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Quick question...

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Just got back from a quick shine all went well, till last field a big ear jumped up on lamp and dog accidently backed out of his slip and off he went haha..... bearing in mind this has been first big ear he’s seen never mind coursed..the quantities of these are real thin round my way so  he’s no real deal on these things just keep him for the local bunny’s...so back to the course he’s going well and the dog started closing the gap..it was just the fact I’d never lamped this field before let alone walk it in day so I was oblivious to any danger in this field..hidden ditches or drain covers etc and a motorway not too far away.. as the course went on...I felt like I needed to try call him off the run...so I shouted him and he backed off the run straight away I’m guessing this is a good thing As if there’s any dangers or I need to get off land quick but is it a good thing for the dog to be told to course then not to course..

would like to hear people’s opinions on this.

im not asking no smart comments or remarks 

atvb lurcherlad1998

Edited by LurcherLad1998
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There are some real txxxs on this forum. A lad asks a valid question then the know it all idiots with no idea about the dog or the man come along and shoot him down, well if there's one way to kill a

I’d say the dog must be a bit half hearted if it just stopped chasing when you called it

I don't lamp much these days but I would not want to call a dog off a run, if you don't know the ground don't run the dog, your in charge, some like to be able to call a dog off, but why send it in th

It would come in handy with recall like that.Once my dogs are on something your wasting your breath,but they are running dogs.My mate has kelpie ,running dog crosses he can call off but they are not as dedicated as mine to catch,not as highly driven or one track minded.So whatever suits you is best.

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it's all opinions. all mine so far have done as there told but I haven't a hope in hell of them coming back when running something. some say it's a clever dog that picks its runs or can be recalled. I don't like a thinking dog I prefer a out & out tryer some would say they are thick running stuff they can't catch but give me a thick dog every time. I don't think they are really trying if you can call them off. 

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I don't lamp much these days but I would not want to call a dog off a run, if you don't know the ground don't run the dog, your in charge, some like to be able to call a dog off, but why send it in the first place, if you got to call it back, by doing that your teaching it to pick its runs imo.

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I don't think the dog jacked at all,if dog came back once lamp switch off its doing whats asked of it.

I had whippet that run anything and no chance of getting him back until its in his jaws or gone to ground.

We all want different things from our a dogs,and as long as our juckels are keeping us happy thats all that matters.they only have to please us.

I know id rather a juck come back when told rather than over the Hill and far away.





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  On 02/12/2018 at 07:45, fred90 said:

it's all opinions. all mine so far have done as there told but I haven't a hope in hell of them coming back when running something. some say it's a clever dog that picks its runs or can be recalled. I don't like a thinking dog I prefer a out & out tryer some would say they are thick running stuff they can't catch but give me a thick dog every time. I don't think they are really trying if you can call them off. 


We all want and ask for different things in our juckels,

I have a old whippet x here that would break his heart on whatever he was slipped,as he got older he slowed and used his head to get into right place to catch and he was speed machine when young.he wouldn't come off a run when younger,now he knows hes got no chance of catching like that , so he doesn't run if he knows he as no chance.he just know were hes got most chance of catching without usen to much energy,and he do well,bushers put them out to him and he like goal keeper.


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