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whats your views on rabbit and foxing

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Guest game dogs uk
:thumbs: ok just thought i would ask you lot this one and see what you views are!on working your only terriers on both rabbit and fox?or do you think its more in portant to keep terriers for fox of rabbit?and keep rabbiting dogs just for rabbiting :thumbs: whats your views.and why you think it differs etc? :thumbs:
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2 of mine are half decent bushing dogs aswell 1 of em wont do rabbits at all always had out and out fox dogs - as i`ve got older i dont mind a bit of rabbiting or ratting had a bit of a lay off from terriers been back at it for about 4 year now got some young dogs on i`m in 2 minds weather to switch thr lights on to charlie thr all decent ratting dogs but now days i cant find the work for 6 dogs without doing a bit of ratting and bushing for my mates lurcher . some dogs just wont do both some say it fecks em up for earth work , horses for courses i suppose , donny c i know a thumbs down says it all but it would be nice to have your views as to why not .

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  flint said:
2 of mine are half decent bushing dogs aswell 1 of em wont do rabbits at all always had out and out fox dogs - as i`ve got older i dont mind a bit of rabbiting or ratting had a bit of a lay off from terriers been back at it for about 4 year now got some young dogs on i`m in 2 minds weather to switch thr lights on to charlie thr all decent ratting dogs but now days i cant find the work for 6 dogs without doing a bit of ratting and bushing for my mates lurcher . some dogs just wont do both some say it fecks em up for earth work , horses for courses i suppose , donny c i know a thumbs down says it all but it would be nice to have your views as to why not .

Ive never dug to a rabbit with my terriers the first time would be the last for the dog .Just wouldnt consider it just my opinion .Ive only got interest in the proper quarry ..As for terriers being dug to Ive seen others do it but it cannot be mistaken for a fox as with hounds when they riot the tone changes same as a dog to ground on rabbit .

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i've always thought that ratting was a step towards foxing?


and i have always considered that any work is better than no work, so drawing a hedge using its nose and bushing rabbits is better than being kept on the lead and used a few times a year on foxes....just my opinion, done a bit of foxing, not a lot, neve had the opportunity


my brother had a very good JRT who bushed and did foxes, he would always kill rabbits and not sit and bay at them, saying that he wouldn't make much noise at foxes either and usually killed them before they could bolt or we could get to him


I understand the principle of foxing only terriers, but never knew anyone who had enough foxing permission not to do other things with the terrier, including a hunt terrierman

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  donnyc said:
  flint said:
2 of mine are half decent bushing dogs aswell 1 of em wont do rabbits at all always had out and out fox dogs - as i`ve got older i dont mind a bit of rabbiting or ratting had a bit of a lay off from terriers been back at it for about 4 year now got some young dogs on i`m in 2 minds weather to switch thr lights on to charlie thr all decent ratting dogs but now days i cant find the work for 6 dogs without doing a bit of ratting and bushing for my mates lurcher . some dogs just wont do both some say it fecks em up for earth work , horses for courses i suppose , donny c i know a thumbs down says it all but it would be nice to have your views as to why not .

Ive never dug to a rabbit with my terriers the first time would be the last for the dog .Just wouldnt consider it just my opinion .Ive only got interest in the proper quarry ..As for terriers being dug to Ive seen others do it but it cannot be mistaken for a fox as with hounds when they riot the tone changes same as a dog to ground on rabbit .

thanks don for me its just a matter of keeping the dogs busy i only bush a rew rabbits for a mates lurcher . i`ve got a white lakie bitch that rats bushs and mixes it with fox . lucky if we get 20 digs a season now a few year back we could have had 20 a week and the queer fella used to be the proper quarry i`ve changed my views to suit my needs and my dodgey back .
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They say if a terrier is used for foxes for a few seasons and then learns the rabbiting game will sometime jack the foxing and take life easier on things that dont fight as hard.


nothing worse than a hard dig to a rabbit :doh::doh:

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for anyone interested in digging foxes on a regular basis,dogs that will go to ground and hunt rabbits are ba**ards!! if your serious about hunting foxes and dont want to waste your time waiting for your terrier to stop pissing about in an earth then keep them well away from rabbits and disscourage them at every oppertunity

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I bought a patterdale bitch a few weeks ago for a friend of mine and when i got there i noticed that her ears were cut up where she had been bushing. :hmm: I gave my mate a ring and told him that i think the bitch had been used on rabbits as well but she was a good looking strong bitch and he insisted that i brought her home for him. Any way he gave her two weeks to settle down then took her out only to dig 6 foot to a rabbit on ground that wasnt the easyest to dig. He wasnt to impressed when he rang me up to tell me and i p**sed myself laughing :clapper: So if you want my advice keep fox dogs to fox and rabbit dogs to rabbit :bye:

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