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In the interests of balance....

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In the interest of balance, Diane abbot is as racist as you can be, a white person would be lynched for making the same statements  if colours were reversed, she is  an enemy of democracy and is payed

Johnson is a buffoon with a brain, he is a million miles ahead of Abbot, even though he does put his foot in it a times. Abbot is a racist idiot with no brains at all, she is a constant amazement

I thought the posts about Diane Abbot were shameful..viciously racist. I think to a certain extent she was set up. To be introduced as a former lover of Corbyn was disrespectful. Amber Rudd has had a

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  On 22/01/2019 at 18:33, jukel123 said:

I thought the posts about Diane Abbot were shameful..viciously racist. I think to a certain extent she was set up. To be introduced as a former lover of Corbyn was disrespectful. Amber Rudd has had a black MP boyfriend. (There was a racial angle in the remark by Bruce) Why was that not commented on when she's been a guest on the programme? Fiona Bruce is married to a business man who has given the Tory party huge donations. Is she a suitably impartial chair? Why did Bruce not insist that the bloke who said he was fearful of Abbot being given a government job actually ask a question! The clue is in the programme title! It's her job to assure fair play not allow an audience a free hit at a panelist. Granted, Abbot is a flawed human being like the rest of us, but because her skin is black, she is fat and past her best, she is bullied unmercifully. Yes her grasp of numbers on the police interview was embarrassing,  yes she did send her son to a private school and yes she over claimed on her expenses. But let's compare her record with fat privileged white man Boris Johnson.

Johnson is an embarrassing tribute act to Churchill. He's been sacked twice for lying.He's fathered a child to another woman whilst married. Another woman he was involved with had two abortions. People who have worked with him have described him as unbelievably lazy. When he was a journalist (a proven Lying one) he would write his articles at the last minute and make others stay late as a result of his laziness. He would be abusive and foul mouthed to those he had made stay late. He described Liverpudlians as wallowing in victimhood after the Hillsborough disaster. He was sent by the then prime minister to Liverpool to  apologise to the people of Liverpool. Subsequent events have shown the lies the police told on that day. He brags like a schoolboy about the amount of coke and cannabis he's taken.He upset Obama by lying because he was part Kenyan he must have bad memories of the British. No proof- just waffle. It does not do for foreign secretaries to upset American presidents. The idiot also wrote a ditty about the president of Turkey being a 'wanker' then had to go and meet him as foreign secretary. Clever stuff Johnson.

When the London riots were on, he was on holiday and did nor appear on the streets of London until all was quiet. He was booed by residents fed up of his amateurish stewardship of London when he finally appeared. He described his salary from the Telegraph (£250000) as 'chicken feed' . He has been criticised for RIDICULOUS expense claims on several occasions. He has had to apologise for not declaring his earnings to the house of commons on NINE occasions.

He lied about the EU legislating about pink sausages and straight bananas..complete  and utter lies. He lied about the £350000000 which would be spent on the NHS. Lied about Turkey being given EU membership....no foundation whatsoever. Michael Heseltine  said Johnson has created 'the greatest constitutional crisis of modern times and wiped billions off the nation's savings'. When it was pointed out to him that a no deal brexit would result in major job losses and a severe recession Johnson replied 'f**k business'. That's your jobs he's talking about folks. The man is a one man disaster. A British woman is imprisoned in Iran for allegedly spying. Johnson as foreign secretary was supposed to get her released, instead the Iranians doubled her length of imprisonment because Johnson said she had been there teaching journalism whereas the woman had always maintained she was on holiday. F***ing idiot. Whilst all the crap in the commons is going on he's holed up with a bird in Greece. Letting others take the bullets.


The man is a fat, dangerous incompetent, greedy lazy b*****d. Why is he given a free pass? Is it because he is white, a former Eton boy and everybody doffs their caps to him? Imagine if Diane Abbot had f****d around like he has whilst married.Or if she had been guilty of as many incredibly stupid gaffes as Johnson has been guilty of. Yet he gets away as 'just a naughty boy', everybody's favourite buffoon, whilst Abbot is metaphorically lynched. It tells us a lot about Britain.

I rest my case.




Edited by Blackmag
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In the interest of balance, Diane abbot is as racist as you can be, a white person would be lynched for making the same statements  if colours were reversed, she is  an enemy of democracy and is payed for by the public, so A the public have the right to call her what they want, as she is by title a public servant B how the f**k can anyone who values the basic principles of this country support someone that desperately wants to destroy them and turn England into a third world slum , there is no comparison between the two, I wish there was a f**k off emogy you would recieve one 

Edited by Greyman
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  On 23/01/2019 at 16:33, Greyman said:

In the interest of balance, Diane abbot is as racist as you can be, a white person would be lynched for making the same statements  if colours were reversed, she is  an enemy of democracy and is payed for by the public, so A the public have the right to call her what they want, as she is by title a public servant B how the f**k can anyone who values the basic principles of this country support someone that desperately wants to destroy them and turn England into a third world slum , there is no comparison between the two, I wish there was a f**k off emogy you would recieve one 


I am no fan of Abbot. I happen to think she is a disgrace and a liability. But this opinion is held because of her obvious lack of talent, not because of her blackness or fatness or her sex. She did remark that 'West Indian women will go to the wall for their kids" If you want to construe that as racist fair enough. But you are proving my point,Johnson has made many CALCULATED racist statements because he knows these statements will resonate with sections of the electorate. But nobody throws them back at him. And there's a difference, Johnson is, God forbid, favourite to be the next prime minister. The  gutter press lampoon Abbot's black skin and present her as the comic negress in exactly the same way as the South African  press did during apartheid and sections of the American press did  during the civil war. It's dangerous stuff. We should be bigger than that. Nobody has addressed my question: why does Johnson get off Scot free with his poor judgement, his confusing abortion with contraception, lack of ability, lying, incompetence, laziness, his narcissistic fluffing of his hair, his buffoonery his lack of decorum, lack of gravitas, his lack of f***ing everything.  Does he get a free pass because he is white and comes from the ruling class?

Answers on a postcard or a stamp in your case Greyman.



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  On 22/01/2019 at 22:03, Blackmag said:



Don’t wanna piss on ya chips but the eu core not all of the states wanted turkey onboard altho it was deemed a bit of agg lol the unelected wanted turkey in the crooked club “ In October 2005 the European Union opened accession negotiations with Turkey even though the governments of several member states harboured doubts about the wisdom of so doing. This article examines why the EU agreed to the opening of the negotiations, given the existence of reservations and the fact that the decision needed the approval of the governments of all twenty‐five member states” that’s about 75 million to hold eu passports that the unelected wanted turkey to have  , also Germany  has been turked for years don’t mean everyone needs it it bit like Germany calling on the invasion of refugee men of fighting age  dosnt mean we all approve ask victor ?

Edited by green lurchers
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