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New pup from Spain, hoping it does as well as the older one has?   

One boy and his Galgo. 

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  On 29/04/2019 at 18:05, shaaark said:


Yep, try the crusades, when you english fuckers brought christianity to this country lol ?

Like the developement of the 'english' thoroughbred. Descended from the 'godolphin arabian' the 'darley arabian' and the 'byerly turk', crossed into your average ENGLISH draught mare, and then back to the middle esdtern blood, hehehe yeah very f***ing english ................. NOT hehehe


mentioned that ?


'Turk' and hound


Edited by Gilbey
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  On 06/05/2019 at 20:24, thefensarefarbutistillgo said:

Funny dogs them galgos, they don’t seem to have a coursing brain, you never see them get a hare under control and work it properly, they seem to run like a greyhound but slower, would like to see them run single handed then they might get chance to use there brains more if they have got any 


They run totally different... strange dogs imo but defo capable ;)

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  On 06/05/2019 at 20:24, thefensarefarbutistillgo said:

Funny dogs them galgos, they don’t seem to have a coursing brain, you never see them get a hare under control and work it properly, they seem to run like a greyhound but slower, would like to see them run single handed then they might get chance to use there brains more if they have got any 


funnily enough I once had a chap slip a fast type lurcher in by accident, on a three quarter saluki bitch I was running, and it kept getting in the way, every time the hare turned my bitch had to jump over his to get back in, after a minuet or two she got control and ended things, but he could not understand what was going on at all.

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I've found doubled up runs causes as many problems as it solves for experienced dogs.

Competitive doubled up coursing dogs don't get to run to many hares be they galgos or greyhounds as it's all about notching up points and running cunning doesn't get points but my bitch soon got the idea?.

can see it here the pair running at 4 minutes on the vid the paler one looking to try and work, the darker one  charging in.



Edited by sandymere
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Fundimental difference Spain and Portugal will run under rules the same as the Greeks and Romans done same as we used to when respect for quarry was the done thing . Eons back when they set the rules for sport not killing    How long has killing gone on for ? Except in the Mid East where all they know is killing  on all levels  pretty sure they not got sport in ther dictionary , if running a hare till it’s heart implodes is your thing then killing is your game. Sport has gone on for many years giving healthy respect for quarry was set in stone yrs ago  “the truest of sportsmen “ was written by Greek and Roman philosophers not some  cnt from the Norfolk who wants to earn a few quid 

Edited by green lurchers
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  On 07/05/2019 at 17:35, green lurchers said:

Fundimental difference Spain and Portugal will run under rules the same as the Greeks and Romans done same as we used to when respect for quarry was the done thing . Eons back when they set the rules for sport not killing    How long has killing gone on for ? Except in the Mid East where all they know is killing  on all levels  pretty sure they not got sport in ther dictionary 


Ever seen that running boar wi lurchers in my native Pakistan bully cutter xs some look quite racy 

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  On 07/05/2019 at 17:43, Black neck said:

Ever seen that running boar wi lurchers in my native Pakistan bully cutter xs some look quite racy 


Lol yeah they sporting dogs eh I been invited over there plenty times to see dogs I said “ u cnts will put me in an orange suit and set me alight “ he said no we treat you good  I said “ fk you and ya shit dogs “ 

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