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Another hedge

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16 minutes ago, ginger beard said:

Thats a ground bury down here.down here you can park a transit van in the hedges and not see it.

Good morning anyway.

Thats a clear part mate i didn't think no one would want to see a pic of the thick parts were you can't see the dogs in the middle but you would see a transit van , cheers

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29 minutes ago, morton said:

Thats a useful looking crew,hedges are a twat to work and the mutts need to graft accordingly,very impressive mucker.

Cheers morton I do enjoy testing the dogs,  some got to live another day but we had some fun.

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23 minutes ago, W. Katchum said:

Cheers mate do you rate them over the non peds or even the ped whippets? Never really bothered looking into or owning a cross or that an have only had a whippet off Mike brown lines

I've never owned a non ped whippet unless you call a whippet greyhound with out Knowing how much greyhound and how much whippet is in it but it looks like a whippet x greyhound if you know what I mean because I get lost with the non ped whippet ' the grew I own now out of the ped whippet x greyhound is the best out of the x's, she's faster than my blue and white show bred ped whippet as ever been but the blue and white ped whippet is still the best ferreting dog I've owned as you know there's more about a good ferreting dog than speed but it's early days for the grew, as far as the mike brown whippets go I've owned 8 of them and I don't like them but a lot do so may be I've been unlucky.

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11 minutes ago, Black neck said:

Love them grews mate had a cracker 22 inch tts nutcase 

I like a nutcas I think it helps when you want them to run rabbit after rabbit that's why I like the sight hound x  and terrier cross x

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8 minutes ago, W. Katchum said:

That whippet I had come to me as an adult that was wasted, Greek as grass an not seen a lot, I had lost a dog an waiting for a pup an a pal of a pal offered me it for season, few days with ferrets an couple weeks fitness an when the dark windy nights come we went a walk, first night was 12. An couple nights later was 28? I was well impressed tbh, I was always told whippets were shite, by end a season we had loads a 20 an handful a 30s on lamp an that wasn’t even in dales that was pasture an arable land around scotch corner way ? me lad bang on me case jist now for one but I wanna see how these kelpie greys turn out if they go ahead tbh ?

Tbh mate when I had the mike Brown stuff I did'nt know what I know now after getting to know some good whippet lads , his best stuff was before the Glen stuff

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5 minutes ago, W. Katchum said:

I didn’t an still know nowt about him or his mutts other than what I saw with the wee bitch we had here? 

Take it from me mate I like the whippet and there is some good one's out there but to find that good one start to build some more kennels ?

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1 minute ago, W. Katchum said:

That’s why I hoping kelpie z comes throo an if not its good ole lurcher x lurcher or a terrier x lurcher as I gel way them?

you do right mate I'll not feed shit so I wasted a lot of money , time bringing them up and then having to find them a pet home to find a good one but I did have some fun finding her but I've give her that much stick she's fecked just before she's 7 lol .

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