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2 hours ago, gnasher16 said:

I think theres probably some truth to that.....if you have grown up in areas where you are coming into conflict on a daily basis you get used to it and just tend to be a little bit more on your toes and aware.....i dont know whether Northerners are exaggerating or if no go areas really do exist i just take their word for it but thinking about it maybe what a person brought up in a rural area see's as a no go area a person brought up in a busy city see's as normal life....

I grew up in Oldham went to school with the asians got Asian friends and there is definitely no go areas for whites I'm lucky in a sense because I know some of the Asian 'big lads' from the area, I never really got trouble used to regularly walk through the area's most wouldn't but still got surrounded a few times by groups of them ready to show me I shouldn't of been there ..  and that was ten years ago , and I'm told it's only got worse since ..


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sick b*****ds.good man tommy stick it to these c**ts.

Have you been keeping up with his life mate .Your the one banging on about our establishment yet when someone actually goes against the grain that’s wrong too .If these fascists want to annoy Tommy th

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You have to ask yourself how did, what is to all attempts and purposes, the worlds first ever nation state come to this?.......and how can people vote to keep doing it to themselves ?

Have they pride in anything except their own right on, so called tolerant credentials ? 

Do they never feel that sense of history and historic pride or a duty to preserve something so special ?

I can only conclude that millions and millions don’t and I’m afraid I have no affiliation or connection to people like that.

Watching Britain (and my area of England) the last 40 odd years has been like watching the first girl you fell in love with and thought was the most beautiful thing in the world turn into a crack whore !

Its f***ing terrible....I certainly couldn’t look at it anymore.

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2 hours ago, gnasher16 said:

Im very familiar with all of those London boroughs and none of them are remotely like no go areas.


there are gangs in all major cities as there always has been and if a local population is of a particular ethnic grouping then the gang will show that profile but that's as old as London or Glasgow.

Interesting how over the ages the story is repeated, even Peaky blinders...




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2 hours ago, WILF said:

Sandy is a full lefty and if he thinks Luton is great all I can say is, his standards must be all out of whack..........if Luton is what he thought his grandad had in mind as he bravely fought the hun I’ll bet my bollocks he is way off the mark.

I never said Luton was great, its a shit hole, hence I live in Devon, what I said was it wasn't a no go area, that's just the view of frightened children scared of a black face?

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1 hour ago, micky said:

There is an estate in Leicester called St Matthews once it was full of life ,Pubs and Shops ,people born there loved it and no one wanted to leave then the Council said it was a Slum and pulled it all down and built flats then put 16 thousand Somali  people  there , they do no work and the Men hang around all day in Kish Shops , no woman in Her right mind will walk through there or Men on there own , these people will kill you and everyone knows it .

By the way ! 16 thousand was what the Council owned up to about ten years ago lots of people think that is now double that .


16000??? it has 4000 inhabitants lol


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48 minutes ago, WILF said:

You have to ask yourself how did, what is to all attempts and purposes, the worlds first ever nation state come to this?.......and how can people vote to keep doing it to themselves ?

Have they pride in anything except their own right on, so called tolerant credentials ? 

Do they never feel that sense of history and historic pride or a duty to preserve something so special ?

I can only conclude that millions and millions don’t and I’m afraid I have no affiliation or connection to people like that.

Watching Britain (and my area of England) the last 40 odd years has been like watching the first girl you fell in love with and thought was the most beautiful thing in the world turn into a crack whore !

Its f***ing terrible....I certainly couldn’t look at it anymore.

Well put mate ,good description .Its a boil waiting to burst though I’d say .

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2 hours ago, sandymere said:

16000??? it has 4000 inhabitants lol


I lived in Leicestershire 69 years  I know the area very well and the St Matthews  area includes houses an residents that are covered  by Wikipedia  come down and see it , it starts at Wharf  Street and extends to Belgrave Road and up to Cathrine street  thousands of houses Belgrave  and Cathrine street is home to thousand of I ndians have a look at the Temple  on Gypsy lane  it is like something from a Disney Film ..


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5 hours ago, WILF said:

I agree but the article from the paper is the normal condescending, left wing shit.

Its main source is from that pile of shit “Hope not Hate” which was founded by the ex editor of “Searchlight”........Hope not Hate claims to be non partisan but seeing as the bloke in charge has spent a lifetime trying to perpetuate the poisoning of our country that is obviously bollocks.

On the second article, while again I agree they are not no go areas, they are piss holes full of f***ing animals most of whole have no business being in Europe and have brought nothing to the party except filth and degradation.

Sandy is a full lefty and if he thinks Luton is great all I can say is, his standards must be all out of whack..........if Luton is what he thought his grandad had in mind as he bravely fought the hun I’ll bet my bollocks he is way off the mark.

Towns like Luton are a betrayal of every young man that ever died to preserve their idea of Britain.

While i accept i am probably further right than most i dont object to lefties having their say otherwise it makes us just as bad as the people trying to silence us....Sandy may well be a raving lefty but its the old saying,even a clock is right twice a day........he is right none of the areas in London mentioned are anywhere near no go areas,i know this because i frequent them regularly.....without wishing to sound all trumpy i have a flat on Canary Wharf in a block where the cheapest apartments go for just short of 2 mill.....despite being close to the new ground ? i wouldnt have it if it was a no go area for whites....far as i recall theres not a non white in the block.....you might describe it as a piss hole full of animals but i beg to differ.....im not saying those types of areas dont exist in East London as they do but they exist in capital cities throughout the world part of the attraction of capital cities is the close proximity of wealth and poverty and all the interesting conundrums it throws up......we talk like it didnt used to be like this but it did theres always been areas of immigrant scum in London the concerning thing for me is the spread of these type of areas out and away from the cities,i always use the analogy of putting a pint into a half pint pot if each city throughout the country is a half pint pot on a map how long is it till the overspill joins....but as long as we allow this war against white people to continue we can only book ourselves as either ignorant,insane or in on it !

Edited by gnasher16
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8 hours ago, gnasher16 said:

While i accept i am probably further right than most i dont object to lefties having their say otherwise it makes us just as bad as the people trying to silence us....Sandy may well be a raving lefty but its the old saying,even a clock is right twice a day........he is right none of the areas in London mentioned are anywhere near no go areas,i know this because i frequent them regularly.....without wishing to sound all trumpy i have a flat on Canary Wharf in a block where the cheapest apartments go for just short of 2 mill....you might describe it as a piss hole full of animals but i beg to differ.....im not saying those types of areas dont exist in East London as they do but they exist in capital cities throughout the world part of the attraction of capital cities is the close proximity of wealth and poverty and all the interesting conundrums it throws up......we talk like it didnt used to be like this but it did theres always been areas of immigrant scum in London the concerning thing for me is the spread of these type of areas out and away from the cities,i always use the analogy of putting a pint into a half pint pot if each city throughout the country is a half pint pot on a map how long is it till the overspill joins....but as long as we allow this war against white people to continue we can only book ourselves as either ignorant,insane or in on it !

Bigger the city bigger the attraction, bigger the attraction bigger the problem, glad I live in a village 1 pub no shop not even a paki one..........no attraction here thank god.

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21 minutes ago, gnasher16 said:

While i accept i am probably further right than most i dont object to lefties having their say otherwise it makes us just as bad as the people trying to silence us....Sandy may well be a raving lefty but its the old saying,even a clock is right twice a day........he is right none of the areas in London mentioned are anywhere near no go areas,i know this because i frequent them regularly.....without wishing to sound all trumpy i have a flat on Canary Wharf in a block where the cheapest apartments go for just short of 2 mill.....despite being close to the new ground ? i wouldnt have it if it was a no go area for whites....far as i recall theres not a non white in the block.....you might describe it as a piss hole full of animals but i beg to differ.....im not saying those types of areas dont exist in East London as they do but they exist in capital cities throughout the world part of the attraction of capital cities is the close proximity of wealth and poverty and all the interesting conundrums it throws up......we talk like it didnt used to be like this but it did theres always been areas of immigrant scum in London the concerning thing for me is the spread of these type of areas out and away from the cities,i always use the analogy of putting a pint into a half pint pot if each city throughout the country is a half pint pot on a map how long is it till the overspill joins....but as long as we allow this war against white people to continue we can only book ourselves as either ignorant,insane or in on it !

I’m sure you know I was generalising mate, I didn’t really read it word for word.....as soon as I saw “Hope not hate” I just sort of glazed over ! Lol 

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3 hours ago, sandymere said:

I never said Luton was great, its a shit hole, hence I live in Devon, what I said was it wasn't a no go area, that's just the view of frightened children scared of a black face?

Fair enough mate, but I’ll say this with no old side at all.......you live in Devon but your politics condemn others to the Luton’s of this world.......some poor f****r is living a nightmare that all left wing voters vote for him to have


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8 hours ago, WILF said:

Fair enough mate, but I’ll say this with no old side at all.......you live in Devon but your politics condemn others to the Luton’s of this world.......some poor f****r is living a nightmare that all left wing voters vote for him to have



About the most truthful thing I've read on here for quite a while ?

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