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  On 25/11/2018 at 22:47, fireman said:

Don't think ray is being funny,he's just seen outwardly suffering at cancers hands and lost someone close to him to it,cancer can be seen with the eye either xray or mri scan so it's there in the physical.Mental illness cannot be seen with xray or any other sort of camera or the eye so it's naturaly hard for folk who don't have total understanding of mental illness to understand it and how it's as much a killer as cancer is..In general you can't compare the two.but human nature makes folk compare things against other things..


true, i do know mental  illness  is not just feeling down in the dumps , i had mate in 80s who hung him self  with his own belt, he had probs with booze , drugs , few times , but was very fit strong bloke and seem to come through anything , always had a laugh and and pulled the women,  but killed him self, was big shock when he died . so i do know the mind is a very powerful thing , but i know one thing though  , i bet my sister partner wish he had the chose or chance of life, not like my mate who threw his away . like said being honest i am still down now, not bothered about , lurchers, hunting , most things in general   right now i am very low , fookin wolves lost ,  that about done me tonight  .!!

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Ray,its clear you have no real understanding of depression,you can take all the meds in the world and it will never sort out the mind of a manic depressive,and you got the patience of a saint ...id be

currently caring for my dear lady at the moment. breast cancer, I used to be one happy chappy, but now, yes im depressed. but I put on a brave face for the sake of her, I could go on and on, but I dun

if you could put depression into some sort of order  this is the way id describe it ,,firstly ,theres slight depression ,kind of like an umbrella over them,...when some one gets down in the dumps, ,,t

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  On 25/11/2018 at 23:28, bird said:

true, i do know mental  illness  is not just feeling down in the dumps , i had mate in 80s who hung him self  with his own belt, he had probs with booze , drugs , few times , but was very fit strong bloke and seem to come through anything , always had a laugh and and pulled the women,  but killed him self, was big shock when he died . so i do know the mind is a very powerful thing , but i know one thing though  , i bet my sister partner wish he had the chose or chance of life, not like my mate who threw his away . like said being honest i am still down now, not bothered about , lurchers, hunting , most things in general   right now i am very low , fookin wolves lost ,  that about done me tonight  .!!


its absolutly horrible what happened to your brother in law but has zero to do with depression

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My  son is 11 he's autistic and suffers severe anxiety to the fact he doesn't want to leave the house and if he does go even the shops he's looking down isles to see if anyone there but we are trying to get him out little trips but he has panic attacks melt downs nearly being sick but he wants to try but it's just his mindset I know lads with depression not get out of bed for days have zero energy don't even want to wash and just talking to them you relise just how dark that cloud is and how hard it is for them just to do things we take for granted 









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Biggest cause in the rise of depression is I think due to modern society. Years ago people  were, not as some would say more content but blissfully ignorant, for as they say ignorance is bliss. The pressure is on now to be successful for we have been told with success comes happiness and as well as that not being the case when people fail at whatever chosen path now for whatever reason, then they consider themselves a failure and there can start the downward spiral. 

We are fed depression 24/7, when was the last time you read a  good heart warming feel good story?, it's constant fecking doom and gloom and now we are getting to hear of world wide problems instead of just about the next village or town.

Then you have the loss of big industries and factories which brought companionship and friendship often creating a social life as well, a good old chinwag with your work mates was a tonic, with all that gone people nowadays are way more insular and all this is lost to them which doesn't help matters.

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I had depression after a back injury left me in chronic pain.It had a big impact on my family.I couldn’t even go and collect kids from school without having anxiety attacks.My wife encouraged me to go to see my gp and consequently found the right medication and dosage to help towards getting my head straight.Its not a nice place to be.I have always been outgoing and confident but still needed help and support

It still creeps back now and again especially when chatting to or out with At?

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I gave up years ago trying to explain it to people ,not only do you suffer on your own ,but you get labelled miserable ,morose and anti social to boot ,it's a b*****d to live with ,and you have got to try hard not to affect those around you .

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Depression is a serious issue and in my opinion its not a case of man up get on with it etc. My brother in laws step daughter has had problems for the last 12 months on medication counciling etc. On the surface a nice young girl had the material things her own place a nice car a well paid job. Age 26 she hung herself 6 weeks ago.

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  On 26/11/2018 at 13:13, lurcherman 887 said:

So is depression for no hopers fannys world on there shoulder types. Or a proper disease... 


Always been confident,optimistic,happy man until my injury happened.It had a big impact on my quality of life and I tried to just pull myself together and get on with it but couldn’t do it without help.So wouldn’t say it is just the type of person you described who suffers with it

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There is a good program that’s just recently been on called “road to redemption” about Tyson fury’s mental health struggles. Now there’s a man that had it all, a millionaire, kids, world championship belts everything a man could desire yet he still wished he was dead. If it can happen to him it could happen to any one.


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  On 26/11/2018 at 15:19, Cheesemastergeneral said:

There is a good program that’s just recently been on called “road to redemption” about Tyson fury’s mental health struggles. Now there’s a man that had it all, a millionaire, kids, world championship belts everything a man could desire yet he still wished he was dead. If it can happen to him it could happen to any one.



Watched it last night

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I think a lot of celebrities use such illnesses as a get of jail card to win back public favour. Tyson Fury went off the rails partying and got caught sniffing coke and used depression as an excuse, same as Mel B, cock hungry coke whore using Domestic Violence. They are just 2 recent examples.

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