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Lost, but not lost. I need a filling system

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How many of us have gone looking for something that you know that you've got but can't remember where you put it ? I've even had situations Where I've not been able to find something,  gone out and bought a new one,  only to find the one that I had been looking for,  and then thinking..... what a Muppet.  I remember putting that there !! 

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Fukc me I’ve had nights where i couldn’t find my house ? .......

If I can't find something it because she's put it some where and she doesn't know where she put it. Once doing the light in the kitchen, went to reach for the screwdriver I was using, gone. I haven't

Any of you guy been looking for you glasses only to find you got them on or you've pushed them up on top of your head? Cheers Arry

  On 10/10/2018 at 08:23, Blackbriar said:

Usually, if I can't find something, it's because the good Lady has been 'tidying up'..........

She was once searching all over for her phone - found it in the fridge !


If I can't find something it because she's put it some where and she doesn't know where she put it. Once doing the light in the kitchen, went to reach for the screwdriver I was using, gone. I haven't seen it she says, had to get another from my tool box to Finnish the job. Later found it in the cutlery drawer, you must have put it there she said. I was up a fxcking step ladder FFS. Lol.

Cheers Arry

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I,d loose my bollacks if I did,nt keep them in a bag ? I,m very forgetful but like my hearing it can be quite selective as it stops people asking you to do little favours for them everyday, my missus says don't bother asking him he forgets everything  ?

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  On 10/10/2018 at 11:37, Arry said:

If I can't find something it because she's put it some where and she doesn't know where she put it. Once doing the light in the kitchen, went to reach for the screwdriver I was using, gone. I haven't seen it she says, had to get another from my tool box to Finnish the job. Later found it in the cutlery drawer, you must have put it there she said. I was up a fxcking step ladder FFS. Lol.

Cheers Arry


Welcome to my world, Arry !

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  On 10/10/2018 at 08:26, walshie said:

By the time I've gone into another room to look for said item, I've forgotten what I've gone in there for anyway, so i'm unaware if I've lost it or not. 


Ageing is a ba5tard. I’m only 46 and have already lost count of the number of times I’ve climbed the stairs, or found myself stood in my socks in a freezing cold garage with absolutely no idea what, just 30 seconds ago, I was desperately looking to find.

If I had a filing system, it’d only give me one more thing to lose..., or forget I was even looking for.

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I'm not totally referring to brain fade. It's quiet often a case of the fairies have been around and things just disapear never to be seen or found again. We were doing some electrical repairs and firstly a pair of wire strippers just disappeared and then a switch cover. We hunted everywhere and neither we're ever found. The switch cover had no value and wasn't any use other than as a switch cover. We had to go and get another complete switch from the supplier and finish the job off another day just for a 50p cover. Another time Quite an expensive auto electrics code finder just disappeared whilst we were using it. Fairies ! There was an anti freeze content chart. Gone. Now these could be marked up a someone lifting them but in these cases either the item  had little or no value or no one had been near or access to wander off with the items. Sometimes things have been found in random places. We don't get drunk, we don't do drugs, we ain't gone off our trollies. No it was definitely the fairies. As for the Mrs, she's the person that I generally ask where stuff is. She just says you've got to move stuff. It won't just jump out at you. As for the going into the garage to get something and not knowing what you are there for,  I'm sure that everyone has had the thing about driving home and thinking I  cant remember driving through that town or village.  I must have been on autopilot. This seems to happen to everyone including my doctor who said just that. Top that lot.

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I did a bike ride with the dogs two days ago, got to the halfway point and stopped to blow up my tyres a bit then cycled back home.

Realised then I'd put the dogs leads down when I stopped and had to drive 8 miles round in the van to pick them up.

Cheers, D.

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