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On 30/10/2018 at 20:27, Stavross said:

It just goes to show he hasn’t done a very good job this year as a lot of his have made their way into the back drive on our shoot, that may be the first drive on Saturday ?

Bet the pellets in your feeders helped when his are full of corn  ?..

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24 minutes ago, Stavross said:

Ha ha, have you been checking my feeder on the boundaries ?

The lure of the pellet is very under rated by some folk and i got a local farmer/keeper to keep one ride fed all winter with pellet a couple of years ago and most of the bag from that drive all season were black pheasants and he has never put down a black bird on his shoot in his life,in fact he had so many other birds as it were he freeked out and thought he'd get strife for it and he hasn't done it since ?..

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If all he got was a verbal dressing down, he probably got off lucky. Pretty sure that trespassing on someone else's land and removing game stock amounts to poaching. Pretty sure unless they're tagged, he would be unable to prove the birds were his.

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8 hours ago, Alsone said:

If all he got was a verbal dressing down, he probably got off lucky. Pretty sure that trespassing on someone else's land and removing game stock amounts to poaching. Pretty sure unless they're tagged, he would be unable to prove the birds were his.

Not sure you can have someone for poaching if they're not actually 'catching' the wild bird...

At best it's some sort of damage or interruption of a legal activity? I doubt it's even criminal.

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All it is is trespassing and that’s a civil matter not a criminal one, to be honest I don’t think he’ll be there next season they have done no better than us so far this season and put a lot more birds down than we do, we have been shooting a good few of there birds the last couple of times we have shot, a big field of rape on the boundary has helped a lot with this, we tend to push the rape from the boundary up to the edge of our wood where the guns are lined out after lunch giving the birds time to make there way into the rape in the morning ready for the afternoon drive

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Just go through his wood at night scare them all of the roost push them all about and then tell him you done it if if ask why tell him you no he bin dogging your birds in off your land and that if he does it again you’ll run through his wood befor he has shoot days .. or just do the same to him and when he says something just tell him f**k off what’s good for goose good for the gander 

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5 hours ago, Elchapo said:

Just go through his wood at night scare them all of the roost push them all about and then tell him you done it if if ask why tell him you no he bin dogging your birds in off your land and that if he does it again you’ll run through his wood befor he has shoot days .. or just do the same to him and when he says something just tell him f**k off what’s good for goose good for the gander 

Tit for tat threats and retaliation usually don't work and sometimes escalate into worse situations that surface when the blood is up. I've seen cases of lads stealing pheasants at night with nets, wrecking pens and  breaking up  outside feeders. ( which is dumb as fcuk if your poaching the ground you might actually increase your chances of nailing a bird under one if you leave it there ) Lads trapping pinemartins and releasing them into closed top pens. The same lads got themselves in big trouble after and guns taken. In a separate incident the worst I seen was a new start up club that asked our (50 year old club) to help them out to create a decent boundary in an area of our club that we didn't shoot much. We gave them 1/3 of our club as a friendly gesture to get them up and running and they done well for 3 seasons until they fell out amongst themselves and then we caught their chairman and secretary in shooting in the middle of our club. I just rang up the guy and said to him are you serious you clown after all we done for you. I told him then that his family were respected in the area, would be ashamed of him and where was his fcuking honour or pride ( he is a black belt in kickboxing too )after all we helped. He started bumbling on phone and I think the honour bit hurt him most because he claims to be a proud man and he apologised and never appeared since. At the start of our club some of the old boys walked into release pen and caught lads stealing birds and were threatened with loaded guns. Big court case and the silly c**ts got hammered for it for a couple of miserable birds.

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If his birds didn’t know where they lived by the time of year he was dogging them in it just goes to show he didn’t know what he was doing, luckily we don’t need to worry about the crank next season because he’s been given the boot

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  • 9 months later...
On 19/10/2018 at 17:27, Stavross said:

So I’ve just had a phone call from the lady who owns the land we rent for our shoot, apparently the keeper off next doors shoot has just been seen dogging birds off our field, now I’m not saying these are all our birds and I know they wander a bit and we get some of there’s and they get some of ours, that’s just how it is, but to dog them on land that is not yours is just taking the piss, I now have to go and explain to him that he’s in the wrong and how would he like it if I go and push his wood through that’s on our boundary, I feel I might also have to have a word with the lad they rent there shoot from as he farms our shoots land and we I do a bit of rabbit control for him, maybe he can also point out the errors in this chancers ways ?

Waaaaaaaa a bird in the hand is worth two in a bush 

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