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Mini Ferrets

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Welcome Frank, what’s all this talk about slipping a weasel in your ring ?. 

Clearly none of you know what yas are talking about. Heres a pic of my greyhound ferret. Hes in the 20:30 at Pelaw track tomorrow 

Our team this is a proper greyhound ferret pal,  cracking worker fast as f*** think it were 32" to the shoulder best ferret I've ever owned got 287 rabbits out of a 2 holer with her - RIP Flash  

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OT are you on the spliffs again.

Them ferrets you have may well be good who knows. But really mate they are just Poleys or Fichies and to be honest nothing wrong with that but greyhounds they a'nt.

Cheers Arry

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think the legendary greyhound ferret was just poor diet, feeding bread and milk your going to get small scrawny ferrets. The pet/show lot have done the opposite and got huge terrier sized ones.

someone handed a "lost" (their) ferret into a vets a friend works at, she phoned me and I got it. It was a youngish small lean silver jill with a arched back, nipped like feck(stopped after being fed properly) and fast as feck. Bred to a normal hob only one came similar to her. Could of bred back to her but not the breeding type and prefer medium sized ferrets

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  On 22/05/2019 at 14:05, Our team said:

She's a grey hound. Dude...  And that's the end of it... She never puts weight on no mater how much she fed  and that's the most inportant sign that she is greyhound... 


When I was a Young'en father or his mates would order a ferret from Norfolk were they were farmed, think it was from "exchange and mart" (if I have spelt that right).I remember them calling them Greyhound ferrets. Would come down by train in a wooden box, and yea they did look like what you describe long thin skinny things slightly pointed noses with arched backs and short coats, no idea if was a special line or sub species. But it an't what you have.

Cheers Arry

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