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I've wandered in here from the ferreting section and need some help. I'm looking to get a runner to go with my jack russell for when I'm out. I've never had a lurcher before (although i worked with my friends for a few years). What do you reckon is the best cross in your opinion? It would only be used for ferreting. I've got 3 kids, but by all accounts they seem to be spot on family dogs. 




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Whippets great, BUT ferreting whippets can feel the damp rain wind if stood for long periods. I’d go collie x greyhound/ whippet or collie lurcher x whippet. Wouldn’t  touch a first cross bed x w

Get a non ped or mongrel Whippet.Russells and Whippets get along without much bother.

Whippet ?

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  On 10/02/2019 at 13:56, W. Katchum said:

In my experience a whippet is a much easier animal to live with an work especially for a first time owner than the beddy cross which is known for being stubborn an head strong, saying that we don’t know what your own temperament is like Sam ? an what experience you have with dogs, but I’d deffo recommend an whippet to anybody wanting there first rabbiting dog, unless the land they hunt is treacherous 


patience of a saint me haha I've always had dogs, never worked any until 2 year ago and never had a lurcher or any sighthound/runner

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  On 10/02/2019 at 14:21, ginger beard said:

Maybe a collie/grey but if i was you i'd get a beddy/grey.


yep, deff 1x beddy x grey  , should be nice temp, not as yappy as some beddyx whippets can be, the grey will calm that down a bit, nice size as well  22- 24in  50 odd lb  nice size  that, should good coat as well .

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Whippets great, BUT ferreting whippets can feel the damp rain wind if stood for long periods. I’d go collie x greyhound/ whippet or collie lurcher x whippet.

Wouldn’t  touch a first cross bed x whippet for ferreting personally.

or just go small lurcher around 21 inch x another small lurcher that’s proven.


Edited by Shortstraw
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Bedlington x greyhound or bedlington greyhound collie greyhound would be my choice as a rabbiter they have the right work ethic easy to train willing to please and adaptable as well if you decided you wanted to lamp they take the rough with the smooth in the field and fit it to family life well 

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Collie whippet greyhound or a beddy whippet. If it just for ferreting then a smallish dog will suit. If you want to move towards lamping as well and your land has bigger fields, go for something a little bigger. Collie x grey or any lurcher x lurcher type breeding that are doing the work you want. 

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