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3 hours ago, WILF said:

You are rather missing the important difference between a post Brexit UK and the rest of Europe.......the UK population will be free to elect whomever they think can address the problems that arise in the best interest of themselves.

EU member states are not free to do that.

Might not be Boris or Farage.....think Churchill after the war....

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Correct. Of those nine countries some receive more back in trade within the EU than they  put in.  When they hand the dosh over to Brussels and Brussels then divvies it out to the poorer EU count

If you want to see hatred look at the political left. From antifa to momentum to unite against hate.  We arnt full of hate we are just pissed off.  Being against giving power to the eu isn't

What the latest news has demonstrated is that May's policy of appeasement to the EU was similar to Chamberlain's appeasement towards Hitler in the 1930's. By standing up to the EU and removing any hop

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5 hours ago, VOON said:

Al l  depends......

world order at the mo.....





Middle East.


other 1st world countries....

rest of world.

where will Britain sit?

trump once ye leave...we can do a great deal for big pharma....sell out the NHS....few vids of Boris giving it large about him.....I don't like Boris anymore....U.K. Not my friend.....

tell what next 5 years....ye will be sick hearing off trade negotiations.....

What get me is Leo Eric Varadkar has been one of the biggest shit stirrers when it comes to a Brexit deal when Ireland exports more to the UK than any body else. 

Why should the UK be dictated by 27 other countries by putting every thing in the way to try and make us remain.

We voted leave and leave it is, as the EU deal has been voted down many time in parliament and has not chance of going through in it's present state. The EU will not talk about reopening the deal, so the only option is to leave with out a deal. The EU 27 are just trying to dictate to us and bully us in to staying, just to prop up their crumbling empire. They only want us for the money we put in and rape our fishing grounds.

Cheers Arry

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21 hours ago, baker boy said:

I voted out and I think the uk may suffer in the short term but we will bounce back and be better off for leaving, the eu is a lame duck and will be a bigger lamer duck without us, I cant even see the eu lasting in its current form for more than a few years after we're gone

My thoughts exactly....

Said it loads, the vote was for my kids more than me....my own life is pretty sorted, and staying in would be the easy option...no great change to upset the apple cart...

No one knows exactly what Bexit in any form will look like, but surely putting control of our country firmly in our own hands will be a good thing long term? The only problem is the decision makers are career politicians and not businessmen.... still think it will work out in the long run, Europe are posturing as if they dont need us...bullshit...we will still trade, we need each other...there are lots of untapped market places which will be freely open to us...it should be an exciting time...

Edited by NEWKID
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7 minutes ago, VOON said:

What Question?

Talking of backstop and the EU insistence on having a border “to protect the integrity of the single market”

How does it sit with you that they are importing Beef from Brazil at the expense of their own farmers and making all sorts of ludicrous “climate” taxes when there is thousands of acres of rainforest being destroyed to grow that Brazilian beef? 

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4 hours ago, WILF said:

Talking of backstop and the EU insistence on having a border “to protect the integrity of the single market”

How does it sit with you that they are importing Beef from Brazil at the expense of their own farmers and making all sorts of ludicrous “climate” taxes when there is thousands of acres of rainforest being destroyed to grow that Brazilian beef? 

Irish pm sits with the Eu on probably the worst deal for Irish beef farmers the lousy cnt   “Varadkar defends Mercosur trade deal from beef farmers’ backlash”

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15 minutes ago, green lurchers said:

Irish pm sits with the Eu on probably the worst deal for Irish beef farmers the lousy cnt   “Varadkar defends Mercosur trade deal from beef farmers’ backlash”

Farmers are out protesting across the country here mate.

Trouble is, they also tend to be very pro EU and they have to realise all the time they are in that club they will be at the mercy of those people.......you can’t have one without the other 

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12 minutes ago, WILF said:

Farmers are out protesting across the country here mate.

Trouble is, they also tend to be very pro EU and they have to realise all the time they are in that club they will be at the mercy of those people.......you can’t have one without the other 

If the deal goes thru then the only way out is to the U.K.  except this invented bit of bollix called the backstop might double fk the farmers I’m sure Varadkar likes the idea of getting double fkd but not sure the farmers feel the same about it . Same as there love of the Eu  when the deal goes through 

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Seems the French and  Irish presidents want more European lol at the expense of their own 

Critics say CETA will undermine EU social and environmental regulations by allowing imports of products made under conditions that would not be allowed in Europe.
French farmers are also angry over the potential hit to their livelihoods from a provisional trade deal struck in June by the EU and the Mercosur bloc of South American countries, which includes major agricultural exporters Brazil and Argentina.  Sell your own country out to get the big Eu over paid job and fk ya own off 


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1 hour ago, green lurchers said:

Seems the French and  Irish presidents want more European lol at the expense of their own 

Critics say CETA will undermine EU social and environmental regulations by allowing imports of products made under conditions that would not be allowed in Europe.
French farmers are also angry over the potential hit to their livelihoods from a provisional trade deal struck in June by the EU and the Mercosur bloc of South American countries, which includes major agricultural exporters Brazil and Argentina.  Sell your own country out to get the big Eu over paid job and fk ya own off 


I’m sure Voon will have NOT much to say on that particular little snippet ! Lol


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On 12 August 2019 at 14:02, WILF said:

Talking of backstop and the EU insistence on having a border “to protect the integrity of the single market”

How does it sit with you that they are importing Beef from Brazil at the expense of their own farmers and making all sorts of ludicrous “climate” taxes when there is thousands of acres of rainforest being destroyed to grow that Brazilian beef? 

Doesn't sit well with me.

With the mercosur deal, the E.U. has agreed to allow in 99,000 tonnes of South American beef into Europe for resale, mercosur wanted 350,000 tonnes to come in.  The trade deal has been ongoing for 20 years.  Agriculture has been sold out to its detriment everywhere in Europe over the last 50 years, even though it's getting more efficient and still a main business driver in all European countries with lots of other industries living off the back of it.  

The beef protestors in Ireland are protesting outside factories at the price been given  by the processors, if processors were giving what farmers deem a fair price for beef, there would be no protests.  

Factories know the amount of cattle being finished in Ireland at any one time, when cattle are coming fit, they always push prices down and string farmers along pushing costs up and causing unnecessary stress on them, when cattle should go when there ready.  Grading is another big area where farmers are being screwed.

rainforests and carbon emmissions from cattle, yep hawarden kite first aired by greeners who fly off on there holiers each summer to destress, with no idea of how to feed the world or save the planet. 

What's root cause of Global Warming?


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On 10 August 2019 at 19:13, Arry said:

What get me is Leo Eric Varadkar has been one of the biggest shit stirrers when it comes to a Brexit deal when Ireland exports more to the UK than any body else. 

Why should the UK be dictated by 27 other countries by putting every thing in the way to try and make us remain.

We voted leave and leave it is, as the EU deal has been voted down many time in parliament and has not chance of going through in it's present state. The EU will not talk about reopening the deal, so the only option is to leave with out a deal. The EU 27 are just trying to dictate to us and bully us in to staying, just to prop up their crumbling empire. They only want us for the money we put in and rape our fishing grounds.

Cheers Arry

the only shit stirrers with regard to the Brexit deal is ...........drum roll..... 

The British government and elected members of Parliament.  

Ye want to leave, voted in Parliament not to leave without a deal....didn't know what deal Ye wanted, voted down the deal May got.....are leaving now without a deal....all the while Boris and co are still rabbiting on about getting a good deal if the E.U drops the backstop....

So if Ireland agrees to no Backstop will Ye then agree a deal?

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12 minutes ago, VOON said:

the only shit stirrers with regard to the Brexit deal is ...........drum roll..... 

The British government and elected members of Parliament.  

Ye want to leave, voted in Parliament not to leave without a deal....didn't know what deal Ye wanted, voted down the deal May got.....are leaving now without a deal....all the while Boris and co are still rabbiting on about getting a good deal if the E.U drops the backstop....

So if Ireland agrees to no Backstop will Ye then agree a deal?

Yea if we have the back stop then we are still in the bloody EU.

As for May's Deal it's a crap deal and you got to be able to walk away from a bad deal.

Parliament will not vote through any deal now as the majority of MP's want to remain in.

The EU will not open the Deal up again for discussion.

So what are we left with?

Simple NO DEAL !

So lets get on with democracy and get out of the corrupted mafia still bloody EU.

Cheers Arry

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