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RVHD infecting Hares.

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18 minutes ago, Saltmoon said:

There will be a day sometime that owning a working lurcher will be pointless in this country. Shame really honest dogs doing honest graft will be gone 

There will always be something or other to run mate might be bit more risky in few years tho

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RHDV escaped quarantine here in 1995 and apparently killed 10 million rabbits.I don't think it was tested properly and hear it kills hares.Escaped quarantine?Not good enough,Australia has a bad rep for this with cane toads and other stuff.Who's running the fcken show here?I won't give up on the bunnies though to build up immunity,fingers crossed.

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I have just listened to a report on BBC radio 4 and it most certainly looks as though going on what has been reported in the UK  that's its Myxomatosis,it has made the transision from the rabbit to the brown hare,there will be a report on Country File in a few weeks.

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On bbc news this morning also, with photos and it’s clear that it’s mixi from the eyes etc. Think the virus has done what viruses do and mutated I thought last year that mixi was especially harsh on the rabbits round my way and looking back I think that was probably a sign of a new strain. Hares having no immunity (unlike rabbits who have been dealing with mixi for 70 years) could be wiped out. In 1953 when mixi was first introduced rabbit populations fell by 95-99%....sad times ahead with RVHD also causing carnage to rabbit and possibly hare populations, all man done as well. Sickening. 

Edited by Bobtheferret
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It all comes back to Greed and money the two things that are f***ing the dog game and every other aspect of modern day living , hares cause damage to young foresty (a lot of forestry here is state owned?) I highly doubt it was a 'mistake' it got released ... sad fact about it is it will be the small lad picked on again. The lad out with his dog for a run or two who might take a couple hare a year and who knows nothing else only to hunt. It is us who will loose out again.  If its true it will absolutely decimate the hare population. Doesnt make much sense to ban hare coursing and then turn around and release a virus that delivers the most horrendous death, but then again anything can be justified when theres money involved. Its is only when all human resources are gone will we realise we can neither drink, breath nor eat money.

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Edited by sionnach99
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On 12/10/2018 at 20:42, Stephen unwin. said:

On my farm I find dead rabbits in mint condition which I have been told is vhd but the hares are not suffering from it there's plenty em and I haven't found any of them dead

What about coccidiosis, or brown hare syndrome, any experience of these mate ?

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