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I think in answer to your original question you probably do have RVHD disease in Kent, I think it’s pretty widespread across most of the country. There are still rabbits around in most parts I think from what I’ve read and seen but just nothing like the numbers. Picked up a new permission recently 1300 acres used to be riddled but now just pockets but I’ll go catch a few and just enjoy being out. Good luck finding some rabbits!

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8 hours ago, Bobtheferret said:

I think in answer to your original question you probably do have RVHD disease in Kent, I think it’s pretty widespread across most of the country. There are still rabbits around in most parts I think from what I’ve read and seen but just nothing like the numbers. Picked up a new permission recently 1300 acres used to be riddled but now just pockets but I’ll go catch a few and just enjoy being out. Good luck finding some rabbits!

It's a shame, I've never been into big numbers, happy to take enough for the table and my animals but this was a  shockingly bad day, walked miles and worked bloody hard for 4 rabbits. I'll have a look at another couple of local spots and if its as bad I'll leave them alone I think give them a chance to recover.

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I had a hedgeline on the end of a sheep field that was heaving with rabbits. I went two weeks later and ferreted the whole 300 yards and had one. Soon as I pressed the piss out, it was full of blood. The ferrets acted funny going in some of the holes, I gather they were full of dead rabbits

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