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The demise of the English/Irish greyhound.

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Dual purpose greyhounds, late 1940s-50s these were my wife’s grandparents.

In my experience track dog's tend to be smaller, lighter and have more stamina than Park coursing greyhounds. So unless you're just after size and sprinting power for big quarry then I'd go for a soun

A well bred coursing Irish greyhound goes a long way it's alright people saying use proven lurcher to proven lurcher but after abit of time your always gona need to stick a bit of pure running dog in

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A lot to be said for a decent grey hound in the mix my pal had some decent greyhounds years ago many a time on exercise they would kill fox and make short work of them I can remember as a young kid here tales of some of the older lads running greyhounds on the beam and using them for fox and deer meant to  be handy dogs for putting meat in the freezer 

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  On 30/11/2018 at 21:04, Penda said:

A lot to be said for a decent grey hound in the mix my pal had some decent greyhounds years ago many a time on exercise they would kill fox and make short work of them I can remember as a young kid here tales of some of the older lads running greyhounds on the beam and using them for fox and deer meant to  be handy dogs for putting meat in the freezer 


Penda pre an I see perhaps three four kill all sorts day and night in fact an old mucka would use nothing else try em if they showed potential he ran them on those that dint was pushing dandies in the spring .that blistering early pace some have can make the difference between the copses on the bigger heavier edible. Honey bitch we had catched lots a lo gears she was better than most lurchers and back then running bits of everything she was never over stressed for stamina.a tb bil

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  On 30/11/2018 at 21:41, billhardy said:

Penda pre an I see perhaps three four kill all sorts day and night in fact an old mucka would use nothing else try em if they showed potential he ran them on those that dint was pushing dandies in the spring .that blistering early pace some have can make the difference between the copses on the bigger heavier edible. Honey bitch we had catched lots a lo gears she was better than most lurchers and back then running bits of everything she was never over stressed for stamina.a tb bil


A lot to be said of the old school greyhounds I think mate few and far between I'm not to keen on the Spanish greyhounds to me there just like a saluki type the English and Irish greys and a much stronger animal in my eyes look back at by gone centuries these dogs were bred to take down most quarry in our isles

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To me the galgos suit the terrain/ ground conditions in spain. But here,  their running style would get you landed in the clink.  It would be interesting to see them on the soft , up to there wrists.  What would there running styles be ? . Id imagine they would still have the slashing gung ho style which to me our own animals bred specifically for that game , would bury them . But until someone gives it a go , we won't know .

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  On 01/12/2018 at 07:25, bendrover said:

To me the galgos suit the terrain/ ground conditions in spain. But here,  their running style would get you landed in the clink.  It would be interesting to see them on the soft , up to there wrists.  What would there running styles be ? . Id imagine they would still have the slashing gung ho style which to me our own animals bred specifically for that game , would bury them . But until someone gives it a go , we won't know .


Get thenm on the black , in Feb time, atb bill


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It's all in the luck.of the draw my old bitch was half greyhound she killed over 20 hares in one night would I do  it again prob not it made me sick and everything just clicked that night she had over 45 in one week father was Jack Fuji old dog seen plenty good dogs that were half greyhound rest bastarised lurcher a lad I new rared a greyhound he got of a lad 20  years ago it had a obscure tail and was quit not right looking buy fck it could catch hares was totally bald down one side ware it I used to strike them was a deamon   on a fox  it's horses for courses lads we all different same as our dogs never two alike if  your wanting to run the black a pure saluki would do or a good first x but there rarer than a rocking horses shit these days ? just enjoy your sport what ever the badge ?

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  On 01/12/2018 at 09:05, Bearfoot said:

It's all in the luck.of the draw my old bitch was half greyhound she killed over 20 hares in one night would I do  it again prob not it made me sick and everything just clicked that night she had over 45 in one week father was Jack Fuji old dog seen plenty good dogs that were half greyhound rest bastarised lurcher a lad I new rared a greyhound he got of a lad 20  years ago it had a obscure tail and was quit not right looking buy fck it could catch hares was totally bald down one side ware it I used to strike them was a deamon   on a fox  it's horses for courses lads we all different same as our dogs never two alike if  your wanting to run the black a pure saluki would do or a good first x but there rarer than a rocking horses shit these days ? just enjoy your sport what ever the badge ?


Your the bearfoot true half x type of a decent are rare as rocking horse shit ive been keeping my eyes open forba genuine half bull grey its like searching for a holy grayle i can go back to gone by years where you didnt have have to go far to find 1 shame but sign of the times I guess maybe one day 

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My mate had one so did I mates was a terrier man's lurcher  nothing else it killed as many foxes and  as any other good lurcher big black 28inch dog not the fastest but could end it pretty quick ?these modern coursing dogs would never see that amount of teeth no way ?

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  On 01/12/2018 at 09:28, Bearfoot said:

My mate had one so did I mates was a terrier man's lurcher  nothing else it killed as many foxes and  as any other good lurcher big black 28inch dog not the fastest but could end it pretty quick ?these modern coursing dogs would never see that amount of teeth no way ?


There frieghtend to try them out mate play the safe card all the while don't like to try them out of the comfort zone ?

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WE were working down in Burnley, around 1972/3  we used to use a pub called the Stanley arms, in Burnley wood, (( that's a district of Burnley,  craic was first class back in the day about 8 pints for one £ yes truth, well this lad approached me and asked me if I would take two dogs of him as he was going on a holiday at the Queens expense, I said how good is your grey hound  he said he is able to do 3out of 3 and carry each hare back to your hand, the other was a wee rough haired jack russel terrier, type, a very nice sort as well,  The greyhound was a big Red type good feet on him, I took both of the dogs, the big dog he was called Red. could do his job and do it well, his speed and prey drive was first class, I had him for just over a year, we were out one morning, he was coursing a Hare, done his job and was carrying the Hare back to me as usual he come to this five bar wooden gate he tried to jump the gate with the hare in his mouth, one his back legs missed the top rail and he broke his back leg I could see every thing I ran as fast as I could to get to him, I lifted him off the gate, put him around my shoulders, and carried him to the road, just then a milk float was coming along I knew the driver, he gave me a lift to the local vets, and I had him put to sleep the vet I knew well, he used to geld my horses and I used to buy my wormers from him,  That greyhound was a genuine good hearted dog great with children and he would let you know if any stranger was sniffing around that was about 45years back, The memory of him is still very strong,  Without the grey hound you have NO LURCHERS,  The amount of Saluki x s  that was bought down in England and brought up here to Scotland and was found wanting, yes and paid top money for as pups  and that is one reason why the Lurcher world is full of Sh---T       due to the fact the lad paid about £500 for the pup reared him and then tried them out about the 14 months suffered about another 3or four months with it and they decide to take a pup of the useless article and then sell the pups to try recoup there money more shite to the dog pounds FACT,  

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  On 01/12/2018 at 10:34, border lad said:

WE were working down in Burnley, around 1972/3  we used to use a pub called the Stanley arms, in Burnley wood, (( that's a district of Burnley,  craic was first class back in the day about 8 pints for one £ yes truth, well this lad approached me and asked me if I would take two dogs of him as he was going on a holiday at the Queens expense, I said how good is your grey hound  he said he is able to do 3out of 3 and carry each hare back to your hand, the other was a wee rough haired jack russel terrier, type, a very nice sort as well,  The greyhound was a big Red type good feet on him, I took both of the dogs, the big dog he was called Red. could do his job and do it well, his speed and prey drive was first class, I had him for just over a year, we were out one morning, he was coursing a Hare, done his job and was carrying the Hare back to me as usual he come to this five bar wooden gate he tried to jump the gate with the hare in his mouth, one his back legs missed the top rail and he broke his back leg I could see every thing I ran as fast as I could to get to him, I lifted him off the gate, put him around my shoulders, and carried him to the road, just then a milk float was coming along I knew the driver, he gave me a lift to the local vets, and I had him put to sleep the vet I knew well, he used to geld my horses and I used to buy my wormers from him,  That greyhound was a genuine good hearted dog great with children and he would let you know if any stranger was sniffing around that was about 45years back, The memory of him is still very strong,  Without the grey hound you have NO LURCHERS,  The amount of Saluki x s  that was bought down in England and brought up here to Scotland and was found wanting, yes and paid top money for as pups  and that is one reason why the Lurcher world is full of Sh---T       due to the fact the lad paid about £500 for the pup reared him and then tried them out about the 14 months suffered about another 3or four months with it and they decide to take a pup of the useless article and then sell the pups to try recoup there money more shite to the dog pounds FACT,  


I'l give that a hell yeah!!!!!

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  On 01/12/2018 at 07:25, bendrover said:

To me the galgos suit the terrain/ ground conditions in spain. But here,  their running style would get you landed in the clink.  It would be interesting to see them on the soft , up to there wrists.  What would there running styles be ? . Id imagine they would still have the slashing gung ho style which to me our own animals bred specifically for that game , would bury them . But until someone gives it a go , we won't know .



They stand a little mud and when not given the massive slips the Spanish go can get the job done pretty smartish ?

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