the American embassy in London when she was 12 years old,a demo also attended by lee rigbys killer Michael Adebowale and Anjem Choudhary the hate preacher :rolleyes:


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The journalist who tracked her down said she has been fully radicalised She admits doesnt regret the move??? Ffs couldn’t make it up!! The mongrel of a kid will be brought up to hate the west & will prob grow up to be a future Isis leader Over Here. I firmly believe if you leave to join the scummy murdering shit bags then you die with them end off!! Atb

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5 hours ago, lurcherman 887 said:

Cnut f**k her..

I think your a bit late on that one. Some sheets has already had 3 free shots. She's totally unrepentant. Says she saw heads of beheaded enemy soldiers chucked in a bin ! !  It didn't phase her !!  She has probably ben told to get over her and set up a sleeper cell and to harbour other sheites and open her legs for the glory of allah. 》》》 Also another angle. Perhaps the security will be monitoring her to find the trail back to some ladder to command  positions in isil. That's how they found  where Bin Laden had bin Idding.

 They are all small  minded scrum without  many brain cells

Edited by Meece
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