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A great day.

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We were invited over from Northumberland to the Lake District to have a joint meet with Bowderdale and his hounds to join forces and and thin some Rabbits out with the explicit instructions from his numerous keeper friends to shoot foxes as well. We set off at 6-30 in the morning and arrived about 8-15 and then forwarded to the venue which took another 30 minutes. 7 of us and around 20 of Bowderdales friends assembled and discussed tactics surrounded by some of the most stunning scenery imaginable. A large patch of gorse adjoining a cover was surrounded by the guns and then the hounds loosed in, Bowderdales 5 fiery little hounds were off they knew the score, whereas our 4 Bassets were somewhat bemused by the steep terrain. Several foxes were afoot and there was some good hound music, three foxes were accounted for by the guns and a few Rabbits! Our next draw only produced two Red Deer hinds which were a thrill to see. On to another large wood adjoining perhaps 15 acres of gorse, a fox was quickly afoot and made it into the sanctuary of the gorse where fresh foxes were astir, but it was decided that perhaps we had taken on a bit too much, so a large scrubby wood was decided on to finish the day. It took perhaps 20 minutes of drawing to lift a fox but once hounds were speaking more foxes were lifted with hounds splitting and three different foxes being hunted at once, a shot at the bottom of the cover accounted for another fox much to the delight of the attending keepers. It was long after dark that we managed to get the last of the hounds stopped and safely gathered up. We thank Bowderdale and his companions for putting on such an excellent day for us. We made it back home for 7-30pm with some tired hounds in the back.

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