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total gits!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest Lord B



i phoned the police there and then but apparently the somerset constabulary "dont attend vehicle break-ins!"!!!!!!!! they said it was an insurance matter!!!!!

They don't attend break-ins??????? What on earth are we paying out :censored: heavy taxes for then for God's sake, that is just incorregable!

The insurance company surely would want a ref number of a reported crime, and is it not the police's job to track down and bring before the judiciery those presumed guilty of such crimes??

I should say write to your Chief C**tstable and complain, and also to your local MP. Quite probably nothing will come of it, but likewise nothing comes of not trying......

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that was,nt a break in it was malicious damage and therefore a CRIME you need to complain to your chief constable, i had 2 cars scratched a while ago reported it to the police (more out of frustration than anything) to be told by the officer at the desk he wished more people would do the same as the goverment are saying crime figures are going down and making cutbacks when really figures are going up because people won,t report crimes because they think nothing will be done. i hope you get your revenge one day.

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  fishfish said:
  Macnas said:
Jaysus feck, report it to the coppers anyway, never know, they might actually do their job.


Maybe that's being a bit optimistic.


i phoned the police there and then but apparently the somerset constabulary "dont attend vehicle break-ins!"!!!!!!!! they said it was an insurance matter!!!!!


Try reporting it as a "hate crime" they tend to be a little more enthusiastic.


Although how long that will last when they realise you are a white, hetrosexual, able bodied, non drug addicted male who looks after his kids, is any bodies guess! Maybe you should say you are a chinese, one legged, crack fuelled, lesbian single mother? They would probably give you a new car and a council house! :D

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