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New FAC Rapid inbound

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Morning all, I have just bought an FAC Rapid MK2 in .22, should arrive Saturday, very excited.

This will be my first FAC airgun, I bought it so I can shoot tree rats and pigeons in trees, since getting my .22 LR and .17 HMR that's where they all seem to be hiding, sods law lol.

It's running about 28ftlbs, which I'm pretty happy with, has anyone got any experience running a .22 rapid at that level? Is it worth upping it to 30?

What are people's experiences with this rifle?

Keen to hear your thoughts, pic below ?



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Nice , but you don't need FAC to shoot Squirrels and pigeons, sub12 does it very nicely in either .177 ,  . 22  and 25  oh I forgot the transvestite cal of .20:laugh:

I have FAC airguns ,but for squirrels I manly use my HW100k .177 using  AA Express 7.9gr pellet 

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I had the same gun before moving on to an fac .25 FX Impact and the Rapid is a real hunting tool and no mistake. Mine ran at 28fpe and if my memory serves me well it had a 16'' barrel which a number of guys said I should swap out for a 19'' barrel. It had less shots per fill than the 19'' but to be honest I got around 55 shots per fill so more than enough. 

These rifles are super accurate and after testing loads of different types of pellets, I found Air Arms Field Heavy 18gr way better than anything else and funnily enough on the Rapid7 forum, I was told the same thing by a few people so I never tried any more pellets as they did the job a hit with a wallop. Not always easy to get hold of so have a look around before you get the gun and let me know if you have any problems as I will look back to see who I bought them from and send you a few to test if you get stuck.

Just remembered I got mine from Uttings




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  On 20/12/2018 at 11:53, villaman said:

Nice , but you don't need FAC to shoot Squirrels and pigeons, sub12 does it very nicely in either .177 ,  . 22  and 25  oh I forgot the transvestite cal of .20:laugh:

I have FAC airguns ,but for squirrels I manly use my HW100k .177 using  AA Express 7.9gr pellet 


Yeah, got a sub 12 .22 HW80 & .177 AirTech Regal too, wanted to try FAC air, wanted the option of 70+ yard bunnies and tree quarry, .22 LR is great for ground game, but far too dangerous for anything above ground level, plus the .22 air has much less ricochet danger ?

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25-30ft lb can be very useful if you need that bit more than 12.  I don't see its worth the issue going from 28-30 but see how you get on with it.

Bisley Mags always worked well from what I recall from way back, but as always you will need to try a few pellets to see what works best for you/gun and the quarry!

Great guns!

ATB! :thumbs:

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  On 20/12/2018 at 12:44, philpot said:

I had the same gun before moving on to an fac .25 FX Impact and the Rapid is a real hunting tool and no mistake. Mine ran at 28fpe and if my memory serves me well it had a 16'' barrel which a number of guys said I should swap out for a 19'' barrel. It had less shots per fill than the 19'' but to be honest I got around 55 shots per fill so more than enough. 

These rifles are super accurate and after testing loads of different types of pellets, I found Air Arms Field Heavy 18gr way better than anything else and funnily enough on the Rapid7 forum, I was told the same thing by a few people so I never tried any more pellets as they did the job a hit with a wallop. Not always easy to get hold of so have a look around before you get the gun and let me know if you have any problems as I will look back to see who I bought them from and send you a few to test if you get stuck.

Just remembered I got mine from Uttings





I’d 100% agree with that. Also, 28ft lbs is the sweet spot for .22 rapid regarding shots/charge. 

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  On 20/12/2018 at 12:51, andykllhr said:

Yeah, got a sub 12 .22 HW80 & .177 AirTech Regal too, wanted to try FAC air, wanted the option of 70+ yard bunnies and tree quarry, .22 LR is great for ground game, but far too dangerous for anything above ground level, plus the .22 air has much less ricochet danger ?


The fac rapid will ricochet, no doubt about that, they really will ricochet. As you say though, not as dangerously as a rimfire bullet.?

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  On 20/12/2018 at 22:39, Rez said:

Andy the laydehhhh killer ? Good to see your face back.

Rapids are always better with proper poke. Looks nice man. Good to see a SAK up front too.


Thanks mate, nice to be back ?, I'll probably swap out the SAK for a decimeater I've got lying around, should be more effective with air ?

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Yes no problem but it is at my RFD's shop at the moment as he wanted to borrow it for some testing but I will pick it up before Xmas and take some photos. It was made by guys at British Aero Space and the build is superb with really well made baffles inside. 


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