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Just what i needed

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Well me and viz(Sean) went off to si,s this week end gone and as all ways the lad went out of his way to put us up and make sure we had a cracking week end ,

time was set to leave ours at 1 but ended setting off at just before 12 .


Got to Si,s just after 2ish unloaded the tank had a cuppa a bit of a chin wag then set off for some fish and chips WELL it would not be right

to go to Scarborough and NOT have fish and chips lol

Now i must say i had took the mick out of si earlier in the week as he had that cold bug that was going around but turned out i had it on the friday when at his so si got pay back on me lol

back to his another cuppa  sorted the gear and the rifles out and the time was set for us to hit the paddocks (my fav perm of si,s )

loads of rabbits time was set for around 8 ,,,830pm

time was close so we loaded the tank up and off we set got to the perm and set our selfs away now this was the first time Sean had been down to si,s and his perms but i did tell him about the electric fences (after the last time he came across them on our perm lol

as i was feeling off i only walked one field and got two one at 40 and one at 42 laser,d with the nv range finder 

i should say,d rifles were

Si,,fx impact .25 fac,,,scope and lamp

Sean fx stream line 177,,, scope and lamp

me hw100ks 177 photon nv and nv range finder

Now some of the perms had long grass and weeds so a few were lost in the long grass but ended up with 12 in the bag

Sean was having bother with his fx

one min it would be on the next off now he had had this rifle to bits as some one had been in side of it prier to him getting it

why o why do people think they have to go inside i rifle that is only three months old and a pcp at that i could understand if it was a spring rifle and had to be de,greased and re,greased any way ended up he ordered a new reg for it   and sorted it

but then it turned out the pellets were clipping the mod as well so once back at si,s si set about sorting the mod out for him

Top shot on day one was

me two

sean ,,two

SI ,,8  top shot

and a good few lost in the grass food for mr fox


Up early cuppa then jumped into the car and off we went to the shooting show stopping off on the way for our breakfast full English

mug of coffee just the way to start the day 

got to the show and i rang philpot up to see where he was 15mins away so we went in side and started to look around

Sean was taken aback with the n355 nv and what a unit this is iv not seen a nv scope that clear before

then the phone go,s and it was phil and Trish now for those of you that has not met them yet there one of the nicest couples you could meet and iv a lot of respect for them both .

any way i handed the hw97 177 blue over to them for phils mate we had a bit banter and a few laughs and off we went

Now what phil has forgotten about shot guns is more than most of us will ever know and you can tell this in the way he talks about them you just know he knows his stuff by the passion he has for them.

any way it was not nice walking around with a pocket full of money at the show but i did good only bought a hw 100 air cylinder am custom one for my hw100

some best fittings for my air bottle and three mods had a look at a few shot guns and air rifles but was taking with a little 410 shoty

£195 if i had my tickets id of bought it there and then

any way we had a good few hours there and off we went back to Si,s called into MacDonald.s for a bite to eat on the way back once back at si,s we sorted the gear out and set off back to the perms hit the big estate first and took out 7 from there then moved on to the paddocks again .

me and Sean blanked at this perm but si took out a good few but once again lost a few in the long grass

and seans rifle was playing up again turned out his scopes were fecked as well he has been well and truly stitched up on this rifle but its all sorted now i gave his a vantage sf to try and its spot on .

si was using the fx impact with the new photon on and you that use nv know if you shoot one then move to shoot another its hard to find the first one you shot   even with a lamp lol.

any way we headed back to si,s and called in to a take away for some grub and called it a night .


up early again and off we went

this time with the shot guns what a day lol

and i mean lol

me and Sean found out that we are shit with shot guns and all we did was laugh all day long shot 50+ cartridges and only hit one pigeon 

Si was off with his impact and left me and Sean to our selfs honest lads it looks easy but feck its not we laughed at each other and at our selfs at one point i thought Sean was going to wet him self he was laughing that much at his self .

even when they landed we missed them i was the one that got one in the end just as si was coming back and it was a nice head shot

even i was amazed at it mind i never got another lol and dont ask me to do it again .

any way by this time it was getting on and me and viz had to head back to our homes .

iv met some good lads on hear and yet to meet a few in person but si is like viz a brother from another mother to me

nothing i would not do for this lad

he made our week end as all ways

had a cracking week end and it was just what i needed after all the shit iv gone through in the last few weeks .

Once again my friend THANK YOU SO MUCH SI

until next time mate

atvbjimmy /sean :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:















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Nice write up and read Jimmy :good:.

              Sounds like you all had a thoroughly enjoyable weekend.

              Glad to see you back with some wind in your sails too mate.


















                                     Told you, you would get called " Jimmy Bang! Bang! " - if you keep feckin missing  :rofl: :laugh:


                                      atb  Mark. 

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Got three of these fat mods out of the seconds box £3 each

this one is the worst one out of the three si did his magic on this one for me so it would fit the hw100

but im not sure i like it on her the A&M cylinder is good mind had to be at £145 lol

and im going to put the carbon fiber mod back on as she is all set up for it







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  On 01/10/2018 at 14:19, mark williams said:

Nice write up and read Jimmy :good:.

              Sounds like you all had a thoroughly enjoyable weekend.

              Glad to see you back with some wind in your sails too mate.


















                                     Told you, you would get called " Jimmy Bang! Bang! " - if you keep feckin missing  :rofl: :laugh:


                                      atb  Mark. 


Not as easy as it looks with the shot guns

BUT its made me want one none the less Mark

totaly love it

and the over and under not so much the semi auto mind

the first shot i did was a corker held it like a air rifle despite si telling me and after his do,s and donts

pulled the trigger gun recoiled back went side ways to the right then came back to the left and i felt like it had broken my jaw lol

i remembered then i can tell you lol lol lol



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When we have another get together on the clay club this time and I will do my best to get you lads breaking a few clays so you are ready for next time on the real pigeons and if nothing else we can all have a good laugh.



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it was a great weekend, I thoroughly enjoyed it:thumbs: and you know your welcome down here any time... Sean can come too but you'll have to give me a heads up so I lock

me booze cabinet up first:laugh: haha... only kidding!

was nice to meet up with Phil and Trish again.. thanks for the offer of a day at beverly Phil, I'll be taking you up on it:yes:

top weekend all round... cheers si 

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Defo sounded like it was a weekend you needed ?... Nice write up to... I've had a couple of goes with a shotgun and I can't hit a barn door, was up in Norfolk a few Weeks ago for my brothers 60th and his daughters had arranged a days clay shooting, not many clays were shot that day haha. 

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  On 02/10/2018 at 14:09, Phill-W68 said:

Defo sounded like it was a weekend you needed ?... Nice write up to... I've had a couple of goes with a shotgun and I can't hit a barn door, was up in Norfolk a few Weeks ago for my brothers 60th and his daughters had arranged a days clay shooting, not many clays were shot that day haha. 


haha... its an eye opener Phil, I thought id be good at it and was bloody awful!

its not what people think.. you dont just pull the trigger and what ever is in front of you dies! theres a proper art form to it.

that I aint got yet! :wallbash:

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  On 02/10/2018 at 20:54, si brown said:

haha... its an eye opener Phil, I thought id be good at it and was bloody awful!

its not what people think.. you dont just pull the trigger and what ever is in front of you dies! theres a proper art form to it.

that I aint got yet! :wallbash:


I've actually tried it 3 times now and it's defo not for me.. ? ?, I,ll stick with the air rifle 

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