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RFD phone call..............bingo !!!

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Just phoned my RFD to chat over a couple of things when he tells me that a chap came in the shop looking for an air rifle but really had no comfort when holding the gun, after asking what he wanted the gun for, the man replied that he has some land he rents out and there are hundreds of rabbits causing a real issue with the wheat crop.

It was suggested that buying a rifle is not the answer and would need a fair amount of practice before trying to reduce the rabbit population and instead of going that route, would he like someone to take care of the problem which will be more effective from day one. Needless to say the man jumped at the chance because he is living about 15 miles from the problem area and had plenty of other things to think about.

It just so happens the man is renting out the land to a farmer I have been wanting to get on my perm list for a while so a quick phone call and my buddy and I have a new perm plus the chance of some more at the mans other farm 15 miles away plus the perfect intro to the farmer who I have been wanting to meet for some time. We are going to meet the man on Monday and with luck the other farmer as well. ?

Some days things just come together and this is one of those days..........................apart from the fact that I have to go shopping now with my dearly beloved.




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  On 19/01/2019 at 17:11, dutchjozef said:

Good "luck" with the new permission and

Let the pros handle things!


Btw I always assumed every UK farmer had a shotgun and a rimfire, but since Im on here I know better


I think most farmers do have a shotgun but in this case the land owner is 15miles away so time is a factor and the fact that stealth is needed to make headway in reducing the rabbit population. I only know of one farmer that owns a rimfire rifle and having put a scope on for him so he could actually see through it, he now on odd occasions hits something. ?

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  On 20/01/2019 at 13:42, philpot said:

I think most farmers do have a shotgun but in this case the land owner is 15miles away so time is a factor and the fact that stealth is needed to make headway in reducing the rabbit population. I only know of one farmer that owns a rimfire rifle and having put a scope on for him so he could actually see through it, he now on odd occasions hits something. ?


Haha okay. So if he actually HITS a target.... Its buy pure luck.

Thats not how we conduct our shooting!!!!

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We went over to meet the land owner today and a walk around the site showed it was only around 15 acres but my God the rabbit scraping and Warren size made up for the fact this is by far the smallest perm we have. The field edges where the wardens are located on the edge of a overgrown pit or quarry which I said is full of rabbits but the guy who owned it was not in favour of shooting...................the landowner took us by surprised by saying that he owned the pit and we could help ourselves, well a nice little bonus there so now we have something a bit different and get again only minutes away from home. ?


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