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Plenty of discussion on here regarding competitive sport but thought I'd start one that's more personal. Basically if you put priority on your health or fitness lets talk about it.

What do you do and why....... what motivates you....... what's you attitude to general health/diet....... anything new you want to try....... etc etc.


Me personally, I've never been into sport but always fairly active. Been lifting 2-3 times a week for probably 5 years (on and off before that) and until about a year ago based it around big compound lifts/powerlifting. I sort of had a target of increasing my squat and deadlift hitting >3xBW with the DL but only >2x with the squat. In the last year I've packed up the heavy stuff and now hit higher rep ranges exclusively and just worry more about 'feeling' fit and robust. Working in an office 9-5 it makes recovery from physically intense weekends a non issue.

I f***ing hate running but want to give swimming another go. So starting that again soon and hopefully get advised to how to improve my technique so I feel like I'm achieving something. Then maybe go back to powerlifting with general compounds 2x/week with swimming 2x week just to freshen things up.

Thought about trying krav maga, cross fit or BJJ for something different but I dunno.

Anyone else?


PS no f***ing topless gym changing room pictures please..................... or calf pictures katchum!

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I have regular health screening through work and I’ve one due in December. Recently I put a little weight on so when I got home from a short break in late September, I got “in the zone”? I’ve cut out a lot of carbs and most sugar. Lost about 12lbs/a stone in 4 weeks. Upped the exercising a bit and ate sensibly. Regularly walk an 8 mile route in work once a week and do at least 3 to 5 miles every day on the moors ? following hounds on foot helps ?

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I walk a good few miles every day. Don't drink or smoke. And recently "kinda" started to eat a bit healthy after my sister had a heart attack few months back.

Heart attack also killed my dad when I was young so I decided in around the age now to address it.

By no means into gym or sport but let's be honest that goes for f**k all I've known super fit guys drop dead.  What's for you won't go by you. 

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Eat too much stuff thats not good for me. sleep pattern not great and like a beer!

Plus side is I walk about 5 miles a day, try and do 20 miles+ a week on the bike and dont drink for 5/6 days on the trot, try to eat 5 a day most days and got no history of heart trouble in my family.

Thats about it really but I seldom feel less than 95% ready to go lol

Cheers, D.

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  On 30/10/2018 at 12:35, scothunter said:

I walk a good few miles every day. Don't drink or smoke. And recently "kinda" started to eat a bit healthy after my sister had a heart attack few months back.


I'm by no means a health freak but I'd say I'm by nature pretty healthy. Then again don't we all think that until summat happens? lol

I think I've recently become a bit more health conscious. I see loads of people live shit lifestyles and then cop for it in their 50s 60s etc so I'm a bit conscious of mitigating that with small changes now. Trying to increase the plant-base of my diet and try new stuff. It's difficult because it's so easy for us (westerners) to go to processed carbs for easy calories.

I'm eating a lot of stuff I've fried in my skillet which I'm not sure about health wise but equally probably better to have balanced unprocessed food cooked that way than shite boiled or roasted.

  On 30/10/2018 at 12:35, scothunter said:

By no means into gym or sport but let's be honest that goes for f**k all I've known super fit guys drop dead.  What's for you won't go by you. 


I dunno mate. I reckon it's a pretty strong indicator on life expectancy and just as importantly actual health and fitness throughout that life (no good living to 100 if you're out of breath climbing stairs from 60). I don't think either extreme is healthy though.

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I still lift..3-4 times a week....I have to work round a fecked rotator cuff but there you go...if It wernt for that I would have deffo started doing cross fit....watch loads of it on youtube..

but I still dead lift ...squat and bench of course...although these days I much prefer front squat cos of my shoulder...it gives me severe pain trying to hold the bar in a low bar position and not much better high bar...so I front squat..but have to do the crossed arms method cos a cant rack it as you would in a clean

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  On 30/10/2018 at 18:02, TOMO said:

if It wernt for that I would have deffo started doing cross fit....watch loads of it on youtube..


It appeals to me but the fact it has a 'culture' puts me off a bit. :laugh: 

I could definitely do with the change though. You know of any crossfit gyms/sessions/clubs/societies lol around South Notts mate?

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Moderation is for pussies .

Live hard die knowing you've done what you've wanted to not whats expected .I'm 53 and can still dig with the best of them ,out walk many a wannabe and need minimal sleep .My job is physical ,my hobby and passion are too .With this being a HUNTING site I'm surprised no one else uses hunting to keep themselves fit and active .When do some of you find the time to actually hunt ?

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  On 30/10/2018 at 19:55, foxdropper said:

Moderation is for pussies .

Live hard die knowing you've done what you've wanted to not whats expected .I'm 53 and can still dig with the best of them ,out walk many a wannabe and need minimal sleep .My job is physical ,my hobby and passion are too .With this being a HUNTING site I'm surprised no one else uses hunting to keep themselves fit and active .When do some of you find the time to actually hunt ?


Fella this thread has f**k all to do with knocking others. Well done, you hunt and enjoy it and it keeps you fit. Part of what's great about it.

Edited by Born Hunter
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  On 30/10/2018 at 19:48, Born Hunter said:

It appeals to me but the fact it has a 'culture' puts me off a bit. :laugh: 

I could definitely do with the change though. You know of any crossfit gyms/sessions/clubs/societies lol around South Notts mate?


think theres at least 3 in Nottingham....but like most crossfit gyms.....I will not say box.....there fecking expencive......but I hear good things about a place at farndon....its not a cross fit gym...but they do a good bit of functional training and strongman stuff......

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