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Minshaw dogs

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  On 31/03/2019 at 16:52, Bearfoot said:

It be illegal to post a picture of 20 hares I must admit iam.out more way the dogs in daytime up hills bolting foxes to guns or dogs that's my thing I enjoy watching a dog working ranging on moors doing pest control has always been my thing iam quit happy killing rats pigeons tha hares may be in hear way a few hundred mackerel tomo send vin my regards ??



Bit dry mate gor any beans

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here you go madfox....this bitch has some "Minshaw " in her shes a great grand daughter of blue....that's me she caught 63 that night ...just me and her.....3 days later I was out with her again Darcy

heres 1 more for ya...not the best pic....im on the left with the same bitch.....the young fella on the right is holding Don...he has the same sire as mine...a "minshaw " called jack...the dam to don

The Minshaw name tag is just that a tag used by peddlers, not a type or breed. Every lurcher in my kennels for the last few generations has had the blood of Bess a half x bitch running threw thei

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  On 31/03/2019 at 16:52, Bearfoot said:

Me no daft me no silly me hang on to king kongs willy ????????


Yet your stupid enough to put pictures up of fox that’s clearly been taken by dogs ??‍♂️ With a dog stood over it nice work ??(Probably the only one your dogs have taken that why you’ve got the picture to give your ego a little rub and to add to media when you want to try an doop people in to think your scouring the land and taking them left right an centre????) you can’t use the shot with guns line when your there trying to prove to the world of the hunting life your dogs worth to people as a point Like I said no picture didn’t happen!  your a poo waffler fella if this 20hares happened but clearly it didn’t as you surely wouldn’t of been stupid enough to point out you’ve lamped 20 of them with dogs if you were clever as you are trying to make out you are in the first place ?you would off added a picture with your dog stood there an said 20 hares shot with gun day time retrieved with dog An said no more about the matter but your trying to make people believe something that didn’t happen 

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  On 01/04/2019 at 11:27, Bearfoot said:

A dog is always present to find any wounded animals and Joe if you think for one minute one of these type could beat a saluki lurcher at hares Your kennel blind man i was running saluki x when it was legal they are in a different level  on hares  daytime but iam not up for getting nicked the days of running hares daytime is over iam just glad I was never kennel blind I've seen a few good x at work ?????????


What I think is you talk a load of shit and have cartoons playing out in your head which your mind thinks is real life.

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  On 01/04/2019 at 11:48, Bearfoot said:

Joe I never grow up.in a cubard I've traveled up and down country you dont no me from.adam I was after a good rabbit dog I went to leigh I bought one I new looking at the dog that's all.it would be I was happy tomos dog never made the grade mate I got a better bitch of the grey she was the only one in the litter to make the grade was she any better than the dogs I've had not a chance that's just life the daytime haregame is finished my dogs suit me for all i.do these days they keep themselves feed that's all i ask are they as good as saluki x on hares not a chance mate iam quit happy helping my mate out on his shoot I dont need to brake the law I suppose iam.lucky who noes I may even get another saluki x because I really liked my old dog but that is something for me not you or any others I certainly can give it he hares on driven guns ?????????


Your an idiot who waffles on talking a load of shit, your posts just keep proving it for all to see...…. carry on ?

Edited by joe ox
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