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enjoyable last day of the year

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me ,my baby sister and my dad decided to go ferreting today as we didnt have owt planned ,so about 10:30 ish we started getting the gear ready and the pups collerd up for a abit of fun out ferreting.the first warren wasnt netted as it was inaccessible and we thought this might let the pups have some runs but this wasnt to be as the rabbits decided to bolt from hole to hole ,one had the ferret piggy backing it lol back into the dark warren.we then had two visiters (the farmers wife and son) who after a little chat gave us the permision to ferret there in the future.in this period of time we had two bolters but we wasnt ready.

when they left we then ferreted the next warren along the hedgeline ,this time we placed the stop net through a gap in the hedge ,put a few purse nets down and left the two pups to work the hedge line themselfs.minutes after the ferret was entered one rabbit bolted my side of the hedge ,pursing up in the net.we moved further down the hedge putting the ferret down different holes moving closer to the stop net set at the bottem.then another rabbit bolted dads side. straight down the hedge line into the stop net with dad close behing to dispatch it.

our next warren was only a smallish set ,so we placed ouselfs at the end of the warren to hopefully move the rabbits in the other direction towards the stop net at the other end.same again the pups were left to work freely around the warren with both taking interest ,fern seems to be enjoying the ferreting game where as fly gets bored untill theres some action .we had a rabbit bolt myside through a pile of fallen trees with pups having to manouver around it to put in a little chase .but this one got away down another warren inside a fence.we carried on and had another bolt my side again with me closing behind ,straight into the stop net this one gets wrapped up in the meshes of the 4z.fly and fern are to keen when the rabbits hit the nets so had to be told off a few times.

we picked up the nets and moved onto a our last warren of the day,the stopnet was ran through the hedge again so about 5yrds of net was placed into each field , both sides of the hedge.we worked the ferret from the bottem of the warren letting her work her way up through the warren.a rabbit exited pretty quick and straigth over the field and not down the hedge line were i hoped it would of ,the pups just coudnt close down the gap in time to put in a few turns.we had about three other bolts which made it to ground further down the hedge line and one went straight through a gate and across a field which would of been a easy catch if they new how to jump the 5 bar gate.as this was happening we had a stray dog being a nuisance around the warren whilst its handler just kept on blowing his whistle,we had another bolt straight into the stop net with the stray lab pinning it in the net.four rabbits and some good fun for the last day of the year .just want to wish everyone on THL a great 2008.







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