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Elusive Charlie

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I’ve got a fox that is driving me nuts , I’ve seen it on several occasions but either not had a gun with me or it’s not stopped long enough to get a shot at it . But the last straw was this Saturday on shoot day . The last drive of the day was going to be a big finally. It’s a large Maize cover that has been stuffed all week. All the drives had gone well and I was not far off the bag so I was planning on blowing the horn early and pulling the beaters back . How wrong I was , the drive started and I was thinking where are the birds ? Then it came over the radio , “Charlie’s “ in there .  I am going to concentrate on making sure that’s the last drive he f@@ks up for me . Watch this space , I will report on my efforts. 

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As the Americans say on their hunting videos “fur down “ or as the English say and I prefer “got the b*****d “ !!! I wish dear THL friends that I could regale you all with a tale of how I outwitted  t

I’ve got a fox that is driving me nuts , I’ve seen it on several occasions but either not had a gun with me or it’s not stopped long enough to get a shot at it . But the last straw was this Saturday o

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Get at it, nothing messes up a good drive like a ginger, we had one run out on a drive on Saturday and we have a strict nothing on the  ground rule, as there’s a lot of different abilities shooting, so then we have the customary abuse off the fox control lad ( me ) everyone joins in just to make me feel special ☹️

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Spent hours and hours in a similar situation farmer see,s him and texts me .I go bait up and set the caller no joy at all.Then he comes and goes as he pleases whilst i,m at work so farmer is peeded off as am i:censored: .He,s a big old dog and no one has got near the so n so .Several have tried but he,s a transiant and so there,s no den to watch and he changes his route across the farm i share your pain 

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  On 05/11/2018 at 10:42, Baldcoot said:

Spent hours and hours in a similar situation farmer see,s him and texts me .I go bait up and set the caller no joy at all.Then he comes and goes as he pleases whilst i,m at work so farmer is peeded off as am i:censored: .He,s a big old dog and no one has got near the so n so .Several have tried but he,s a transiant and so there,s no den to watch and he changes his route across the farm i share your pain 


He a bit of a scarlet pimpernel this one . I’ve seen him in the thermal and he has always moved before I can set up for a shot . I’ve even spotted him during the day but alas no gun . I’m out tonight and I’m bailing up with rabbit guts . Let’s see what happens. 

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  On 05/11/2018 at 10:57, shovel leaner said:

He a bit of a scarlet pimpernel this one . I’ve seen him in the thermal and he has always moved before I can set up for a shot . I’ve even spotted him during the day but alas no gun . I’m out tonight and I’m bailing up with rabbit guts . Let’s see what happens. 


That's fancy gizmos for ya , a proper lamp and you'd be rid of him by now ?

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If he's after pheasant, you could try an electronic pheasant call, or if you don't have one, a portable stereo and pheasant call recording...., It sounds very much as thought the pheasant is the attraction and that could be his downfall in freezing him or bringing him in closer at night.

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  On 05/11/2018 at 16:19, Alsone said:

If he's after pheasant, you could try an electronic pheasant call, or if you don't have one, a portable stereo and pheasant call recording...., It sounds very much as thought the pheasant is the attraction and that could be his downfall in freezing him or bringing him in closer at night.


I’ve got an icotec 350 with pheasant distress call and I’ve tried it  on him , I will give it another go . Off out now . 

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As the Americans say on their hunting videos “fur down “ or as the English say and I prefer “got the b*****d “ !!! I wish dear THL friends that I could regale you all with a tale of how I outwitted  the elusive vulpine with my skill and cunning, or even with the use of my caller with some obscure sound . But the reality is that I drove into a field near the scene of his crime and there it was eating something. I’d spotted it with my thermal and this time it hung around long enough to get set up for a shot . And that was it . 5406B46D-2BAA-493B-81A2-729B7EB46EE1.jpeg.53b7894335150d0280019c5728181a74.jpeg

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It’s the one I’ve been seeing, I’m pretty sure . It was very red with no white tip on the tail and the black tear drops. Time will tell and I’m going to keep having a look around . ? And yes  it was a misty old typical bonfire night .?

Edited by shovel leaner
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