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Distressed Pheasant call

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Last year I got myself an icotec 350 , and I’ve had some success with it but mostly on cubs . After reading some of Jarvis posts he is an advocate of the distressed pheasant call . Well I’m useless on computers and don’t have a computer that can accept an SD card to load the calls . So I was at the midland game fair and called in to have a chat to the guys on the “best fox call “ stand , I explained my predicament and they handed me an SD card loaded with calls and no9 was the distressed Pheasant on the house  . They seem a nice bunch of guys and very helpful . I’ve noticed some puffs of feathers in a couple of places on the shoot over the last couple of days so last night I decided to change tactics and give the caller a good go and give it a chance . Set it out in the first field I’ve had killing in and waited . It was just getting dark and I could hear a magpie chatter . A look through the thermal and one was trotting straight towards the caller . My rifle was already in position , I quickly found him with the scope and by now he was almost at the caller , he stopped about 3 meters off it and I think his last thought were “f@ck it , he’s tricked me “!!! He was a good sized dog fox in excellent condition. Feeling confident and impressed with the pheasant distress call , I went to the next place I had problems, I set it up and I’d no sooner got to my vantage point and turned it on and got my gun up and Charlie showed up looking for a free dinner. Well the free dinners are over for him as well . Got to say I’m impressed. It almost doesn’t seem fair , but really I don’t care , all I want is less foxes , so any edge I can get the better . Thanks to Jarvis for the heads up and thanks to best fox call for their help . 


Edited by shovel leaner
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Good shooting mate 

I've got pheasant all over one of my perms , and a wood adjacent where there the pens are 

Ive used the pheasant call a hundred times , and never had a fox show any interest 

at all , on the go 500 can't believe your out first time and bag them ?Lol 

my be these foxes don't like pheasants ?


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  On 02/10/2018 at 07:42, shovel leaner said:

Last year I got myself an icotec 350 , and I’ve had some success with it but mostly on cubs . After reading some of Jarvis posts he is an advocate of the distressed pheasant call . Well I’m useless on computers and don’t have a computer that can accept an SD card to load the calls . So I was at the midland game fair and called in to have a chat to the guys on the “best fox call “ stand , I explained my predicament and they handed me an SD card loaded with calls and no9 was the distressed Pheasant on the house  . They seem a nice bunch of guys and very helpful . I’ve noticed some puffs of feathers in a couple of places on the shoot over the last couple of days so last night I decided to change tactics and give the caller a good go and give it a chance . Set it out in the first field I’ve had killing in and waited . It was just getting dark and I could hear a magpie chatter . A look through the thermal and one was trotting straight towards the caller . My rifle was already in position , I quickly found him with the scope and by now he was almost at the caller , he stopped about 3 meters off it and I think his last thought were “f@ck it , he’s tricked me “!!! He was a good sized dog fox in excellent condition. Feeling confident and impressed with the pheasant distress call , I went to the next place I had problems, I set it up and I’d no sooner got to my vantage point and turned it on and got my gun up and Charlie showed up looking for a free dinner. Well the free dinners are over for him as well . Got to say I’m impressed. It almost doesn’t seem fair , but really I don’t care , all I want is less foxes , so any edge I can get the better . Thanks to Jarvis for the heads up and thanks to best fox call for their help . 



Wow. 20 mm canon from 3 mtrs. That stopped the blighter !!   Did he do a triple backwards somersault or a triple salco along with a camel spin after catching that.

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  On 02/10/2018 at 07:42, shovel leaner said:

 one was trotting straight towards the caller . My rifle was already in position , I quickly found him with the scope and by now he was almost at the caller , he stopped about 3 meters off it and I think his last thought were “f@ck it , he’s tricked me “!!!. 



You total and utter Barlamb. The poor beast was out there minding his own business  eating all that was available  as cwiss had told him to only eat the worms and slugs when he heard one of the birds in a terrible state. He couldn't walk on by and ignore the suffering and came over to see what assistance he còuld offer and you went and shot poor Fred. Poor show. You could have asked him his business first before shooting him with a 20 mm Canon !!!  What next?  Speckled Jim!  ! ! !  Watch it right through.


Edited by Meece
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  On 02/10/2018 at 07:42, shovel leaner said:

Last year I got myself an icotec 350 , and I’ve had some success with it but mostly on cubs . After reading some of Jarvis posts he is an advocate of the distressed pheasant call . Well I’m useless on computers and don’t have a computer that can accept an SD card to load the calls . So I was at the midland game fair and called in to have a chat to the guys on the “best fox call “ stand , I explained my predicament and they handed me an SD card loaded with calls and no9 was the distressed Pheasant on the house  . They seem a nice bunch of guys and very helpful . I’ve noticed some puffs of feathers in a couple of places on the shoot over the last couple of days so last night I decided to change tactics and give the caller a good go and give it a chance . Set it out in the first field I’ve had killing in and waited . It was just getting dark and I could hear a magpie chatter . A look through the thermal and one was trotting straight towards the caller . My rifle was already in position , I quickly found him with the scope and by now he was almost at the caller , he stopped about 3 meters off it and I think his last thought were “f@ck it , he’s tricked me “!!! He was a good sized dog fox in excellent condition. Feeling confident and impressed with the pheasant distress call , I went to the next place I had problems, I set it up and I’d no sooner got to my vantage point and turned it on and got my gun up and Charlie showed up looking for a free dinner. Well the free dinners are over for him as well . Got to say I’m impressed. It almost doesn’t seem fair , but really I don’t care , all I want is less foxes , so any edge I can get the better . Thanks to Jarvis for the heads up and thanks to best fox call for their help . 



 Nice work mate! 

Two definate poult killers delt with! Last year me and a mate were out watching this fox around 350 yards away. We could have shot it but decided to call it a bit closer. We tried two different rabbit calls then a mouse call. All he did was lift his head up then carry on sniffing around. We changed to the pheasant distress and he came leathering it in like a steam train! Literally covered 100 yards in about 5 seconds! Interesting how different foxes react to different calls. I shot one two weeks ago and all I did was a tiny squeak pursing my lips together and it was nearly at my truck by time I got the rifle onto it.

all good fun trying different calls out. 

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  On 02/10/2018 at 10:57, David.evans said:

Good shooting mate 

I've got pheasant all over one of my perms , and a wood adjacent where there the pens are 

Ive used the pheasant call a hundred times , and never had a fox show any interest 

at all , on the go 500 can't believe your out first time and bag them ?Lol 

my be these foxes don't like pheasants ?



I’ve used the caller a fair bit , but I tend to drive , spot , shoot or spot them and give them a mouth squeak cos it’s a bit of a faff selecting a call and switching it on and then when you want to shoot turn it off . I don’t tend to set up and wait , but I’ve been struggling just lately to get on terms with them . I can see me adopting this tactic more now . Just goes to show that you are never to old to learn new tricks , I’m open to any suggestions . Only a fool thinks he knows it all . 

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  On 02/10/2018 at 13:43, Meece said:

You total and utter Barlamb. The poor beast was out there minding his own business  eating all that was available  as cwiss had told him to only eat the worms and slugs when he heard one of the birds in a terrible state. He couldn't walk on by and ignore the suffering and came over to see what assistance he còuld offer and you went and shot poor Fred. Poor show. You could have asked him his business first before shooting him with a 20 mm Canon !!!  What next?  Speckled Jim!  ! ! !  Watch it right through.



Meece ...... I’m worried about you ! ?

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Never fails for me SH 

chicken wings dog food and biscuits all mushed up and any old scraps of meat from the butcher 

just thrown about a 30 yard spread 

sit in your truck mate with the coffee and the thermal in one hand

rifle on the bonet ready to go 

fuc walking I’ve a metal knee 

and far to old for hiking ?lol

atb mate 


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  On 02/10/2018 at 14:28, David.evans said:

Never fails for me SH 

chicken wings dog food and biscuits all mushed up and any old scraps of meat from the butcher 

just thrown about a 30 yard spread 

sit in your truck mate with the coffee and the thermal in one hand

rifle on the bonet ready to go 

fuc walking I’ve a metal knee 

and far to old for hiking ?lol

atb mate 



? I reckon they could weigh us in for scrap when we pop our clogs . 

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  On 02/10/2018 at 14:28, David.evans said:

Never fails for me SH 

chicken wings dog food and biscuits all mushed up and any old scraps of meat from the butcher 

just thrown about a 30 yard spread 

sit in your truck mate with the coffee and the thermal in one hand

rifle on the bonet ready to go 

fuc walking I’ve a metal knee 

and far to old for hiking ?lol

atb mate 



I’m a fan also of bait and wait. If you know your ground you know common fox routes are. I just get up on the tailgate of my truck rifle on the roof with that caller and wait for them to come to me. I liken it to fishing more than lamping. 

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