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  On 03/11/2018 at 08:44, Francie said:

Ketogenic its called, if you stop eating carbs your body will switch an burn your fat for energy, real interesting check it out.


its a very intresting subject francie.....its the way most average humans should look to loose weight....those complex carbs and sugars should be the first thing out of a diet for your average human ..or at least cut them right back....but of course it still comes down to a simple formular of calories in against calories out....

however for most athaleats I think some complex carbs...some fiberouse carbs and some sugars...mainly fructose are vital....but that doesn't mean you cant keep them low if nessasery .......interestingly though..i think its the brain that only functions on carbs...and I think its the sugars....

its also intresting that the body can store both fats and carbohydrates ....yet theres no storage of protein....so the need to regularly eat protein..

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I am in my 60s ,quite strong 6ft 2 in , 12st 7 lb ,but my back is f****d from all the shagging .....oh hang on ,that not me that's Ray .

I was with the mrs on holiday once and we were walking along the cliffs and some runners came along and I said look at the daft fookers killing them selves but really I was jealous as I hung off the g

Vince Gironda the iron guru  was way ahead of his time. I've done keto diets and it does work but I've had the best consistent results from eating clean and tracking my calories and planning my meals

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  On 03/11/2018 at 09:54, baker boy said:

End up with the energy levels of  a three toed sloth, eat less move more, its not rocket science


If you cut out the carbs alltogether your body goes into a state of ketosis, in this state you will experience low energy, but if you keep going an get past this you body will adjust an you should be flying then.

 Remember this is used to lose weight fast an effeciently, once your bodies in ketosis its using up the fat storage as fuel cause less carbs.

If you mix it up with a little carbs like vegtables this will take the edge of ketosis mate.

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  On 03/11/2018 at 11:54, TOMO said:

its a very intresting subject francie.....its the way most average humans should look to loose weight....those complex carbs and sugars should be the first thing out of a diet for your average human ..or at least cut them right back....but of course it still comes down to a simple formular of calories in against calories out....

however for most athaleats I think some complex carbs...some fiberouse carbs and some sugars...mainly fructose are vital....but that doesn't mean you cant keep them low if nessasery .......interestingly though..i think its the brain that only functions on carbs...and I think its the sugars....

its also intresting that the body can store both fats and carbohydrates ....yet theres no storage of protein....so the need to regularly eat protein..


Yeah tomo its one of the best ways to lose fat fast, i stumbled across this a while back while researching the old ways of bodybuilding ie vince gironda.

He was very lean bodybuilder, he ate steak an eggs twice a day, everyday, but every 5th day would eat fruit an veg with steak an eggs.

They say hes the godfather of bodybuilding an taught some of the greats, he also didnt use steriods.

Im only 11.5 stone 5.11 in height, an i tryed steak an eggs, i was leean anyway but this steak an eggs ripped me to shreds, my muscles got bigger while the fat came off, especially around the oblique area, ripped to shreds, muscles pumping just way steak an eggs twice a day.


Thought id shre my experience.


Vinces bulking shake was amazing check it out.

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  On 03/11/2018 at 12:47, steve66 said:

Some good documentarys on netflix and you tube about low carb and keto diets , also Dr micheal mosley wrote a good book on the subject 

Defently worth a read especaily for the people whose diabetic 


Yeah steve it looks like keto diet could help prevent a few things also, very interesting mate.

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Just remember lads the inventor of the Atkins diet, died of obesity, best to turn off your device and just get out for a walk or bike ride especially for the more mature and rest your pie and pint arm for as long as you can ??????

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  On 03/11/2018 at 12:55, steve66 said:

is that all you had steak and eggs twice a day , what about breakfast Francie 


Pretty much steve steak an egss twice a day, id eat steak an eggs in a 6 hr window, between 12 an 6 in the day an fasted the rest.

Beleive me it was hard at start because i loved my carbs, especially a load of cream buns in the morning lol

But once i passed this i didnt feel hungry an could go no problem, i was working out in fasted state in( morning) an the pump was unbelevable mate.

Once the carb cravings had gone it was great plenty of energy wile building muscle, i could go an on its all scientific stuff.

Its not for everyone, but if you want to loose weight fast, its a goodun.

I seen myself moving away from processed food an eating natural an its done me wonders.

Now youl hear steak an especially eggs are bad for you, but thats myth is well disproved.

Cholestorel is very important for building muscles an hormones an theres plenty new studies to show that saturated fat is actually good not bad.


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that keto stuff is similar to paleo .....wich is another fascinating subject and incredibly healthy way of eating.....however its very tuff to stick to in todays world...and both are along the same lines as the warrior diet...wich like yours is done with a fasted part of the day....usualy a 4-6 hour window to eat in the eavening ....

yeh I remember vince gironda from when I used to buy the bodybuilding mags in the late 80-s and early 90,s....


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Some good reading here fellas.. hats off to you.

I've tried the no carb thing.. and yes, got results in no time. Only trouble was struggling sticking to it on a daily basis. Especially sitting down to a square meal each evening with the family. You just can't do it. My good lady, has had a few very productive stints on the slimming world plan. Good for me, because she cooks all the meals! 

Interestingly.. carbs are allowed. Some are even ' free' such as pasta and potatoes.. as long as nothing is added to them during cooking. Almost everything is cooked from scratch/ freh though. Probably only thing out of a jar is passata. Probably another science that is beyond me!!

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  On 03/11/2018 at 10:26, jiggy said:

I'm blocklaying every day but would like to go to gym and lift weights but I find myself drained after a hard days work which is probably counter productive which would waste muscle rather than build. Upper body strength is pretty good from laying blocks but it doesn't do much for cardio. Something like cycling would suit me better for lower body strength and gaining wind. Occupation is probably a big factor that people ignore. A guy that served his time with me turned into a gymn bunny but after a year he never got bigger. I was still able to bench 30 percent more than him without ever training. He was eating ok but partying hard at weekends and those 5 days in the gym done absolutely nothing for him only fatigue for the job he was in. I asked a guy for advice on gym work before and he bluntly said take steroids and you can do 12 months work in 12 days. Not really the answer I wanted!


Get a bike or two mate?You're doing enough graft to keep the weigh off i reckon.

Cycling is bang on for a cardio workout.. and your calfs and quads will explode??


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running is best for getting better wind just build up to 3 x 5 miles a week and after year you will notice the diff. You will still puff a bit going up a hill but you will recover in seconds and end up with constant low heart rate   

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Vince Gironda the iron guru  was way ahead of his time. I've done keto diets and it does work but I've had the best consistent results from eating clean and tracking my calories and planning my meals to suit my goals ie cutting or bulking. You must know your maintenance daily calories(there's plenty of calculators on the net for you to work yours out) and then either bulk or cut to + or - 500 calories of your maintenance.I train 3 days a week and walk the dogs between 6 -10 miles a day. I eat clean on the whole but do eat complex carbs but cut out refined sugars. Eat your superfoods oats,eggs,nuts,berries,oily fish and veg. For any serious trainers I highly recommend udo's omega oil for your essential fatty acids. Also good fats from eggs,olive oil,avacados,nuts,coconut oil etc will boost your natural testosterone levels.Train hard,rest enough and fuel your machine with the best possible fuel.


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  On 03/11/2018 at 21:40, TAXI DRIVER said:

Vince Gironda the iron guru  was way ahead of his time. I've done keto diets and it does work but I've had the best consistent results from eating clean and tracking my calories and planning my meals to suit my goals ie cutting or bulking. You must know your maintenance daily calories(there's plenty of calculators on the net for you to work yours out) and then either bulk or cut to + or - 500 calories of your maintenance.I train 3 days a week and walk the dogs between 6 -10 miles a day. I eat clean on the whole but do eat complex carbs but cut out refined sugars. Eat your superfoods oats,eggs,nuts,berries,oily fish and veg. For any serious trainers I highly recommend udo's omega oil for your essential fatty acids. Also good fats from eggs,olive oil,avacados,nuts,coconut oil etc will boost your natural testosterone levels.Train hard,rest enough and fuel your machine with the best possible fuel.



Nice one taxi driver, the good clean grub is the way forward, what kinda training do you do weights?

Did ye ever try vince girondas protein shake, 12 eggs, dollop of butter, full fat cream, an some milk, its some packing.

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