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xmas you looking forward to it

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I was out with my mate at dinner time up the golf course he hates xmas does feck all but moan about it,him and the missus have no kids so he says they just end up getting pis,ed all the time and start

I am looking forward mostly because I’ve got a young family and they are so excited. My oldest is 6 and the other 2 are feeding of her energy so the house is buzzing, we are doing elf on a shelf so ev

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  On 12/12/2018 at 22:07, Rusty_terrier said:

Spot on.weve been watchin xmas films. Deck the halls . Home alone etc.  Im off work over xmas.  dinner with inlaws and my folks. Wee boy will be spoiled rotten.  Plenty beers food and chat. 


That's what it's all about pal. Loads of classic Christmas films up on Netflix we'll be working our way through them as a family I'm sure. Proper special when you've got a wee one having their first Christmases too, enjoy these early years. Hope you and yours have a good one :thumbs:

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  On 12/12/2018 at 23:11, W. Katchum said:

I know its sad an sounds soppy but i saw thing on fb last week along yhe lines of, used think being a kid at crimbo was best thing ever, nbut turns out having kids on christmas is....  

and ghats that's exactly how i feel tbh?


same here. both my kids have asked for a tv to watch dvds and listen to cd's . we told them they can have 1 each but they will be tiny and old. regardlerss they are bouncing happy. i literally cant wait to see their faces when they see what they got. mrs found nice ones for £170 each that have netflix and remotes on them. on top of them mrs has been buying dvds and cds off people on facebook for a quid or 2. i thnk will probably 250/300 each. love kids at xmas. not sure what me and mrs will do when their older and flown the nest. hopefully more nites out drinking 

i throw myself into kids xmas after my boss told me he regrets coasting thru his kids xmas not savouring it and enjoying just sort of "doing it"

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  On 12/12/2018 at 15:30, Councilestatekid said:

I hate Xmas never really liked it as a kid used to use it to go out with dogs then when kids came along have to get involved find it a massive rip off costs us about 3500 which for a day is a joke in my eyes when the kids get stuff all year round.my mrs loves it though 4 out of the 5 kids just ask for money now so there's no xmasy feel wake up give them a wad of notes done where the mrs used to like going and buying all the presents this year though the baby (he's 3)is really excited for the 1st time which I buzz off so its all about trying to make it extra special for him this year.


It's the first time my three year old has understood it properly and she's super excited. All we've had its singles and Christmas songs since the first, nights driving round looking for lights and 6am starts for the bleddy advent calendar

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  On 13/12/2018 at 00:15, Elchapo said:

Man who pretty much raised me died on xmass day never really bin same ever since for me 


same here....but having young kids has brought back the 'shine' for me.2 weeks off work payed, a nice bonus ,spend the day buzzing out with the family and rest of the time travelling about the UK getting the dogs grafted....

chance of a few good meals?might even go up a notch on the old belt?I'm looking forward to this year to be honest ?

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One of my Grandads died on Christmas day 2005.

 .......... It wasn't a bad thing though - he was old, he'd had a good life and, he was in pain with cancer. It was kind of a relief when he was finally at rest.


I do like Christmas - the presents and excited kids are nice but, I like the family time and all the food and drink. I've booked a couple of weeks off this year so, I can just meander along and not worry about sticking to anyone's schedule.

 ........ I'm looking forward to cooking on Christmas day.

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Looking forward to christmas actually off this year and looking forward to going out for the meal and all the kids being home till the squabbling starts and theres that many folk off you can hardly go out and get some sport without some bugger being there watching you so swings and roundabouts 

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My lil nephew buried on xmas eve not gona make it over to ireland this year far to busy ... cant wait see the kids faces this year gotta drive to folkstone to pick up a prezzie no where else in country has them and got one reserved there lol its been a good year so hopefully many more to come hope you all have great days !!! Gonna do lapland next year 100 pc my pal just got back from the day trip cost him 2 Grand but fk me looked beatiful

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