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Curious about conviction.

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A while agao i heard someone was prosecuted for entering their dog in a single entrance earth. Something to do with the fox not being able to bolt or something like that. Does anyone have a link to the story anywhere please as i am curious to read it. It may have been a retired terrierman or something like that. cheers. JD

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seen that digging out site before but just forced myself to have a proper look in it. :laugh: what a load of idiots! ive no problem with anyone having a different view on things to myself but at least argue your case in a sensible,adult manner,preferably armed with the correct facts! :censored: t***ers

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guys theres a pic on there from the forum just brings it home dunit
spotted that aswell mention no names just goes to show . i said on here before i`d never put up photos of anything dead or marked up dogs and got called a w --ker by another member who took it wrong :thumbdown: the thread got pulled :hmm: some lads come on photos of dogs area they live and even askin if anyone needs a hand or is preparred to take them out you just gotta be carfull antis get every feckin whr and so do dog thiefs and i bet you both use this site :wallbash: Edited by flint
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Well out of curiosity i read a few articles and must say what a load of biased, un-informed, retorical bull-shit.

this has LACS written all over it.

On a slightly different note, what a good idea!! put up a well thought out if totally incorrect load of info on a well put together site and add a bit for "donations" and bobs your uncle, you are now a credible organisation with a well reasoned point of view.

various organisations that are supposed to "represent the field sports community" should take heed and post there own sites in a similar fashion explaining what we do and why we do it, the battle is for the towns and suburbs not for the country side. :hmm::hmm:


by the way, that site has a guest book, a few messages should be left methinks, i'll start fell free to join me

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Hunt monitors attending the hunt near Shipley, West Sussex were followed by 'hunt stewards' to a veteranary practice when they found a rabbit suffering from myxamatosis. In an attempt to mock this humanitarian assistance for a sick animal, Charman shouted, 'Try to revive this f****r' before being filmed throwing a dead rabbit at monitors

Could you blame the man for taking the piss out of them :wallbash: these people are clueless!

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The site is a load of bollocks, and typical bullshit you get from antis, its like those comments that were ment to have been said by different terriermen, wheres the proof ? It's all bullshit lies made up by scumbag antis.

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