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Sad to kill rabbits anymore.

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  On 03/11/2018 at 16:11, fireman said:

Iv'e just picked up 8000 acres that's a shoot for terrier work but i'm welcome to take my lurcher when out with the terriers and once the shootings over i can do what i want with it,i have the same on all my shoots i go on and the reason i can't go out lamping till the shootings done is partridges.Your'll mess up a drive by running a dog over it the night before a shoot and i totaly understand and if i were a keeper i'd be the same.My local farmer/keeper got run to death by the coursers last year and he was a little funny with me but after i chased 2 lots off he understood we ain't all in it together and has been cool with me since.As for catching rabbits i have caught 2 in the last 3 years with my lurcher and one of them had mixi ?...


No partridge on my shoot the man and I'd be happy to wait till after the shooting mate but he also has stalking on and after some nob head slipped in the crippler it's a no go

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I'v not been on here for years but just wanted to see how bad it really is everywhere concerning the collapse of rabbit numbers. 8-9 years ago a friend who works on a big farm estate on the Herts

Sometimes hunters also have to stand up and take responsibility for the decline in numbers, can only kill them once and kill them all and they’ll never fully recover. 

Riflemen with IR scopes and better suppressors, summer hunting, myximatosis, RHVD, cats, foxes, intensive farming with pesticides, pollutants and taking out hedgerows (along with the warrens), taking

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Regards to breeding litters of Lurchers.

Absolutely no call for Collie cross rabbiting dogs or anything specially breed to carry out a hard nights lamping and run all night taking big bags of rabbits. In 5 years I couldn't tell you a time when i'v run a dog out and thought that's anoth for you girl let's call it a night and in all honesty my dogs never get fit so they don't actually take that much running out.

I can't believe that in the past i'v had to sit by the hedge line waiting a few mins to let the dogs get thier tounge in before sending them out to yet another squating rabbit.

All it is now is walk walk walk to find a few rabbits to run. Night vision is not helping fox numbers.

If you can be bothered and you don't mind the agg involved there is plenty of deer about for a dog but with every field now being ditched in its pretty limited the amounts of hard nights you can give a dog, there is plenty of muntjac around but catching them in the day has its risks as they scream on contact from a Lurcher.

As a former keen day time coursing man I don't like lamping hares so it's all pretty limited.

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  On 03/11/2018 at 17:18, baldockbanks courser said:

Regards to breeding litters of Lurchers.

Absolutely no call for Collie cross rabbiting dogs or anything specially breed to carry out a hard nights lamping and run all night taking big bags of rabbits. In 5 years I couldn't tell you a time when i'v run a dog out and thought that's anoth for you girl let's call it a night and in all honesty my dogs never get fit so they don't actually take that much running out.

I can't believe that in the past i'v had to sit by the hedge line waiting a few mins to let the dogs get thier tounge in before sending them out to yet another squating rabbit.

All it is now is walk walk walk to find a few rabbits to run. Night vision is not helping fox numbers.

If you can be bothered and you don't mind the agg involved there is plenty of deer about for a dog but with every field now being ditched in its pretty limited the amounts of hard nights you can give a dog, there is plenty of muntjac around but catching them in the day has its risks as they scream on contact from a Lurcher.

As a former keen day time coursing man I don't like lamping hares so it's all pretty limited.


They scream at night too I'm told

Wear a frock brother and they just think it's you being fruity ??



Oh I am a twat

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But what I'm getting at obviously is as a rule people aren't nocturnal,

If youv hunted muntjac you will know they are easier to take during  the day as they rarely venture that far into open country at night  so if you want to work a bushing terrier and lurcher in the absence of rabbits around me you'd have to work muntjac instead ( in the day ) if anyone is in ear shot in this busy country we live they draw a lot of attention and a lot of people would find that off putting to say the least so would be reluctant to change from hunting the rabbit.

I find it very unnecessary people trying to make others look silly like you've tried to do there and reminds me why I have not been on here for years and just asked this question ?

Edited by baldockbanks courser
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  On 03/11/2018 at 18:19, baldockbanks courser said:

But what I'm getting at obviously is as a rule people aren't nocturnal,

If youv hunted muntjac you will know they are easier to take during  the day as they rarely venture that far into open country at night  so if you want to work a bushing terrier and lurcher in the absence of rabbits around me you'd have to work muntjac instead ( in the day ) if anyone is in ear shot in this busy country we live they draw a lot of attention and a lot of people would find that off putting to say the least so would be reluctant to change from hunting the rabbit.

I find it very unnecessary people trying to make others look silly like you've tried to do there and reminds me why I have not been on here for years and just asked this question ?


I wouldn't know as it's not allowed these days and no need to be a tart

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  On 03/11/2018 at 16:30, billhardy said:

I know adzactly what yas saying fireman only last season season I got invite keeper and old friend bit coney bashing nighttime ,old jaz took to a lake for a duck then on a  further on large covet of partridge he yelled has I wax in range for them to be disturbed but jaz reall well controlled they sat tight no disturbance , another not sprained jukel could have got one in a spot of bother or no return invite ,but hey. There yas go atbbill.


The dam to my lurcher bitch a 3/4 bull grey once while out with a keeper lamping ran up to a partridge and lifted it and just swallowed it still flapping while on her way back to us ?,fair to say when we said to him what fecking partridge?, he did laugh but we were very very careful where we slipped after that and didn't push our luck.. 

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for wat it's worth I'll hunt any where with or with out my style daytime don't seem to any one unhappy casual moocher and locals all know me been treading the land for fifty yrs  Conies are just staple fodder running loads and tons travelling large distances for them I out grew that few decades ago, in fact got ta one point It became boring fa me I prefer like a good jukel abit of everything more ta the game side a things .the ways some complain of numbers of Conies diminishing the more a good jukel for bits of anything will become more and more popular loads a the young guns ain't fussy of Conies any ways nit those I knows in fact the coney catchers are few and far between in. These here parts have been for yrs atb billv

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  On 01/11/2018 at 21:14, baldockbanks courser said:

Australia is slightly different isn't it?

There is lots of reasons not to want or need a single rabbit over there.

To an extent nobody in Britain wants the rabbit to disappear it props up the food chain and actually benefits our environment like stopping brambles taking over and keeping heathland as it is. 

I saw some clips of Australian rabbit control on you tube and it was all out war the didn't care how they died just as long as they did some of the old film the numbers were unreal! Literally any breed of dog could go in a bush and catch 1.


I remember about 30years ago at a place called Warren NSW the rabbits were thick on the ground,my 3 staff crosses killed literally hundreds one weekend.The rabbits were living above ground at were just being scooped up.When you looked across the paddocks it looked liked an ants nest of rabbits and I often shot two with one shot.From there its been a gradual reduction in numbers until today most places in NSW your lucky to catch a feed.Saying that I just got a call from a guy in that general area who is infested with them,and needs them thinned.The old days here almost every property had a full time rabbiter and they ordered there dogs a hundred a time to deal with them.

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  On 30/10/2018 at 23:36, baldockbanks courser said:

I'v not been on here for years but just wanted to see how bad it really is everywhere concerning the collapse of rabbit numbers.

8-9 years ago a friend who works on a big farm estate on the Herts cambs boarders came to see me...

Fetch your dogs n ferrets on here as much as you like and john's farms over run with them I'll get you on there too!!!

That year my friend Richard who got me on that land, shot... and I will admit he's a great shot 160 rabbits cutting a corn field at harvest as they ran from the combine. This year he shot 2!

I had a great season taking decent numbers with lamp n ferrets on most occasions, the next season they were gone ? and have never recovered, places I walked from the mid 90s up till then are now void of rabbits.


I can walk for hours run a few rabbits come home with 1 or 2 even though the dogs are hardly missing many.

I was always of the mindset of only take what is there to be harvested and frankly I'm taking the precious rabbits propping up the population.

I love lurcher work but it doesn't seem right weakening an already struggling population. I'm the first to moan about greedy African poachers killing there struggling wild life and I'm felling hypocritical, I despise showing my dogs are out n out workers and I'm glad i'v only got 1 young lurcher now.

Sorry to depress you all but wondering if anyone else fills the same way now i'v no doubt it's vhd 2 that's decimated the population.




If you shoot 160 the previous season your being a bit naive to expect a good tally in the following season. If that lad was out for sport he would leave that healthy population and take a few every outing, then he would have something to go at the following season. Different story if he is a pest controller, and if he was it’s a job well done and he couldn’t complain about the fall in numbers. My opinion, if your concerned about the numbers in an area, don’t hunt in it.

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  On 03/11/2018 at 10:12, bird said:

 ive done bit of beating in my time, prob only me at that  time kept/worked lurchers , and the other beaters were either had gundogs them selves or there were riflemen . now  any lamping was always given to the riflemen 1st, gundog blokes, 2nd and me 3rd , now this is me doing 4-5 seasons on the bounce, it never changed with the keeper and it was very similar that other shoots i did beating at not just this keeper .The bottom line is this lurchers are not liked on any ground, yes you get the odd keeper give you the odd night lamping, but like above most stuff been shot to fook by then, it been like this when i started with lurchers 34 years ago and its not changed and it never will, more so with this bloody ban we got not helping either . One thing always amazes me on these sites, is that people are still  breeding litter's of pups every year, with less stuff on he ground  to run a lurcher , it dont matter if your legal or not , because if they not much there to begin with , your wasting your time anyway . i like lurchers as dog even if just pet , there healthy , fair brain on them, not over the top to buy , compared to ped dogs , and nice companion to have with you. the rescue centers are full of them waiting to die in there , maybe in time people  might stop breeding so many , when they realize  there not the amount of game there like there was 15-30 years ago .!!


Nice to haaave permission mate but like you said them gamekeepers and such majority of them are and will be anti lurcher  and the grounds hammered any way I'l always own a lurcher I've had lurchers since I was a dot my old man has got 2 pointers now and I know he misses his old lurchers 

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  On 04/11/2018 at 16:26, Penda said:

Nice to haaave permission mate but like you said them gamekeepers and such majority of them are and will be anti lurcher  and the grounds hammered any way I'l always own a lurcher I've had lurchers since I was a dot my old man has got 2 pointers now and I know he misses his old lurchers 


This post true and for what it's worth most others shooters the like of there ilk dont see jukels or those that keep  them ,the lots forgot what a good jukels a about and the reason they existed  I'll stay me my ways  will never change I se the next man whoever wherever they are same. Feck all this double standard types one sees in abundance on the shoots the beats they'll speak one day and put yas in in the morning .feck em my knowledge and capabilities iCloud clean every bird tree or ground far miles ,would would I feck don't drive these days lol if upset I might putt a spanner night before shoot day though  feck be who's you are let no other change ones man we a dying. Breed the others are just fake imitations .atb ta true lurcher ping types atb bill

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