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Correct. Of those nine countries some receive more back in trade within the EU than they  put in.  When they hand the dosh over to Brussels and Brussels then divvies it out to the poorer EU count

If you want to see hatred look at the political left. From antifa to momentum to unite against hate.  We arnt full of hate we are just pissed off.  Being against giving power to the eu isn't

What the latest news has demonstrated is that May's policy of appeasement to the EU was similar to Chamberlain's appeasement towards Hitler in the 1930's. By standing up to the EU and removing any hop

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  On 02/01/2019 at 11:40, secretagentmole said:

In laymans terms the UK was balloted on joining a Common Market not a Common Government. The Lisbon treaty (where article 50 was put in by Labour so they could bullshit the legislation through Parliament) was voted on and rejected by countries like Ireland, France and the Netherlands, before they were strong armed into voting yes. 




A market does not tell you how to spend any money you make at it, else the stall holders would unilaterally piss off and organise another somewhere else. We voted for a market not governance, since we cannot be in the market without it telling us what we can do then we vote to leave. We tried reforming from the inside, but were always shouted down. Now the Germans have run everybody else into the ground via their control (look at Italy's economy pre and post Euro) and control everything (who else is making money from the EU), they expect us to be subservient as they try to demolish our last vestiges of control. 


Well sorry, we voted to have our legislation under our control, our right to self determination and the right to do business with whoever we please. Should they slap tariffs on stuff we export, we simply apply the same level of tariffs to stuff we import from them, the difference can be used to help subsidise those affected by the tariffs. We voted, leave won, get over it!


If you could lay down the megaphone of innacuracy there for a second we can corect a couple of things.

First, in the Lisbon treaty there were some concerns over things like a European army and abortion. The referendum went ahead and was defeated. Afterwards there was debate here, from which the Govt. consulted with the EU and outs and assurances were agreed on the above issues. Another referendum was held which passed.

That's mature, grown up democracy. There was no strong arming as you put it.

Secondly, in most if not all treaties "ever closer union" is mentioned - from before the time the UK joined. So dispense with the clap trap that this is a new thing. The reality is that ye did not sufficiently inform yourselves on what ye were voting for or against - striking similarities to the topic of this thread.

Third, you flatter yourself that I or others are pining the loss. Frankly, quite a number of people have already moved on. You may not have noticed this but the only real Brexit news is that the UK is still arguing with itself. The rest of us have moved on.

Edited by JohnGalway
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I’m set  got me toms carrots  chillies ready been collecting manure , never buy anything French again  scummie cnt macron   No wine or Cheese u cnt fk Spain and your tomatoes they only eu subsidised toxic shit  but fk u Merkel  does she remember when her country fkd Europe with wars and the French lost everything and still sucked up to to the  cnts  they bankrupt the U.K.  and who paid the bill macron ? and Merkel?  you pair of cnts cost Us plenty of lives you  cnts 

Edited by green lurchers
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  On 08/01/2019 at 19:41, bob.243 said:



Douglas Hurd Done a sneaky and let the Germans off paying the UK back 3.6 Trillion pounds for war debt. I posted a link on this thread a while back. I still can't believe it. If we go snivelling back now they will bleed us dry.

Cheers Arry

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Never understand why junkers never been sacked or made to stand down , if I turned up to work drunk its gross misconduct and instant dismissal and yet here we have a high profile figure drunk at work on a regular bases embaressing himself and the eu parliament for allowing it 


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Who in ther right mind as a taxpayer would want to give 39 bill of U.K. tax payers money to the unelected drunken freeloading E.U. cnts , victor Salvini Poland and Austria are pushing the corrupt E.U. and where’s the bbc sky news and all the USA born corrupt lying bullshit news feeds ?  And can u imagine the liberal news media fkn whinging whining picking poking lying on every aspect of Brexit until they ruin every angle of positivity just like the bullshit fake news of the USA they won’t be happy until they bring to its knees democracy with ther fake liberal fkd up agenda 

Edited by green lurchers
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  On 10/01/2019 at 21:09, JohnGalway said:

Sure don't pay the 39bn, then ye'll be seen as unreliable in international agreements.


No one can force ye to do anything, don't see why knickers are so twisted over it.


They not Jon they deserve fk all our pensioners deserve it rather give to them poor fkr s than to the E.U. unelected crooks   I mean come on take a good look at verhofstad and juniker fkn Jesus fkn pair of liberal wrong uns  if ther were a definition of a pair of cnt bags that’s them dickheads lol 

Edited by green lurchers
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  On 10/01/2019 at 21:14, green lurchers said:

They not Jon they deserve fk all our pensioners deserve it rather give to them poor fkr s than to the E.U. unelected crooks   I mean come on take a good look at verhofstad and juniker fkn Jesus fkn pair of liberal wrong uns  if ther were a definition of a pair of cnt bags that’s them dickheads lol 


Ah they are elected, just by either representatives or govts, I forget which exactly.

Place would be a horror story if people had a vote on everything, homeless people would be 100x because everyone would vote not to pay tax, be no services, no funding for anything and a public execution after a kangaroo court on every corner each week.

People really are selfish c**ts, I wouldn't want to govern. Who'd want that f***ing headache.

The EU is good for me, it's a stick I can use to beat my own govt with if I need to. Someone once said about democracy that it's the least worst system we've found so far. It has it's limits.

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