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hi all im looking for some advice my lurcher got an abcess on her toe 2 weeks ago the vet gave me antibiotics for it which helped but she was still left with a hard lump so i went back to the vets and i got more antibiotics after this course she still had the lump but she is in no pain with it she is runnuing around fine u can givre it a good squeeze and it doesnt bother her so i went back to the vets today she is booked in for an xray to see if there is anything in the lump the vet said she mite hav to lose her toe which i would be gutted over its the outside toe on her back leg how would this affect her workig abillities will she still be the same dog without the toe any advice would be helpful hopefully she wont need it took off thanks

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My last lurcher dislocated her toe on jan 1st 2006 and thevet said they could fix it but there was a chance that it would bother her later on with arthriets etc so we got it removed. The inside to on her back right leg. Didn't make one piece of diferance to her. There is no way you would have noticed unless you took a close look at her foot.

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Taking the toe off should be a very last resort: and if the lump is not bothering her at all I'd be inclined to leave it: is your vet a Greyhound vet or just a pet dog vet? Makes a big difference you know. Pet vets just don't realise the implications of taking toes off a working lurcher which needs to turn at speed on rough ground etc.

We've only ever had to have 2 toes removed from lurchers, and both times it affected their turning abiltiy and damaged their shoulders after a season's work with no toe: they were both outside front toes.

Get a second opionion from a good Greyhound vet before you go down the amputation road: you can't stick the toe back on once its gone!

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Taking the toe off should be a very last resort: and if the lump is not bothering her at all I'd be inclined to leave it: is your vet a Greyhound vet or just a pet dog vet? Makes a big difference you know. Pet vets just don't realise the implications of taking toes off a working lurcher which needs to turn at speed on rough ground etc.

We've only ever had to have 2 toes removed from lurchers, and both times it affected their turning abiltiy and damaged their shoulders after a season's work with no toe: they were both outside front toes.

Get a second opionion from a good Greyhound vet before you go down the amputation road: you can't stick the toe back on once its gone!

my vet is just a pet vet i also have the same doubts as your self thanks for your advice

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