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The 2 old boys of the group, they are 8 The others in there out door run 

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I often think  back to digs and wonder how many I have done /seen done  over a life time once me and my mate had a bad dig on an old Drovers road , we had to hang my lad down the hole and my old mate George said feel owt Sam, Sam sez yes the Ferret is licking my fingers , when he pulled it out  it was not our ferret that came out after it .




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First pic is a hob it's one of four and probably the best ferret i have ever had he's only little but fook me he's a little grafted. 

Second pic is one of the small jills I work and the third pic is the little hunting team I took out today. Would you believe I bolted 4 stoats in one day!! That's more stoats than I've seen in the past 10 years lol. 

To say today has been a challenge is an understatement more things have gone wrong today than every days ferreting I've had put together lol doesn't help when you have had no kip and been drinking all night. Then last thing collar popped off my ferret 6ft down whilst he was locked on one of those stoats. Forget digging by hand it's mini digger time!! Also my little lad had tangled my long net up when it was in my garage took two and a half hours to sort out and I'm pants at putting long nets back together as had to take poles off so I could untangle it. Won't bore you all with everything else that went wrong but the in laws friend strimmed every hedge on about 30 fields yesterday that's dedinitely how you cause someone problems long netting. That was just a few things that happened, that's what happens though when you take your Mrs with you lol 





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  On 01/01/2019 at 15:34, wilbs said:

First pic is a hob it's one of four and probably the best ferret i have ever had he's only little but fook me he's a little grafted. 

Second pic is one of the small jills I work and the third pic is the little hunting team I took out today. Would you believe I bolted 4 stoats in one day!! That's more stoats than I've seen in the past 10 years lol. 

To say today has been a challenge is an understatement more things have gone wrong today than every days ferreting I've had put together lol doesn't help when you have had no kip and been drinking all night. Then last thing collar popped off my ferret 6ft down whilst he was locked on one of those stoats. Forget digging by hand it's mini digger time!! Also my little lad had tangled my long net up when it was in my garage took two and a half hours to sort out and I'm pants at putting long nets back together as had to take poles off so I could untangle it. Won't bore you all with everything else that went wrong but the in laws friend strimmed every hedge on about 30 fields yesterday that's dedinitely how you cause someone problems long netting. That was just a few things that happened, that's what happens though when you take your Mrs with you lol 






Size means nowt in my opinion mate. Best worker i ever had was a really small polecat. Got killed by the father of my litter which was his brother whilst in a rut. 

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You're right there pal the hob in the pic come summertime is a bloody nightmare with other hobs. They are all sound for handling but I had a vasectomised hob who was probably 2 to 3 times his size but God knows how he used to get underneath him and flip him over had to separate them as he would have killed him or any of the other hobs think he had small ferret syndrome lol. 

For years and years I have picked the small lively ones to get to where I am now.

A couple of chaps had one off me last year from Coventry way for bunnies think there was a group of them that went out old boys he was also into ratting as well. He rang me a while back to.say that he was the toughest little ratting ferret he had had for years and all his friends were after one as well. To be truthful I wouldn't let any go if they are to be just used for ratting as they can knock your ferret about 

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