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Owned a few grews over the years but none have filled a bag like my blue and white ped whippet,  the young bitch out of her is ok but not a patch on her old mum. Another young grew as come my way very

Look up and down the country speak to as many whippet owners that are working their dogs as you can try and see some out working then you will realise that your better off with finding a lurchedr stud


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  On 04/11/2018 at 12:58, fred90 said:

i shall be looking to breed a litter of pups in the future. i want to breed myself a three-quarter whippet x bedlington. i have a 18/12 inch first cross bitch.what whippet to use ? a kc or a non ped opinions please. 


I like both  but there is good 

and bad in both , been out with a young non ped or what I would call a grew out of Dave sleights stuff today on her first trip on the bunnies, held the Lurcher back for a few then took them in turns , she run the first one with her head up and missed. The second one bolted and she didn’t feck about with that a quick run and a good pick up, she didn’t miss much after that. Now can I ask Fred how old is the beddy x and what will she be bringing to the party , is she catching good numbers and impressing because the few lads I know with ped whippet dogs will not put there dogs over just any Bitch.


Edited by Trev70
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Owned a few grews over the years but none have filled a bag like my blue and white ped whippet,  the young bitch out of her is ok but not a patch on her old mum. Another young grew as come my way very green and unfit but I like the way she runs , i’ll Keep posting how she gets on good or bad just hope she can fill a bag like my old ped ?






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  On 05/11/2018 at 19:22, Trev70 said:

I like both  but there is good 

and bad in both , been out with a young non ped or what I would call a grew out of Dave sleights stuff today on her first trip on the bunnies, held the Lurcher back for a few then took them in turns , she run the first one with her head up and missed. The second one bolted and she didn’t feck about with that a quick run and a good pick up, she didn’t miss much after that. Now can I ask Fred how old is the beddy x and what will she be bringing to the party , is she catching good numbers and impressing because the few lads I know with ped whippet dogs will not put there dogs over just any Bitch.



There’s also a few out there who will mate there whippet stud dogs with out even jack russells trev mate but there the minority ?? , ps nice pic 

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I believe this a man can line what Eva he likes with there stud and to much of this a man won't line this and that his bollocks and for the bytes of lurchers that's how it should be fa those that think they have super studs let's see there pedigree for producing those that have that are on pets 4homes and all the fe King stud sites hu drew quid a throw the only thing I would say ta this go ta the producer back a gen or so that's wher the nicking of the workers  will be those that set the foundations funny how certain studs are often mentioned of there parentage any one wanting a whippet stud there's tons of em out there that will damn nigh produce the same has those being worked and that's how they were begot .fact.atb bill

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  On 07/11/2018 at 00:19, carp king said:

There’s also a few out there who will mate there whippet stud dogs with out even jack russells trev mate but there the minority ?? , ps nice pic 


I Cana see what the big deal his with covering anything a man feels ,his stud etc ,having this in the head of my stud this and that's bollocks fella get from up ya own ause ,I seen the best whippets in the country bar none cover fecking allsorts from terriers ta pit bulls what's the gripe ,the fecking dodger stud produced the studs that being used now what's the big deal but a semen no big deal have thee not spurted ta lot in a unknown lass in a weekend of madness if not try it it'll do thy good .ausoles are born and made down get lost in that crass fella whippets are part fecking terrier any way .atb bill

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  On 07/11/2018 at 15:51, billhardy said:

I Cana see what the big deal his with covering anything a man feels ,his stud etc ,having this in the head of my stud this and that's bollocks fella get from up ya own ause ,I seen the best whippets in the country bar none cover fecking allsorts from terriers ta pit bulls what's the gripe ,the fecking dodger stud produced the studs that being used now what's the big deal but a semen no big deal have thee not spurted ta lot in a unknown lass in a weekend of madness if not try it it'll do thy good .ausoles are born and made down get lost in that crass fella whippets are part fecking terrier any way .atb bill


????? what best whippets in the country you seen mate ? 

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Most lurcher lads require a Heavyweight whippet (bearing in mind, that in whippet parlance a Heavyweight racer is not necessarily a massive critter)...and that being said,..plenty of scratch racers will not have a problem allowing their jukels to go over a nice, quiet, sensible crossbred bitch..indeed, when I used on Supreme Racing Champion Country Music over my Heeler hybrid, his owner was only too pleased to let his future Stud have its first crack on a gentle type.

Lads who wish to use the male dogs, 'At Stud' should always be wary of letting a young inexperienced animal get his face slapped,..none of us like that, on a first date...?

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I used a 23" Mike Brown bred whippet on my 18" beddy whippet bitch, pups turned out from 20 1/2 to 22 1/2, all the ones i know of turned out to be decent working dogs, Saying that a good non ped would be every bit as goodi think and i believe slightly lighter framed and faster, when i think of non ped i mean non pedigree racing whippet many of which have diluted greyhound in the breeding.

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