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No getting out of paying for GP fees anymore

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Nottinghamshire Police says it is committed to ensuring the safety of the members of the public and of gun users with changes to the firearms licensing system.

With immediate effect every person who applies for a new firearms, shotgun or explosives licence will be required to provide medical information verified by a GP.




Previously if an applicant failed to provide medical information, an assumption was made, that they were safe to use firearms. We are no longer prepared to accept that risk. “Our priority will always be to ensure the safety of everyone within Nottinghamshire. We believe these changes enable us to achieve this”



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They just want to pass the "assumption" onto the doctors. Last year I refused to pay my doctor for a report. I visited him and said that I am meeting my legal requirements so he didn't send a rep

No of course it wouldn’t, that’s what I’m saying, it all started with one chief constable, no one questioned it, or challenged it, or took it through the legal channels, others forces have obviously b

Upon what law does plod base this idea on?  Is it the usual make it up they go along syndrome?  Anyway when I  go to the doctors I  hardly ever see the same one  so how can they give a Balanced  opini

Upon what law does plod base this idea on?  Is it the usual make it up they go along syndrome?  Anyway when I  go to the doctors I  hardly ever see the same one  so how can they give a Balanced  opinion on what I'm like with a five minute consultation?

Carrying on like this discredits plod. They should be a servant that we pay for implementing laws passed by parliament not making up arbitrary laws to make it look like their important. Or is it more back door taxation ? 

Edited by Meece
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"With immediate effect every person who applies for a new firearms, shotgun or explosives licence will be required to provide medical information verified by a GP."

So, what does that mean, we already declare any medical history and the Police can check with your GP anyway! :hmm:


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They just want to pass the "assumption" onto the doctors.

Last year I refused to pay my doctor for a report. I visited him and said that I am meeting my legal requirements so he didn't send a report. Licence renewed as per normal.

Just how can a general practitioner tell who is going to be a nutter or not?

Besides, would it not be better for the public's general safety if they chopped thieves hands off, branded peodos on the forehead, executed drug dealers, put louts in stocks for a day and supplied schools with hazel wands?

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I’ve been signing the box on my firearms saying that they can check with my doctor for years  . I’ve got no problem with it . Trouble is someone who is having mental health issues is less likely to seek the help they need for fear of losing their license. This is more of an issue for the likes of keepers who need firearms for their job .

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Sacs have been fighting this for a while now! If wanted to work back at sea I'd need to pay a GP for my medical same with wagon drivers. I'm lucky mine doesn't charge yet, but if he did I'd just pay it, about £25 I heard, its just another way for them to make money, but like the British always do, roll over and take it think of England ?

It's annoying that nhs GPs are a business rather than a service these days. The wife had to pay £60 to her GP when her mum died to get her holiday money back from the insurance as a death certificate isn't proof. We're been swindled at every post, but we sit and take it. 

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  On 15/09/2018 at 05:30, Deker said:

"With immediate effect every person who applies for a new firearms, shotgun or explosives licence will be required to provide medical information verified by a GP."

So, what does that mean, we already declare any medical history and the Police can check with your GP anyway! :hmm:



True, but it saves them the bother. They’re passing that part of their job onto us by doing this I would think??

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Why is it that everyone is just accepting this as a requirement  and accepting this without even questioning it . Yeah , although  they might be asking for this what legal basis for this?  Is there a link ? Its about the same as wanting / demanding a  mentor. That stupid idea was knocked on The head and chief constables advised /told not to ask for mentors.

In the initial link text there is this..... quote.... Current Home Office guidance states that if a police force does not receive a response to their request for medical information from the applicant’s GP, they should assume there are no medical issues and grant the applicant a licence.

so basically this request for a medical certificate is just forces making it up as they go along. There's no legal justification for it and it should be challenged with fuĺl vigour. Especially by the shooting orgs. Taxation and control by the back door. 

Edited by Meece
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  On 15/09/2018 at 18:10, Meece said:

Why is it that everyone is just accepting this as a requirement  and accepting this without even questioning it . Yeah , although  they might be asking for this what legal basis for this?  Is there a link ? Its about the same as wanting / demanding a  mentor. That stupid idea was knocked on The head and chief constables advised /told not to ask for mentors.

In the initial link text there is this..... quote.... Current Home Office guidance states that if a police force does not receive a response to their request for medical information from the applicant’s GP, they should assume there are no medical issues and grant the applicant a licence.

so basically this request for a medical certificate is just forces making it up as they go along. There's no legal justification for it and it should be challenged with fuĺl vigour. Especially by the shooting orgs. Taxation and control by the back door. 


Notts has a history of making it up as they go along! My FAC renewal is in 2019 and I'll be putting a bit of weight on BASC over this.

Trouble is it's hard to contend with the standard "if it saves one child's life..." bollocks. Notts currently seem to have a violent crime epidemic which makes the sceptic in me ponder. :hmm:

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  On 15/09/2018 at 18:51, Born Hunter said:

Notts has a history of making it up as they go along! My FAC renewal is in 2019 and I'll be putting a bit of weight on BASC over this.


We all had better get on with representation immediately.  In your case its only next year. I didn't know that Kent was up to this trick.there was no mention of it when I had my last renewal. 

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I raised this on here last year I think it was, From memory I think it was Notts chief constable on the tv about it, (gut feeling says it was something on countryfile about coursing)saying it would be an instant refusal if you didn't pay.


Personally, it's not the money thing that bothers me, although I guess it will affect some folk, it's the fact they are making up there own laws, if it was brought in as law, and every county ran from the same rule book, I wouldn't have a problem, what I don't like is each county having a different set of rules to suit whatever they choose, I've said it before, too many grey areas on this subject that are open to interpretation, I like stuff in black and white.

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thing with this is we are all entitled by law to own firearms if we have a reason to own them, plod has to find a reason to block it, all this sheite is just an easy way for them to come up with a reason for refusal, nothing more than that and the groups that take our money in the name of defending our rights do f/all to actually protect them. Not sure of the logic they use in their decisions, it may be that they think if they make too much fuss the law could/would be changed in a more negative way (bit like Scotland with the airgun laws) but the b*****ds could do far more than they do now

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