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36 minutes ago, keepdiggin said:

Anyone know of any work going in Chesterfield or Sheffield, 



Rent boy?? 

Kev (lurcherman 887) reckons he can get £400-£500 a day up that way on a weekend ?

Says some religious shite then let's them pop it in ??


Hope you get something sorted Alex ?

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29 minutes ago, liP said:

Rent boy?? 

Kev (lurcherman 887) reckons he can get £400-£500 a day up that way on a weekend ?

Says some religious shite then let's them pop it in ??


Hope you get something sorted Alex ?

I thought you said not to tell anyone what we do for work mate ... 

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2 minutes ago, W. Katchum said:

Yip find a decent sized farm an show willing an there will always be graft


im sure you got trade tho ain’t ye? But I hate it when youngsters complain about no jobs being about, always a job if ye look hard enough ffs, I’d help anybody out local that showed some drive. Our local fb pages are full a youngsters asking for work an they get it, then others that jist like to moan an refuse to do jobs beneath em?

They come,stay for a day,say they thought it was ok and you never see them again.atleast once a month that happens.they don't know what work is.

Edited by ginger beard
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4 minutes ago, W. Katchum said:

Aye mate it’s quite a busy yard, there’s few guys who deal with cows always a few in tractors then mechanics in workshops an maintence guys an also it’s a big family buissness, but it’s there an needs doing 365 days a year, decent pay but hard work, but always looking for folk an as of right now 3 members of staff are poles who stay in site in statics an another 2 coming at end a month Cos jobs been advertised aslong as Iv been there an likes been said we get loads in but prob every 1 in 10 or 15 stays ?


an he wven lets school leavers start an they go college 2 days a week an usually get to choose the days they work. An only had one lad in past 3 years ??? he has stuck it mind 

Stop calling em John and ignoring them and they might stay you load of miserable c**ts.They probabably think f**k being here with this load of w**kers.

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48 minutes ago, W. Katchum said:

Yip find a decent sized farm an show willing an there will always be graft


im sure you got trade tho ain’t ye? But I hate it when youngsters complain about no jobs being about, always a job if ye look hard enough ffs, I’d help anybody out local that showed some drive. Our local fb pages are full a youngsters asking for work an they get it, then others that jist like to moan an refuse to do jobs beneath em?

Had to change jobs mate for health reasons I suffer from psorasis and plaster has just mullered me

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7 minutes ago, W. Katchum said:

Our boss, or bosses ole man who is meant be retired is 77 or summat am walks about work telling everybody how to do things right, he calls everybody John till they been there a year atleast??. An he called all the poles by English names?? so far we have a Darius= dave, Mathias= Mathew, pablo = Paul, kass= Kevin an Lukas= Luke 


and they all call us mister donald, or mister Colin or what ever our names are ffs????annoyed life out me for years now??

We do that to the decent foreigners at work, the rest get a name that suits them like the current batch Death Breath, Barry chuckle and Rooney.

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6 minutes ago, W. Katchum said:

I disliked em when I started but after seeing some the home grown waste a spaces that come an go ye start looking at Johnny Foreigner diff as they do job no fuss or hassle 

Some of them are really good workers and decent lads too, unfortunately we seem to be getting more Lithuanian and Bulgarians through the agency now though and Lithuania must be devoid of bellends now coz they're all here.

We had a 62 year old polish bloke who worked his arse off and he could tell where the Lithuanians were from before they'd even spoke by how lazy they are.

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