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Training on lamp

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On 11/12/2018 at 19:11, Lurcherman332 said:

Hi all I need of some advice and thought where best to ask! My lurcher pup is coming on well with her basic training a little head strong but all in all coming on very well only thing I seem to be struggling with is getting her used to the beam I’ve had her out with a rabbit skin dummy with reflective tape on it casting the dummy out and using the beam for her to see. Doing this hoping she will run down the beam and pick the dummy but she won’t look down the beam at all and the odd time when she does she won’t repeat it! She 9 months old and probably been doing it for 2 weeks not every night but regular still nothing any advice??

I tried the same things as you with my dog when it was young, reflective tape on a dummy. I was told by a more experienced lad that it wouldn’t work and he was correct. The penny didn’t drop on mine until we’d been out lamping a couple of times. First ever slip I picked him up under my arm, popped the filter off and let him go. He ran the opposite direction into the darkness. I ignored the dog and kept the beam on the now running rabbit, dog came flying out of the darkness behind the rabbit  for a cracking chase and his first catch. After the next trip he started watching the beam. Penny soon drops pal. At 9 months I wouldn’t even be thinking about that. I lamped mine at 11 months and I wish I’d waited until he was a bit older. Mine can be quite a bad yapper and I blame myself. Don’t rush things

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Update for everyone!  been out twice this week first night still looking around not watching the beam then last rabbi we seen she spots it then game on close one almost picked it but managed to escape

Once the pup equates the lamp with the movement of prey your on the pigs back  movement is the key, its the rabbit that educates the dog to the lamp , not the owner  dont let your frustratio

9 months I was slipping mine on rabbits. Not that she caught any at that age but I was impatient. They say make sure there capable physically of catching one before you slip them on one as they can ge

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On 11/12/2018 at 21:37, Casso said:

Once the pup equates the lamp with the movement of prey your on the pigs back 

movement is the key, its the rabbit that educates the dog to the lamp , not the owner 

dont let your frustration for educating the pup effect the relationship , it shouldnt feel any resistance from you espically when you want it carrying  a highly prized item such as a rabbit into your space , best of luck 

Casso I've pm'd you ?

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  • 1 month later...

Update for everyone!  been out twice this week first night still looking around not watching the beam then last rabbi we seen she spots it then game on close one almost picked it but managed to escape but the penny finally dropped. Been out tonight seen a few rabbits only slipped her on one she followed the beam slipped her really good course and had her first catch she’s going from strength to strength and couldn’t be happier gonna take it easy with her now and bring her on gradually got the bug now though would be out every night if it was possible ? that’s for the advice people worked out well 

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Pleased for you mate started my collie x last September when he was a year old trained him to come back when lamp off before I even took him to the fields got his retrieve spot on too went out September lots of young green rabbits that had never seen a lamp good windy nights no moon rabbits sat well out most of them clamp down then I would just walk right out up to them and put the dog right on top of them dog soon learns to watch the beam gives the dog confidence few runs and home personally wouldn't go out with another dog as it can start the pup yapping with exicitement at seeing the other dog chasing and it is stuck on a lead  just my opinion good luck with your pup?

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6 hours ago, Lurcherman332 said:

Update for everyone!  been out twice this week first night still looking around not watching the beam then last rabbi we seen she spots it then game on close one almost picked it but managed to escape but the penny finally dropped. Been out tonight seen a few rabbits only slipped her on one she followed the beam slipped her really good course and had her first catch she’s going from strength to strength and couldn’t be happier gonna take it easy with her now and bring her on gradually got the bug now though would be out every night if it was possible ? that’s for the advice people worked out well 

Well done mate how were things after the catch  any lap of honour 

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11 minutes ago, Lurcherman332 said:

No lap of honour she wasn’t quiet sure what to do with it she held it for a few seconds then brought it back steady but she came back rabbit live more catches the better the retrieve hopefully all in all though was really happy 

Try keep her on go now pal practice makes perfect the more game you but in front her better she be little and often good luck.

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1 hour ago, Lurcherman332 said:

No lap of honour she wasn’t quiet sure what to do with it she held it for a few seconds then brought it back steady but she came back rabbit live more catches the better the retrieve hopefully all in all though was really happy 

Well done mate 

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On 11/12/2018 at 19:11, Lurcherman332 said:

Hi all I need of some advice and thought where best to ask! My lurcher pup is coming on well with her basic training a little head strong but all in all coming on very well only thing I seem to be struggling with is getting her used to the beam I’ve had her out with a rabbit skin dummy with reflective tape on it casting the dummy out and using the beam for her to see. Doing this hoping she will run down the beam and pick the dummy but she won’t look down the beam at all and the odd time when she does she won’t repeat it! She 9 months old and probably been doing it for 2 weeks not every night but regular still nothing any advice??

I've always rolled a golf ball down the beam it seems to have worked for me or at least I think it as they just get used to seein summat move in the beam. In the past I've been convinced the pup was blind. I saw a mate a couple yrs ago driven mental by his dog not looking at prey from as little as two ft away he actually tapped one bunny on the head to make it move and the pup still didn't react but a well seasoned fella said give us it ere walked up to the rabbit talking to the dog and trotted on with dog when the rabbit took off and the little f****r took it and never looked back. But I still use me golf ball method. Good luck bud 

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On 11/12/2018 at 22:36, Wild-Bill said:

Try get her out with another dog 2/3 times watching the job done. Then give her a run if she’s looking down the beam and there’s sat out far enough with out spoiling her. Nothing like a pup watching another dog work to bring them on. Never had any trouble with getting a dog running the beam this way 

Don't you think it has a tendency to make them whine when watching other dogs. I'm not dissin your way like cos I'm no expert 

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On 19/01/2019 at 16:36, W. Katchum said:

Tbh I stopped reading the answers? so if it’s been said then sorry ? but chill out pal, if you said the dog is 9 month old an knows all basics then don’t worry about it your off to a flyer, I’d personally have had the dog around rabbits by now but we all diff, an for record Iv never had to train a dog to lamp?? Iv trained them to the recall an air stay an stuff but the first time they saw a beam of light was when there was a green rabbit at end of it?  get ye dog entered an then once it’s upto par with rabbits then show it the lamp, if ye recall is okay then you will be fine, jist don’t expect instant results an have fun if you an mutt ain’t enjoying it ya may aswell stay in ?

Same as pal never really had to train dog to lamp as once you have that bond with them then comes your retrieve, recall etc and a load of nice easy bunnies which gives them confidence and does them a world of good. There are lots of different ways and different dogs. Dogs naturally just pick it up.

I had a bedo whippet greyhound years ago it was quite a decent dog a good all rounder and I took my time with it and never ran it too hard and only on bunnies.  You would be out lamping and running well catching a few rabbits and then it would just stop like a switch had gone off in it and just wasn't interested anymore. Took it to Old Adge/Harry Millward who was good with his dogs and he said he had one just like it and there was no reason for it he had done nothing wrong and bunnies would just hop past it and it just watched them hop away ?

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