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Lab x grey

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  On 22/12/2018 at 12:16, Big Ron said:

Now now Bill pipe down , you can't be on the cider this early surely ? ?


Ron a think a told yas before in aye drink  it his what it his and privat lessons eleewher cost wonga  so he best think himself lucky fella he gleaning the knowledge da free of those that bin there seen and dun it get my drift Ron yas keep drinking that cherry ade .and stay calm .atb Bill 

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I would totally agree with this , have seen plenty cracking pointers and some stunning working labs. I think even with a good working strain of lab in a lurcher cross you'd still get too many heavy pu

Proper, old school, mouching dogs, I like them well enough ?

The Lab x collie grey I mentioned I grew up with. She knew more about the game than me at the time.

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  On 22/12/2018 at 10:12, Balaur said:

Haha obviously hit a nerve. I like the dogs but I didn't think they were an ideal choice of build unlike some of the racier tall types. I'm fairly sure my mate isn't working show dogs but hey ho. 

I've never seen a lab x lurcher and haven't seen one work . Atb Joe 


No nerves hit balaur all I am trying to do is share with you my experience of working labs, if the topic were about saluki crosses I would have kept my mouth shut as I’ve no practical knowledge of them, I’ve friends with various crosses but it’s not the same as owning & working a breed of dog,if you don’t have any first hand knowledge of a breed of dog it’s best you do not to contribute because I and men like me can see straight through the likes of you.

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I don't pretend to be a expert on labs only ever owned the 1 I have never fancied owning 1 to be honest always had lurchers and terriers.what I will say been the easiest dog I've had to house train only ever peed in the house once never chewed a thing lovely natured dog only downside bit over friendly and malts like no other dog I've ever owned.but only because I've only ever owned 1 I've been round alot and seen alot work and been quite impressed by a few but what I am saying is over the years I've seen quite a few that have looked better worked better than the drakeshead ones I've seen not saying there shit saying like all dogs there are better out there just like people would say about the collie xs from hancocks 

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  On 22/12/2018 at 12:54, Balaur said:

Be easier to glean your famous wisdom if I could understand more of the sh*te you wrote atb Joe .....



  On 22/12/2018 at 13:14, Balaur said:

Well I've a bit of experience.  Been around keepering a fair bit seen a few hundred labs work and owned a lab bitch.  I'll keep my nose out leave it to the masters you couple of jumped up know it all twats. Merry Christmas lol


Just that some us don't take fools lightly now feck off hope that I'll do and a merry fecking X as ta you atb bill

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  On 22/12/2018 at 13:14, Balaur said:

Well I've a bit of experience.  Been around keepering a fair bit seen a few hundred labs work and owned a lab bitch.  I'll keep my nose out leave it to the masters you couple of jumped up know it all twats. Merry Christmas lol


The majority of keepers I know Cuna handle a good woman Neva mind a good jukel they mostly shite dog handlers I know plenty one I knows sent da me ta ask me if  I think if his bitch in welp ,fa flecks sake seasons keeper I had a chuck

e ta me Sen when leaving ,twas it his what it his and comonsence his not I am afraid common no more Neva has been fecking tit he bee he was my main buyer fa preban Venice best off it were of his patch more often not.,he could not recognise his own ,don't get fecking telling me about keepers I'll be laughing in to the new yr. atb bill

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  On 22/12/2018 at 12:49, billhardy said:

Ron a think a told yas before in aye drink  it his what it his and privat lessons eleewher cost wonga  so he best think himself lucky fella he gleaning the knowledge da free of those that bin there seen and dun it get my drift Ron yas keep drinking that cherry ade .and stay calm .atb Bill 


Come again ?.......I think you have a IV drip of cider perm into u as f**k knows what your saying  , ?

Edited by Big Ron
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I like threads like this they bring back memories of better times, a mate of mine had one and I saw him work for four or five years week in week out, he was a good dog by any standard, but only used on rabbits hares and birds, he was a yapper though, I must confess to not being a lab fan but as a lurcher very good base the other day I was running my little gang of spaniels and picking birds no one knew were even pricked mouching at its best a little f1 cocker whippet in the gang be bob on. and bill I know what you mean about keepers as dog men, but i bean keepering years now and at a good level in years past, and not many handle dogs as well as me keepers or otherwise, lol.

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  On 22/12/2018 at 05:34, Mr Wilkes said:

A chap walked past me yesterday as I waited for my son to come outa school, he had two drakeshead lab bitches and to look at em you would have said they were a 1st x lab / grew.... around 21” slim but muscular.. beautiful dogs.


I don't know the lab bloodlines but I believe drakes head is john halsteads kennel name, did the chap say they were drakes head or do they genuinely look different from all the other labs?

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I've never owned a lab but have seen loads work and the ones I've seen on grouse moors have always seemed more athletic than dogs just used for picking up, the only drakeshead dogs I've seen were picking up pheasants they did look a bit heavier than the ones on grouse moors never seen them do much apart from picking up at the end of a drive, I would personally only use a dog that works moors or in a beating line

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  On 24/12/2018 at 08:01, fatlad said:

I've never owned a lab but have seen loads work and the ones I've seen on grouse moors have always seemed more athletic than dogs just used for picking up, the only drakeshead dogs I've seen were picking up pheasants they did look a bit heavier than the ones on grouse moors never seen them do much apart from picking up at the end of a drive, I would personally only use a dog that works moors or in a beating line


i have never owned a lab either and know what you mean, the racier ones look like they have running dog in already, different areas/ jobs require a different style of working and like forward thinking lurcher men, gun dog men will adapt wat they have to suit their needs, we see trialers all the time picking up, and all they want are the birds that they can direct their dogs onto using hand signals etc very skill full, but not proper picking up, we pick up 3/4/5 hundred yards behind the guns, and most of what we pick, the guns don't even know they touched, then we move forward and sweep up any that bean missed by all the other dogs, I like my dogs to work the ground themselves, not rely on me.

Edited by two crows
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