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Fellah, I think you are on the wind-up,...nobody is as fecking foolish as you portray yourself...? You want a dog for an eight-year-old, for Christmas...but, you want it 'cheap as chips'...coz yo

£ 200 - 300 isn't that much for a dog that's going to give you at least 5 years of sport and probably 15 years of companionship. If you are too tight to part with the money get him a gerbil you tight

Your sons too young to own a working dog,most kids wont look after a goldfish at that age.I'd wait till he's a bit older and make him save up for one doing chores etc,he will value it more.Make him do

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Your sons too young to own a working dog,most kids wont look after a goldfish at that age.I'd wait till he's a bit older and make him save up for one doing chores etc,he will value it more.Make him do the hard yards,carrying the ferrets,feeding the dogs so he learns hard work is how you achieve your goals not whining for something.If he's still interested at twelve let him buy his own.

Edited by Aussie Whip
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  On 03/12/2018 at 10:47, Scottrae29 said:

Hello all, bit of a strange one this BUT, my 8 year old lad wants to get into the game but obviously with him only being 8 if rather him go out with me, however, hes now decided he wants his own dog instead of just going with me. Mythering me for the last few months now and I've decided to post on here, andlooking at purchasing a small dog for him, preferably whippet, or atleastbsomething that isnt going to pull him over a field. BUT won't be spending a lot of money as it's nearly xmas and already spent too much and as this will be part xmas for him it needs to be fairly cheap,(cheeky), going to start him with ferreting first to see how he gets on.
Thanks in advance


get him a pup mate , it can only do good , 

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  On 04/12/2018 at 22:09, Scottrae29 said:

That what I've been trying to do mate, trying to find 1 on the cheap side though. Xmas with 4 kids isn't easy ?


If the initial cost us a problem, so will the cost of keeping it right will be as well. Don't let your heart rule your head, kids far too young for a dog and you know it yourself if your honest! 

Cheers, D.

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The initial cost is only a problem because people are asking 2/300 for a pup, got my first dog a few years ago for £50. It's a crossbreed so why they think a few hundred is a reasonable price is beyond me by hey. Suppose their in the breeding for the money instead of personal use.

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  On 05/12/2018 at 13:48, Scottrae29 said:

The initial cost is only a problem because people are asking 2/300 for a pup, got my first dog a few years ago for £50. It's a crossbreed so why they think a few hundred is a reasonable price is beyond me by hey. Suppose their in the breeding for the money instead of personal use.


£150 is a bargain for a nicely reared pup,honestly how much did your phone cost? 

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£ 200 - 300 isn't that much for a dog that's going to give you at least 5 years of sport and probably 15 years of companionship. If you are too tight to part with the money get him a gerbil you tight cnut.

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You would pay a hell of a lot more for a pure breed, and some cross breeds fetch silly money. The other choice is go to the pound and give a stray a second chance, there's usually loads in there because people buy them cheap so they can get rid when it gets too much hassle.

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