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Wanted.....Telemetry outfit.


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I am looking for a good second hand outfit for my Male Harris Hawk. It is getting to the point where I feel uncomfortable to let him follow on too far back from me, if that makes sense. He usually flies very close to me and sometimes flying on in front waiting for me...BUT when I see Magpies near him I am hoping he doesn't go after one and end up three Woods over from me!! Bells are handy close up...... :whistling:


To be 100% truthful I can't find an affordable new outfit. Unless anyone knows of a less expensive set to buy new? Please don't say "finding a good Bird is worth any amount of money", as that is counter productive, although I understand the sentiment.

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216mhz is the illegal frequency and used in the past by alot of falconers due to its shorter antenna and shorter yaggi. the 173.200mhz frequency is legal and one of the most popular, it has a longer antenna and longer Yaggi but the rule of thumb is the lower the MHZ the further the field of coverage, the 173 is well known to have greater distance than the 216 although as I said earler the 216 has the advantage of being shorter.


I have used a 173 system for many years without a problem with the length of aerial even when mounted on Spars! its personal choice but you have to remember that the 216 can be confiscated when being used in the field. there was a story going round a few years back about raids taking place at the falconry fair confiscateing 216 MHZ's telemetry....


what I have done in the past when flying Spars is cut the aerial clean in half! by all accounts you can't just go lobbing of bits here and there on these transmitter aerials, but if you lob 50% off them it will obviously shorten the range but will still give you plenty of scope for a Red Crow or Spar :whistling:.....

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  Sighthound said:
You will find alot of 216 receivers for sale this year :) read up on it


Tell us more about 216 receivers please why will there be more up for sale this year ? as I to am looking for a telemetry thanks N/S



Hi the jury is still out on this one.

The 216 frequency is to be used by dab broadcasting (Digital TV/radio) later in 2008.

Some say it will not effect the receiver others that there will be too much interference.

I suppose either time or your location will tell.


Try this link for a further explanation.



Also it is illegal to transmit using the 216 frequency

Edited by Sighthound
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if you give Louie on this website a bell in the states it will be alot cheaper to order than in the UK! This company has been building telemetry from way before other systems hit the market! they've been tried and tested over and over again in the field and reliable with a capital R! I have used one for years without missing a beat and has saved me time and time again when a bird has gone AWOL :whistling:....



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  Millet said:
Let's say the 216mhz channel does go tit's up how would people go about getting there original reciever's changed over to there chosen frequency... as im sure it must be possible to do rather than pulling a hole lot of money out for a new set..



I think you can trim the Receiver Box in to the desired frequency! the only problem is you will then need to get the correct length aerial antenna for the transmitter and also the correct length Yaggi.


I had the lid off mine a while back and on the circuit board is a set of plastic trim screws! I should say by playing about with these and a oscila scope you can trim them in to different frequencies....

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  jasper65 said:
  Millet said:
Let's say the 216mhz channel does go tit's up how would people go about getting there original reciever's changed over to there chosen frequency... as im sure it must be possible to do rather than pulling a hole lot of money out for a new set..



I think you can trim the Receiver Box in to the desired frequency! the only problem is you will then need to get the correct length aerial antenna for the transmitter and also the correct length Yaggi.


I had the lid off mine a while back and on the circuit board is a set of plastic trim screws! I should say by playing about with these and a oscila scope you can trim them in to different frequencies....


This is right Tony its alot of messing about but it can be done but whatever you do dont send it back to a dealer as they will charge you as much as the whole system was to buy

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  SPAR said:
This is right Tony its alot of messing about but it can be done but whatever you do dont send it back to a dealer as they will charge you as much as the whole system was to buy


Its lucky I wasn't taken in by all the hype in the 90's mate when alot of people was buying 216Mhz! the Falconer who adviced me back then proved correct. I got my MN10 on 173 and still use the same receiver with a couple of new transmitters, the reciver has had a couple of Mods added to it but apart from that its basically the same! the Pre-Amp definitley helps should I need the added Range but so far never have....

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