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  On 27/12/2018 at 00:13, steve66 said:

think a crossbow bolt into there dinghys is there answer , though its not going to happen , 10 years prison for entering a country illegally then deportation is more realistic  


Why should we pay for them to be fed and housed for 10 years ?

Next flight out and if they won't say where to, we'll decide for them !

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  On 28/12/2018 at 20:14, robertb123 said:

Just heard on the radio someone from the "border farce" describing the people in boats as a flood"! God help us when they start coming over in bigger numbers. And why are they always "rescued" and not arrested?


Sky news yesterday people were discussing the subject,some guy said "These people must be so desperate" and the rest nodded their heads in assertion f***ing idiots,desperate when they were under no threat in france?They are freeloaders,putting their children in danger,This is the beginning,they have learnt,advance parties have landed and know its not as difficult as many thought theres been roughly 100 since Christmas,the taps trickling at the moment,its going to flood,its going to get worse when some kid,toddler drowns,the pics of the corpse washed up on the beach (the parents fault,no one elses) will be used to elicit massive sympathy from the left.

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  On 26/12/2018 at 16:07, Meece said:

 One of the son in laws takes the unwelcome abduls, Mohameds and mbongos back to where they came from but  Something that the majority  of people don't  understand is that sometime's the country won't accept them back or the origin of the person can't  be found. Also these so called paki gang members were born here so this country is responsible for them. One thing that I  don't  agree with is the fact that these small boats of people that are being smuggled across the channel are not being put on the  next ferry back over to France. Instead they are given a medical check over their details ( i.e.. Mickey mouse... Fred smith) taken and then they are given a rail ticket to London and sent on their way and told to book in once a week. ( yeah right ). The smugglers are using this as a selling point to the others on the other side. Words from politicians are just that, words. They could have sorted this year's ago when they used to come over hanging onto the bottom of trains. They should have loaded them on a transport plane and flown them out to Bagram air base in Afghan, marched to the perimeter  by sargent major Williams and booted through the gate..... irregardless of where they came from. ...  oh dear, how sad,,,, never mind! ,!,!



  On 28/12/2018 at 20:28, mackem said:

Sky news yesterday people were discussing the subject,some guy said "These people must be so desperate" and the rest nodded their heads in assertion f***ing idiots,desperate when they were under no threat in france?They are freeloaders,putting their children in danger,This is the beginning,they have learnt,advance parties have landed and know its not as difficult as many thought theres been roughly 100 since Christmas,the taps trickling at the moment,its going to flood,its going to get worse when some kid,toddler drowns,the pics of the corpse washed up on the beach (the parents fault,no one elses) will be used to elicit massive sympathy from the left.


Further to my post above, ... no one seems to press any politician  as to what time scale it takes to send these illegals back to either France or to wherever. I know for a fact that they are not held in custody and are just launched into the country. Eventualy the system catches up and they are dispatched but even this is  it as simple as one would think. Son in law has ben offered BIG money to leave the van door open and look the other way. He didnt accept and did his duty.  He has been on flights where the person that he has taken back has been on the same flight coming back to the uk. The person has been immediately been reissued with a new identity and denies that he is mbongo and is fred smith. And the deportation process starts again. It's difficult.  But not impossible. Perhaps after a successful brexit there might be a chance. Failing that ethnic  type cleansing.  The final solution or not.

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The chief executive for the refugee council here in the UK has just been interviewed on Sky,his first words...…"These are desperate people"...……...why are they desperate?Who is persecuting them in france?This problem needs to be stamped on.

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Some total airhead from the hummingbird refugee project is saying theres nowhere safe in france for refugees,its desperate there for them as 94% had experienced brutality from the French plod,and the illegal immigrants who want to come here are exploited by criminal gangs,this woman also worked in Calais in the camps,says it all ?

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Wondered a bit from the OP but why indeed do we accept these illegals as we rescue them?

Seems bonkers to me, they illegally try and enter the country, struggle in whatever boats they use, so we pick them up, bring them the rest of the way and then say Hi, come in and well look after you?

Why don't we tow them back to a beach in France and leave them there!?

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  On 29/12/2018 at 19:45, Deker said:

...and I hear today we will be deploying more boats in the channel to rescue them, sounds like an open invitation for them to swarm across.

Just what are the French doing to stop/rescue then?


The frogs hate us and are probably hacked off with having them over there. What are the frogs doing ?  Probably giving them a packet of gauloises and shrugging their shoulders .


It could also be that the frogs don't want the Mbongos getting access to the gauloises, (French women).

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